You know, I didn't want to say anything about this, however I should
just for relevence.

I currently do both PHP and ASP programming for various customers, as
well as myself. I use Frontpage for quite a few things. Yes it does
produce SOME bad code, however 2002 does produce acceptable code for the
basic layout. I do alot of rough work, and table planning and outlining
in frontpage, just because I find it handles it better then Dreamweaver.
Now, I'll admit that I don't polish these pages w/ Frontpage, that would
be silly as it honestly doesn't do a great job. But if I didn't want to
polish these pages they would be more then acceptable in either
Mozzilla, or IE. 

I personally found FP the nicest on code I put in manually. Too often
I've opened up a page in Dreamweaver and have it start to reformat the
HTML code on me. Not only that, but I really like the window switching
that was enabled in 2002 for multiple windows open. When I'm doing mass
edits (5+ files) I don't like having all 5 windows open w/
Dreamweaver... it becomes very clutered. The Child Window system of
Fronpage makes life alot easier.

As for the world running on unix, linux, freebsd, and other direvitives
(sp?) that's very true. It's also true that quite a few LARGE companies
who license a lot of microsoft products have a lot of intranet servers
running IIS just because it's easy for them to set up their windows file
share server with IIS for the various groups that want to have webpages.

Ohh... one last thing. For the person who said that really web designers
hand code HTML. That's fine. You code your complex table structure
manually. I personally will do it in a WYSIWYG editor myself... for me
it takes way less time.


On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 10:39, sda wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 10:28:50PM +1000, john rigby wrote:
> > Shane,
> > You are being very, very rude and are thus, probably very, very young.
> > I will however answer you.
> > 
> > The reason the *quiet moneymakers* use Frontpage and the early 98 version at
> > that, is because THE WORLD uses I. E. and I.E. compatibility.
> You really are incorrect SIR. Being that I"m in publishing and that
> includes  divisons that do *complete* Web design as well as SFX for
> filmwork and tradional publishing I'm qualified enough to give a
> rebuttal. I've been in this business for 15 years.
> Nobody and I mean nobody, uses FrontPage in the professional world. It
> would be like people doing professsional print design using M$ Pubisher
> as opposed to Quark, Framemaker, InDesign and PageMaker. The reason? The
> code generated by FrontPage is atrocious and only works `sometimes' with
> IE, and ASP, the whole WORLD doensn't use ASP or MIIS. Most professional 
> web design is done by designers who do the nice look using DreamWeaver 
> and/or GoLive. They both produce reasonably clean html. Some designers 
> actually use something like HomePage, or BBEdit as they prefer to tweak 
> raw code. Then the "look" is handed over to the second tier who do the 
> "backend" stuff, the programmers, who tie it all into PHP,ASP for serverside 
> dbases using Perl, Python and XSLT, in additon to other fine languages. Very 
> few of these operations run on M$ software. So FrontPage is useless, and 
> additonal time is spent fixing up the atrocious results, which isn't preferable 
> in a production environment. The hobbyists - like FrontPage as it's easy to 
> produce relatively nice looking pages in their default browser. But as soon 
> as db enter the eqation, and most corporate websites use them, FrontPage
> use is out of the question. 
> > Nobody in their right mind wouldn't design expressly for  I.E.  It is 90%+
> > of the users.
> > ( Professional real world marketers tend to look to these sort of things)
> Again you really don't know whereof you speak. The software that runs
> the internet runs on Linux, BSD or Unix hardware/software - not M$.
> That's what counts. 
> -- 
>       -^-   -^-
>       <?>   <?>    Steve
>           ^
>          ___       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                      >
>         '   `
> ----

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