Hi Sridhar,

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 14:45, you manipulated electrons to produce:

> Actually, the price is about the same when you take into account
> the exchange rate (about $US1 = $A2 at present).

THAT is the fiction of "Foreign Exchange" - don't get me started on 
that ! :-)  Believe me, if you LIVE there and EARN there it is not 

> > 1. The machine EVEN runs W98SE with the only fault being the
> > famous memory leak under heavy use. I can keep it going all day!
> Wow, that's amazing! I used to reboot several times a day! With
> GNU/Linux, I only reboot (and not out of necessity) once or twice a
> week (I keep my machine on all the time).

>******** Oh yes, Doze I KNOW.  There are tricks - like keeping an 
old donkey moving........ better to get a horse. 

> If you use the Ext2 filesystem (the default), the machine will
> execute a file system check (fsck) on bootup if you didn't shut
> down correctly. It will also issue a periodic checkup after a
> certain number of boots (I've forgotten how many). This is normal.
********* Well, we certainly aren't getting to shut down 
> > 2. On Logout, sometimes it offers a login alternative screen,
> > sometimes it simply boots back into the default user - and
> > continues the problem.
> That's odd -- things should be consistent here. I'm not sure about
> this one. 
************** I do have an auto login running, but it shouldn't be 
effective AFTER a logout, should it? 

> > 3. On Shutdown it reports numerous and seemingly increasing
> > problems - particularly with both CDs and "devices".
> What are the "problems"? Sometimes these are not "problems" at all
> (but then again, sometimes they are).

************* Too many to list readily.  Scroll rate faster than I 
can recall. But, they are increasing.  
> > 4. PPP dies unexpectedly regularly.
> You mean you get disconnected from the Internet? This could be a
> problem with your ISP, or from being logged in for too long, or
> maybe from an idle connection. 

*********** Can't tell for sure - it offers to run a log, then fails 
to do so.  But only having the problem under Mandrake - no probs all 
day under Doze. 
> > 5. Kmail will suddenly "whiteout" and only a logout will help.
> > This costs the loss of the display details of the KPPP.  It is
> > still connected, but no display of the fact is available.
> Turn off interval mail checking in KMail. Also, have you considered
> another client, like Evolution or Aethera, or maybe even Mozilla
> Mail? Wait for KDE 2.2 (due out on Aug 6). Maybe things will be
> fixed in there.
**************** Thought I'd wait for it - mail hassles in converting 
I don't need - only just finished cross-sending over two hundred as 
nothing translated them. 

> > 6. Intense Disk activity (thrashing in the Doze world) has caused
> > lockup 3 times in 2 days.  Always involving Kmail.
> > (VERY frustrating to duplicate 100+ emails downloaded! )
> > Resolved by hitting cancel button on display saying ( each
> > reboot) "indexing".
> Try going to /home/username/Mail (after closing all instances of
> KMail) and delete all files with the extensions ".sorted" and
> ".index". Now reload KMail. I find that this can often fix KMail
> errors.
************* Don't have any there. 

> > ( On startup not relog, a display of "Gnome is searching for
> > Trash bins" also appears and has to be cancelled. It does not go
> > away.)
> >
> > 7.  A Gnome Desktop has appeared on Dtop 4 and is un-cancellable
> I assume you are using KDE? Have you tried logging out from GNOME?
> This should leave only KDE. When you exit from KDE, make sure that
> your session is saved (there's an option for this in the Control
> Centre). When you next log in, there should be no more GNOME.
****************I'm actually not logged in to Gnome. There is no 
option to log out. On the Gnome screen the Taskbar is still KDE
> > 8.  Hitting the Kill option has no effect on the locked-up
> > programs. In the now severe cases. the final event is reminescent
> > of the "B.S.O.D." of Doze. Only recourse is a reboot.
> In almost all cases, a reboot is unnecessary. Some apps don't die
> with an ordinary kill (e.g. as done through xkill). If you use an
> app like gtop (there are KDE equivalents, but I don't know them),
> you should have options to issue stronger kills than what is
> standard. Sometimes I find that this is necessary (although I do
> the same thing through a command line).
********** With the severe lockup I don't have access to the keyboard 
any longer.  For options beyond Kill - I haven't the knowhow yet.

> Before you reinstall, try using other environments besides KDE. I
> personally find GNOME/Sawfish (i.e. not loaded inside KDE) to be
> far more stable (in face, rock-solid) than KDE. Other users find
> that the opposite is the case for them. Try a few alternatives and
> see what works best. You may even begin to like them :-)

********** Well, I would prefer not to do the whole thing again, but 
time is running out on me and it looks like a hybrid will be my only 
choice - Win4Lin - and live with it.  I will see what is involved on 
the morrow - it is near 11pm here and except for "natural functions" 
I've been on line since 6:30 AM.  Not smart at my age and stage. :-)
> > How would you suggest I re-install?
> > 1. Uninstall
> > 2. Delete entire partition.
> > 3. Send away for new disks. ( Another week lost)
> The discs seem fine (if you managed to install then generally
> you're alright). If you really want to start afresh, you should
> rerun the installation and use the option to format your GNU/Linux
> partition before installing onto it. This time, you may want to use
> the Reiser File System (ReiserFS) instead of Ext2.

********* I actually thought that was the new default. 

Thanks again for all the help,

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