On Sun, 2002-05-12 at 04:02, DAVEinDSM wrote:
> As you can probably tell..... I'm using windows right now... the reason is that I 
>reformatted everything and reinstalled MS so I could use this computer for email etc 
>while I decided which file system I wanted to install on my linux partition. 
> I had a bad experience with ext2 the default file system. 
> 1. I had one of my kids push the power button to shut down my mandrake 8.1 box and I 
>couldn't get the system to boot back up.......serious lack of enough knowledge to try 
>to recoup the data and save the file system on my part.....
> 2. lost alot of data.....(nothing major......but a PITA anyway)
>      stuff like saved newbie emails that probably told how to recover from a bad 
>ext2 shutdown...stuff like that!!
> 3. read that reiser fs was better .....especially for newbies like me that have bad 
>shutdowns.....power outages...etc
> Any input on that? I want to re install mandrake......but want a file system that 
>recovers fast.....and is stable enough to withstand the occasional bad shutdown. I 
>read all the older posts in the newbie archives.....and seems like reiserfs is the 
>way to go......but am open to suggestions before I re-install.  
> Reiser FS also should have somewhat faster file access for my large directories of 
>jpegs and html files if I'm not mistaken........I went to www.reiserfs.org  ...read 
>alot there too, but wanted real life experiences..... I trust those more :)
> Dave

Ell, I've read the whole thread now, and if I were (theoretically) to
take these examples as a bona fide sample from the population, I'd come
to the following conclusions:

1).  Only ext2 has exhibited any failures.

2).  XFS has a perfect recovery record.

3).  ReiserFS has a perfect recovery record.

4).  Nobody in this sample currently runs ext3 (except for me).

5). No recovery data on ext3 (other than performance heresay)

This all sounds great and very peachy creamy.  There's only one problem
with all this, tho....the sampling is bogus.  

The reason being that an earlier sampling of other peeps on the list in
a different talk environment revealed various problems both with XFS and
with Reiser, ranging from utils that did'nt exist to filesystem
attributes that were not settable to out and out filesystem failures,
with no prayer of recovery.  As in whole filesystem-data gone-gone.  Gov
wipe style.

I don't usually play devil's advocate, but hey...I don't want anybody
getting broken bones when they come crashing down from that dream float
in the clouds.


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