On Saturday 16 June 2001 10:15, jennifer wrote:
>  If you think thtaa micro$oft having your password is bad,
> think of this....
> One company, huge monopoly, solely responsible for the source
> code on the worlds business and home computers for the past 20
> years....
> What if they were secretly implanting code in all there Os's
> that could shut down all systems on a specified date, unless
> we, the people submitted to Mr. Gates demands.
> Far-fetched yes, but impossible? My worry is not about
> micro$ofts monopoly...It is with the stringent secrecy in
> which the develop their products.

You go girl!

Well, if you want to get back-doored by someone armed with the 
knowledge that the encryption can be broken on part of NT by 
using 62-character slide rule encryption on the string "Netscape 
engineers are weenies!!!" (backwards), or if you really don't 
care that every windows system shipped had a secret NSA key for 
encryption services which could likely be used to load security 
software onto your machine without your knowledge 
(http://www.cryptonym.com).  Go ahead, Use Windows.

And the access that Microsoft had to the core of their secret 
operating system allowed them to write killer apps that soon 
extinguished the competition who had to use the Application 
Programming Interfaces (APIs) that windows exposed.  The result 
is that Office can't run under WINE (cause it doesn't use 
standard APIs) and putting Office or IIS or FrontPage Extensions 
on NT and 2000, which really can be expected to be about as 
secure as an immature unix, leaves them with superhighways to 
the kernel for script kiddies to ride.  Go ahead, use windows.

And if you have a lot of money and don't mind parting with it to 
make the world's richest man a little richer.  Go ahead, use 

And if you really don't care that greedy corporations keep 
scientific and technological information secret and buy 
ridiculous laws to protect intellectual property that has the 
effect of making scientists stand on each others feet instead of 
on each others shoulders, Go ahead, use windows.

And if you really want to make the world a worse place to live 
by voting approval of the predatory practices of corporations 
with your dollars, go ahead, use windows.


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