> I must agree with you. But, being new to Linux, there is not much I
> *can* do without the GUI. Is there a resource out there for Mandrake/KDE
> that would detail all the keyboard shortcuts you can use?? I know a
> volume could be written about something like VI or Emacs, but I'm more
> interested in some of the basic tasks like "windows Key" (or penguin
> key, if you so desire) plus "something else" to bring up an xterm. What
> about bringing up the SU-xterm very quickly?? I'm sort of like a crack
> addict that can wait for the lighter to spark. Very impatient.

Have you installed the Kde users manual ? If so the keyboard shortcut table 
is listed in sec 7.1

Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those irritated 
by it)

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