I am running Mandrake 7.2 with the latest updates of kppp, netscape and
Konqueror. I have an external modem on tty0 which connects using kppp
without difficulty. I have just lost my slow/unreliable DSL connection,
and replaced it with a 56k dial-up. 

For some reason, which escapes me at present, I am unable to get
netscape (or the rest of the system for that matter) to recognize the
change. The modem dials and connects without difficulty but the I cannot
resolve addresses in Netscape or Konqueror. I have changed
etc/resolve.conf to reflect the change in DNS servers. It appears the
requests are not being transmitted to the modem, as the lights do not
flash and no packets are noted in the log screen. I think the system is
still trying to resolve addresses through the ethernet connection to the
router. Is there something in networking I need to change to get the
system to recognize the dialup connection?

James Mellema
Linux User #71650

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