On Sat, 16 Jun 2001 03:01:09 -0400, you wrote:

>That's odd... because I remember reading some place that Compaq and
>DELL both shipped like 15% of their machines a year with a Linux OS,
>mainly RedHat.  (I don't remember the number, I just tossed 15% in
>there for the comment.)  I think it came from a "RedHat" site, so it
>may have been publicity for RedHat, which is not uncommon for them.

The guy told me the reason is that with all the distros out there, it
would be cost prohibitive to have their support staff ready for any
problems with any of them...sounded logical enough to me...

>But I was under the impression that DELL and Compaq both would ship a
>desktop with Linux installed.  I'm not sure about laptops, but desktops
>they would.  Maybe I'll have to research this...
>But it is nice to call tech support for a company, if needed, and
>they'll offer Linux support even though they don't officially offer it.
>Just goes to show how the "Linux Networking" of users handles itself.

That's one thing I will say for Compaq (and I won't say much); their
cust support was really good. They even helped me with something for
free after my support had run out...

>T. Holmes
>"Real Men Us Vi!"
>| On Fri, 15 Jun 2001 17:35:31 -0600, you wrote:
>| >On Fri, 15 Jun 2001, you wrote:
>| >> That is now changing with some of the big computer companies, including
>| >> Dell. They offer the option to have Linux or Windows installed.
>| >
>| >Dell does offer Linux or windows on their server line, nut not on desktops or 
>| >laptops.  At least that is what they told me when i bought my Lattitude CPx.  
>| >Their service agreement does not cover a linux machine, and if you even 
>| >install it as a dual boot, it will void your service policy.  
>| I have a Compaq, and one day needed to call their customer
>| support...the guy I spoke with was pretty cool, so I asked him if they
>| supported a machine if I was to install Linux on, as a dual-boot
>| system. His reply was pretty funny - he said "no, we don't support
>| that...."
>| and continued, with a nudge and a wink in his tone:
>| "...IF YOU TELL US!"
>| peace,
>| Rog
>|  "The effort _must_ be there
>|    before the talent can be applied."
>|       -Bobby Holik
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------ 



 "The effort _must_ be there
   before the talent can be applied."
      -Bobby Holik

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