
You can take Windows fonts and use them in Linux.

AFAIK, you can do so legally on a dual boot machine where you have
Windows legally installed.

I can't tell you the step-by-step of how to do it -- I think it's been
mentioned in this thread or elsewhere on the list -- I've done this by
following instructions from the list.

Aside: The procedure I followed got the fonts into Linux to be used by
most applications, but I still haven't figured out how to make them work
in KDE -- I can never find them listed in any of the KDE font
configuration tools (general or app specific).

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Romanator wrote:
> Drakfont provides its own Windows font but I don't think that they are
> fonts provided by Microsoft. Microsoft would never provide Linux with
> their fonts. However, if you find some sort of workaround, please let me
> know what steps you took to import them into your Linux box.

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