Another kind user suggested I try 'ifup ppp0'. Unfortunately, I had to
ctl-c out of it and I got an error 8 when it couldn't actiate the
interface. I haven't figured out what that exactly means yet.

So I thought maybe I should try re-loading the pcmcia package (I'm
having the same issue with my formerly working laptop). I noticed 'lynx'
the text based browser.  So I thought I'd try to laucnh that. I did so
at first without launching kppp. Just to see. Couldn't find the
linux-mandrake site of course. So I then launched kppp via the
'internet' icon on the KDE desktop. After it connected I restarted Lynx.
Lo and behold!!! There's a response!  Then I started netscape and it too
was ok! I quit lynx and held my breath. All was still good!

Now dear souls, any ideas why Lynx started ok and Netscape never did?
The question too, will it start netscape again if I reboot, or will I
have to launch Lynx, then netscape? I'll have to try this on the desktop
when I get home next week.


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