I just got around to this post after going through my email.  Just wanted to make
a few quick comments.

Windows9x CAN survive with out IE, but IE is there way in.  That's how they keep
tabs on what's going on the machine, and that's how they update the OS.  Ever
wonder why an update for IE is 17-20 MG?  About 70% of IE is a 'Service Pack' for
Windows9x.  There are about 2,000+ registry "tweaks & hacks" when installing IE
5.  That's how they really update and modify the OS.  However MS doesn't want
that to be public knowledge.

MS contridicts themselves and render slaps to their own collective faces, but
they have a department of lawyers to point out something to somebody else, or
cover it up with minimal damage.  Because of which they've been almost
untouchable.  The only company that could really go after MS, and do any damage,
has no interest in doing so.  And that would be Xerox.

T. Holmes
"Real Men Us Vi!"

12:56PM  up 1 day,  1:17, 7 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00
| MS, I must admit, did a great job of putting "a computer on every desk in 
| every home" (Bill Gates). In the more developed nations, this is mostly a 
| reality, hence the saturated market that has been a (one of many) cause of 
| the technology market slump. It can be argued that the markets in poorer 
| nations are mostly saturated as well, since most people cannot afford to pay 
| the "Microsoft Tax" on top of their hardware (if they can even afford that).
| Now is the time for Windows to move over, for it has outlived its usefulness. 
| A key to the revival of the global ecomomy, IMHO, is cheaper software -- 
| exemplified by GNU/Linux. This in turn creates cheaper hardware, since nobody 
| will be forced to pay the Microsoft Tax. Cheaper computers mean more people 
| can afford to buy them (especially in poorer nations), and companies will be 
| getting better value for money (what better value is there than free?). 
| People have computers, but nothing truly useful to run on them. WinDOS is a 
| burden on computer systems, slowing them down. People have grown more 
| accustomed to computers, and many would like to take the next step to 
| something better -- GNU/Linux. It may not be there quite yet, but it's 
| definitely getting there.
| -- 
| Sridhar Dhanapalan.
|       "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
|       LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
|               -- Jeremy S. Anderson
                        Your Fortune
"The Computer made me do it."

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