On Thursday 26 July 2001 15:26, John Rigby wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Well, I purchased the official M8 Powerbox ( to avoid any problems
> with install) - in Oz it costs twice the price of USA - $140
> After two weeks of at least half a day every day - asking for and
> getting great support here, it seems time to call a halt .
> The distro install is definitely deteorating - like my adrenalin
> reserves :-)
O.K., I'll probably get flamed for this, but I, too, had multiple problems 
with version 8.0, across multiple installs.  Total lockups required hitting 
the reset button (something I've had to do maybe 3 times in 4 years with 
linux) happened at least twice a week.  DNS problems which would come and 
go--sometimes dns worked, sometimes the browser would hang resolving 
hostname, and would require the kill command to close it.  Ghost windows 
staying after I killed the proc, etc.  And processes would sometimes take an 
inordinate amount of time to complete on my P233 developmental box that I had 
it installed on.  After the third install I finally just went back to 7.2 and 
the problems have ALL GONE AWAY.  I know there are lots of people out there 
that have had no problems with 8.0, but I'm not one of them.


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