Charlie wrote:
> On Tuesday 30 April 2002 07:33 pm, you wrote:
> <snip> On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Charlie wrote:
> > damn! now _THAT_ is some RAM stuffed in that box.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Yeah, I had one of those weird impulses back when memory was cheap.
> After the night I've had (and a large part of the day yesterday as well) I
> think the next thing that performs aggravated assault on my pocket will be a
> graphics card. I can't get the old clunker to admit anything but 'make and
> model' (Creative Graphics Blaster Riva TNT 16 MB) to 'Drake. XF86Config-4
> keeps claiming it only has 4 MB of memory. Resembles something a dog would
> turn it's hindquarters on.
> It started when I installed the NVidia drivers. The next time I dropped to
> the console to fiddle it locked up on loading GLX; and then kdeinit was
> suicidal no matter what I tried to edit. Thank all of the people that nagged
> me about back-ups until it became a habit. After almost 6 hours of chasing
> gremlins, I just reinstalled (twice 'cause I had to reformat everything to
> get back to the GUI) from one of the "archive disks" (2 60 GB Maxtors) and
> merged everything.
> --
> Charlie in Edmonton, AB, Canada
> Mandrake 8.2
> user 244963 at
> 6:49am up 2:23, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00

hey Luv.  If that cards a PCI one... I can give you another in trade? 
An AGP ATI one :)

Its a 16 MB card but you're welcome to it in trade.  I really need a PCI
card for dual monitors.  And the one i have *an S3 savage* won't work.



Good Decisions You boss Made:

"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

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