Paul wrote:
> Tim wrote:
> > Even when I'm doing something that does require root access, I may edit
> > the file as another user, then as root go in and paste in my edits, or
> > quickly su to root, do what I have to do and then log off as root.
> That latter is how I manage my box also. There's a bunch of xterms open on
> each virtual desktop, so I can always quickly su, do the root thing, and
> exit out of there.
> > But I'm the kind of person that does 80% or more of his work via the
> > console.  I'm just not a GUI kinda man! (lol)
> My GUI needs are also very basic. I am lost without a prompt ;)
> I even start things like quanta and gimp from xterms... Much faster than all
> the mouse action.
> Paul

I must agree with you. But, being new to Linux, there is not much I
*can* do without the GUI. Is there a resource out there for Mandrake/KDE
that would detail all the keyboard shortcuts you can use?? I know a
volume could be written about something like VI or Emacs, but I'm more
interested in some of the basic tasks like "windows Key" (or penguin
key, if you so desire) plus "something else" to bring up an xterm. What
about bringing up the SU-xterm very quickly?? I'm sort of like a crack
addict that can wait for the lighter to spark. Very impatient.

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