Microsoft is considered a great company by many; it can be
argued that they are great because of innovative ideas ... Will
.NET be considered amazing by many? Will Windows XP succeed? 

Can one honestly say that Micro$soft has such a huge presence
mostly because of unfair business practices? 

Their goal is to have as much power in as many areas of computer
technology as possible. While some of their tactics have been
illegal, the same amount of  time has elapsed for *every company
to have innovative ideas.

Along with power, the Company has amassed a great deal of money
... research and development over the years has produced
innovative ideas, and * some cut-throat business practices (not
ALL) which have been difficult to stop...but what keeps them
"legit", I guess, (I'm only trying to be objective here ... I'm
just an inexperienced person curious about computers who is
jumping on the linux bandwagon with not a lot of ease, having a
real problem with the M$ monopoly) is their innovation. It seems
a bit unfair to say that M$ has not been innovative, both from a
marketing and technological standpoint.

BUT ... I hope that in the future, kids, adults, businesses,
*everyone will experience a world where Micro$oft NO LONGER has
an enormous share in *everything related to computers, and where
there are many more companies that can call themselves no less
dominant than Micro$oft.


> >> linux still has some problems for the average user, but at
> the same
> time it has been rapidly progressing since the command-line
> based
> Slackware 2/3 days. <<
> I agree and look forward to the progress of the next few
> months. Let's
> all hope that by the time Windows XP comes out, Linux will
> make more
> strides toward user friendliness because I do think more
> Windows users
> will be looking for a way out of Microsoft's clutches.
>  --Judy Miner

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