I too have had some very strange problems with LM 8.0.

My desktop took an inordinate amount of time to load the system with the
installer pausing in the middle of program loads for 20 or 30 seconds. It took
about 3 hours to load.

With my laptop, the software update manager does not work properly, and the
network connection disappears and re-appears at random.

I have posted to this list but have not had a reply.

None of these problems existed in LM 7.2. I built my CD's using Adaptec programs
on a WinNT 4.0 system so the CD's may not be burned properly. I did the same for
my LM 7.2 and had no problems though...

I think I will re-load 7.2 on the laptop and upgrade individual systems as

Lots of luck... Tom.

erylon hines wrote:

> On Thursday 26 July 2001 15:26, John Rigby wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > Well, I purchased the official M8 Powerbox ( to avoid any problems
> > with install) - in Oz it costs twice the price of USA - $140
> > After two weeks of at least half a day every day - asking for and
> > getting great support here, it seems time to call a halt .
> >
> > The distro install is definitely deteorating - like my adrenalin
> > reserves :-)
> >
> >
> O.K., I'll probably get flamed for this, but I, too, had multiple problems
> with version 8.0, across multiple installs.  Total lockups required hitting
> the reset button (something I've had to do maybe 3 times in 4 years with
> linux) happened at least twice a week.  DNS problems which would come and
> go--sometimes dns worked, sometimes the browser would hang resolving
> hostname, and would require the kill command to close it.  Ghost windows
> staying after I killed the proc, etc.  And processes would sometimes take an
> inordinate amount of time to complete on my P233 developmental box that I had
> it installed on.  After the third install I finally just went back to 7.2 and
> the problems have ALL GONE AWAY.  I know there are lots of people out there
> that have had no problems with 8.0, but I'm not one of them.
> eryl

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