well, this looks like my opretunity to see if I am filtered. I believe you 
must have some services running that you should not or at least do not need. 
you are not running a server as much as a desktop at this time? what happens 
when you log into a different console (ie; ctrl+alt+f4 or any f1to6) as root 
and type "top" with out the quotes?

if you ain't even gonna read it why should i type it?

On Thursday 26 July 2001 18:26, you had thoughts to the concept of:
> Hi folks,
> Well, I purchased the official M8 Powerbox ( to avoid any problems
> with install) - in Oz it costs twice the price of USA - $140
> After two weeks of at least half a day every day - asking for and
> getting great support here, it seems time to call a halt .
> The distro install is definitely deteorating - like my adrenalin
> reserves :-)

ahhh, getting worse?
> I didn't have this many problems doing my first ever Concurrent-Dos
> Network twenty years ago, when my only "expert" quit suddenly and
> left me with the job.
> Side Note: I am an industrial psychologist. I NEVER tuned my own car
> :-).
> Possible causes:
> 1. Either it is my machine.
> 2. It is the Disks/Distro itself faulty.
> 3. My efforts at getting progs to work have broken it.
> 1. The machine EVEN runs W98SE with the only fault being the famous
> memory leak under heavy use. I can keep it going all day!
> 2.  It seemed ok. Even though by accident of accepting all the
> defaults I could see, resulted in my installing a full Server
> version.  It was very fast to get up and connect to the inet.
> 3. Till 48 hours ago, the problems seemed typical Newby. " Where's
> the bathroom? Now, how do I flush?"
> Then the neg reports/events began:
> As of this A.M.:
> 1. On startup many problems are reported - particularly relating to
> Disk Partitions.  e.g. "blocks 64 should be 8 -fixed"(see 3)
> 2. On Logout, sometimes it offers a login alternative screen,
> sometimes it simply boots back into the default user - and continues
> the problem.
> 3. On Shutdown it reports numerous and seemingly increasing problems
> - particularly with both CDs and "devices".
> 4. PPP dies unexpectedly regularly.
> 5. Kmail will suddenly "whiteout" and only a logout will help. This
> costs the loss of the display details of the KPPP.  It is still
> connected, but no display of the fact is available.
> 6. Intense Disk activity (thrashing in the Doze world) has caused
> lockup 3 times in 2 days.  Always involving Kmail.
> (VERY frustrating to duplicate 100+ emails downloaded! )
> Resolved by hitting cancel button on display saying ( each reboot)
> "indexing".
> ( On startup not relog, a display of "Gnome is searching for Trash
> bins" also appears and has to be cancelled. It does not go away.)
> 7.  A Gnome Desktop has appeared on Dtop 4 and is un-cancellable
> 8.  Hitting the Kill option has no effect on the locked-up programs.
> In the now severe cases. the final event is reminescent of the
> "B.S.O.D." of Doze. Only recourse is a reboot.
> If it was a horse, I would "put it down" - it seems in great pain. :-)
> NOW:  If I decide to start again, does this seem like:
> 1.  Simple install interference?
> 2.  Something broke? ( I have under advice hit the update button)
> 3. Only foreign body introduced was IBM's Websphere which brings Wine
> with it......   All others were part of the Distro.
> How would you suggest I re-install?
> 1. Uninstall
> 2. Delete entire partition.
> 3. Send away for new disks. ( Another week lost)
> Thanks again for all the fish folks, I promise that I'm trying to do
> my bit to come up with THAT Newby FAQ/Gotcha list. But I didn't
> expect to be the MAIN contributor :-)

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