> ******* Have since been told officially: can not record
via W4L. No
> plans to implement it either....... !  :-(

Hmm. Too bad.

> ******** Have been tryting to get to undersatand the W4L
> but small things like system trashing keep interrupting..
> My  take was you had to virtually start with a clean
> So, you actually installed w4l into M8?
> Then added Win98 via it as a new install?
> AND kept all your data?
> BUT of course would lose all the installed programs?

I started with a dual-boot Win98 and Linux. When I got
Win4Lin, I installed it on MDK 8.0. I _did_ have to install
my "basic tools" in Win4Lin, namely FrontPage and Photoshop.
But I setup Win4Lin to use the existing FAT32 partions on
which I store all my data. So while I have two copies of
Photoshop on my box (one in Windows, one in Win4Lin) they
both use the same FAT32 partition to which I keep all my

So no, I didn't start with a clean system, and I didn't lose
any installed programs. I just had to add another copy of my
basic apps in Win4Lin.

Winblows     Win4Lin
---------    ------------------------------------------
C: Winsux    C: = Win4Lin's install on Win98 in my
                  Linux /home directory
D: Apps      D: = My real D: partition from Winsux,
                  Although I install apps to a dirctory
                  ear-marked for Win4Lin apps.
E: Docs      E: = My real E: partition from Winsux.

I didn't need to put Win4Lin apps on my real D:. I just
did that because my /home partition (where Win4Lin
normally puts the Win4Lin D: drive) is almost full :-(


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