I agree with Paul.  It all depends on what you do with your Linux box.

Myself, I'm an admin amongst many other things.  I write scripts, I test
software, as well as fixing other things that don't require root access,
or another kind of access.

Even when I'm doing something that does require root access, I may edit
the file as another user, then as root go in and paste in my edits, or
quickly su to root, do what I have to do and then log off as root.

But I'm the kind of person that does 80% or more of his work via the
console.  I'm just not a GUI kinda man! (lol)  

I use Enlightenment as my windows manager, and I have currently ahve 108
desktops that use.  On of which has about 8 xterms sitting there waiting
for me to log back in as root and do something.  When I'm done I log out
(For security issues) and then go back to what else I was doing.

I do play some basic games like tetris and lbreakout, but other then
that it's  mainly work in xterms all over the place.  But I don't find
it a problem with su'ing to root to then  finish something or do some
work.  Then again I type very fast and it's just another short command
for me to rattle off with no problem, and even less amount of time.

T. Holmes
"Real Men Us Vi!"

 8:31AM  up 8 days, 22:24, 11 users, load averages: 0.04, 0.03, 0.00

| > I am interested to know, how many of you, actually use a non-root account to
| > get work done. Since there is so many risks of constantly using a root
| > account, how in the world are you supposed to get work done without being
| > logged in as root??
| I think that this depends a lot on the work that one does on a linux machine.
| I program (C), write reports (Abiword), create webpages (Quanta and vi),
| work with spreadsheets (Gnumeric), play a bit with graphics (Gimp), etc.
| I also write plenty of scripts, but none of them have given me trouble so
| far.
| Perhaps you could tell us an example that bothers you?
| Paul

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