And I have the same issue with my internal modem. My Dell Latitude laptop took
everything ok and I can connect, but not my main box. I even set up both
systems (the net connection stuff that is) the same.


James Mellema wrote:

> A quick reply to my own message here. kppp works OK, I can ping the
> network I am connecting to, I just can't get netscape to recognize the
> connection.
> Jim
> James Mellema wrote:
> >
> > I am running Mandrake 7.2 with the latest updates of kppp, netscape and
> > Konqueror. I have an external modem on tty0 which connects using kppp
> > without difficulty. I have just lost my slow/unreliable DSL connection,
> > and replaced it with a 56k dial-up.
> >
> > For some reason, which escapes me at present, I am unable to get
> > netscape (or the rest of the system for that matter) to recognize the
> > change. The modem dials and connects without difficulty but the I cannot
> > resolve addresses in Netscape or Konqueror. I have changed
> > etc/resolve.conf to reflect the change in DNS servers. It appears the
> > requests are not being transmitted to the modem, as the lights do not
> > flash and no packets are noted in the log screen. I think the system is
> > still trying to resolve addresses through the ethernet connection to the
> > router. Is there something in networking I need to change to get the
> > system to recognize the dialup connection?
> >
> > Jim
> > ----------
> > James Mellema
> > -------------------------
> > Linux User #71650

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