Dell offers Linux already installed but it is RedHat.

Tim Holmes wrote:
> That's odd... because I remember reading some place that Compaq and
> DELL both shipped like 15% of their machines a year with a Linux OS,
> mainly RedHat.  (I don't remember the number, I just tossed 15% in
> there for the comment.)  I think it came from a "RedHat" site, so it
> may have been publicity for RedHat, which is not uncommon for them.
> But I was under the impression that DELL and Compaq both would ship a
> desktop with Linux installed.  I'm not sure about laptops, but desktops
> they would.  Maybe I'll have to research this...
> But it is nice to call tech support for a company, if needed, and
> they'll offer Linux support even though they don't officially offer it.
> Just goes to show how the "Linux Networking" of users handles itself.
> tdh
> T. Holmes
> -----------------
> -----------------
> "Real Men Us Vi!"
> | On Fri, 15 Jun 2001 17:35:31 -0600, you wrote:
> |
> | >On Fri, 15 Jun 2001, you wrote:
> | >> That is now changing with some of the big computer companies, including
> | >> Dell. They offer the option to have Linux or Windows installed.
> | >
> | >Dell does offer Linux or windows on their server line, nut not on desktops or
> | >laptops.  At least that is what they told me when i bought my Lattitude CPx.
> | >Their service agreement does not cover a linux machine, and if you even
> | >install it as a dual boot, it will void your service policy.
> |
> | I have a Compaq, and one day needed to call their customer
> | support...the guy I spoke with was pretty cool, so I asked him if they
> | supported a machine if I was to install Linux on, as a dual-boot
> | system. His reply was pretty funny - he said "no, we don't support
> | that...."
> |
> | and continued, with a nudge and a wink in his tone:
> |
> | "...IF YOU TELL US!"
> |
> | peace,
> |
> | Rog
> |
> |  "The effort _must_ be there
> |    before the talent can be applied."
> |       -Bobby Holik
> |
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------

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