Hi Miark & folks,

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001 01:54, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> I've never tried voice recognition, so I don't know. I think
> there might have been something about it on this list too,
> but
> that was probably regarding Wine rather than Win4Lin. Good
> question.
> At any rate, it would be a problem only with _recording_
> sound. Playing back sound works flawlessly.

******* Have since been told officially: can not record via W4L. No 
plans to implement it either....... !  :-(
> > The only negative thing is having to trash my drives and
> > reload  everything again!
> I dual boot to Mandrake 8.0 and Win200. I didn't trash my
> Windows
> partitions when Installed Win4Lin. In fact, I've set it up
> to use
>  my data files seamlessly between Windows and Win4Lin.

******** Have been tryting to get to undersatand the W4L install,  
but small things like system trashing keep interrupting.. :-)
My  take was you had to virtually start with a clean system. 
So, you actually installed w4l into M8?
Then added Win98 via it as a new install? 
AND kept all your data?
BUT of course would lose all the installed programs?

> > I've got gigabytes of programs. I thought all you had to
>> do was  install win4 on top of an existing Linux system that still
>> had a Windoze partition (or two).
> That would be nice, but they're not there yet. 
> > Any Newby-type hints from the install process?
> One big tip, though: Win4Lin acts as an entirely different
> computer
> on your home network, so make certain to give it a different
> IP
> address than the Linux box you put it on.
> > Were you on M8?
> Yes.
> > What Doze ver?
> Dual boot to Win2000; Win4Lin ran Win98SE.

************** I think I need a nice nap........... It has been a 
confusing day. :-)


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