[50] Latest team news
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
With Keane likely to play, Paul Scholes, Ole, ilvestre and Denis Irwin
have 'shrugged off minor knocks and were also on the flight' to Athens. Nice weather 
greets them apparently as Reds there say it's a 'pleaseant warm'. Giggs though is 
still injured and stayed behind and Nicky Butt is suspended.

[49] Safe standing latest
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From FA-Premier.com - a report by Adam Brown 

"Despite a cacophony of disapproval from the more blinkered sections of the press, 
Kate Hoey has stuck to her guns and her stance has earned more approval from ordinary 
fans than any sports minister in living memory. Her instruction to the FLA now opens 
the way for a genuine debate on the issue for the first time in over a decade. And 
about time too. As for the commercial interests of the clubs? Well, in each case the 
most expensive corporate areas of the grounds are situated cheek by jowl with the 
standing sections. This is not some measure to toughen up the German equivalent of the 
prawn sandwich brigade. No, in Germany there is a recognition that what corporate 
guests want is a spectacle, an event: and that means atmosphere.

So, despite the illogical and prejudiced raspberry blowers who argue that a return to 
standing will undermine the gains (and hard cash) made in the modernisation of 
football, Germany again confounds those sceptics. In Germany recovering something of 
the thunder of yore which has been dissipated here by the break up the old heartlands 
of noise, the terraces, and giving fans what they actually want and prices which they 
can afford, actually helps clubs sell their corporate packages.

It could also help clubs get that square peg of wanting to increase ground capacity 
into the round hole of the cost of doing it. West Ham, Leicester, Man City, Arsenal, 
Fulham, and others needing to redevelop grounds, take note.

"Hoey agrees: 'There seems to be a wide variety of issues attached to the standing 
debate because as well as fans' choice, the systems in Germany seem to also offer 
lower prices, better atmosphere and commercial benefits, without jeopardising safety. 
If that is the case, then those benefits could potentially be felt here, too."

[48] Irwin to get new deal?
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
MEN:  'VETERAN Manchester United warhorses Denis Irwin and Teddy Sheringham  jetted 
out to Athens today (Monday) with the promise of new Old  Trafford contracts on the 
way. The Reds' top scorer Sheringham and his camp have known for the last  month that 
negotiations were due to start on his deal and talks over  the 34-year-old's future 
are said to be ``imminent''. However, Irwin had expressed his anxiety that no 
discussions had yet  been forthcoming, and reports had suggested that United's 
hierarchy  were stalling on a deal.

Both player's are currently on 12-month contracts that expire in the 
summer. But Reds' chief executive Peter Kenyon has given the duo a pre- Champions 
League boost as they flew to Greece to prepare for 
Wednesday's match with Panathinaikos by saying that they will  definitely be doing 
business with Irwin and Sheringham.

"There is no suggestion that we won't be offering either of them a 
new deal," says Peter Kenyon. "We are aware that both Denis and Teddy's contracts are 
up and we'll  have to deal with those before the end of the season. We will be  
sitting down with both of them with a view to both continuing at the  club. We will be 
talking with Denis. There is nothing sinister about it.  We have just both got to find 
the time to sit down and start. The  stories are certainly not right that there is any 
stalling going on."

[47] Mr Potato Head
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Joe Royle: "There will be plenty of twists and turns before this season is over  and 
the one consolation is that we are still in a better position  than we were two games 

Er, no, you're still second bottom!

[46] Oh Alfie
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Haaland: "We certainly will not be giving up. There was an extra  determination about 
the boys after Saturday's game. We know we are 
good enough to climb out of the bottom three but we have got to win a  home game 
sooner rather than later. We created enough chances to have won the game, we certainly 
didn't  deserve to lose. The determination is still there. We would have been happy 
with  three points from the last two games and we are still within a win of  
Middlesbrough. There is a long way to go yet."

Well, 9 games in fact, with only 4 at home.

[45] Keane fit for Wednesday
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The knee is fine. I just got a knock last week but I'm travelling out and raring to 
go. Hopefully we can get the result we need."

[44] Leeds trial latest
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Two friends of England international Jonathan Woodgate denied beating an Asian 
student senseless in a violent street attack, the Leeds United footballers trial has 
heard. Paul Clifford and Neale Caveney told police that they followed a group of Asian 
men from a Leeds city centre nightclub to a nearby street but watched from a distance 
while the attack on Sarfraz Najeib took place. The pair both said they were with 
central defender Woodgate and told him not to get involved, Hull Crown Court was told.

Clifford, 21, of Middlesbrough, said during police interviews that he was a former 
North East boxing champion but could not punch anyone because of "chronic arthritis". 
Clifford, who is accused of biting Mr Najeib on the cheek, said he could not run fast 
after the Asians because he was wearing new shoes which had given him blisters.

The court heard that he saw Woodgate running in the same direction as the Asian group. 
"I know Woody," he told police, "I know how he runs - like a chicken."

[43] How does she taste?
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
She can't (boom, boom).

'An Indian husband has bitten off his wife's lip and swallowed it, according to 
police. They say the man bit off the woman's lower lip after she refused to give him 
money to buy cigarettes. Authorities say the incident near Mysore follows another 
attack involving an ear that was bitten off and swallowed. The Times Of India reports 
he's been arrested.'

[42] Think that just about sums it up
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Just got this in from RN reader, Mary. Spot on or what!

'After Liam Gallagher was voted hero of the year by the NME awards I was left  
thinking how the hell had that twat had won something. Then there was this  printed on 
NME's letters page in the latest issue...


How to be voted hero of the year.

1. Become famous by singing your big brother's songs.
2. Adopt every single rock 'n' roll cliché in the book.
3. Dress like a complete twat.
4. Swagger around at all times like a complete twat.
5. Master the difficult and highly advanced musical art of banging a 
6. Become an alcoholic numbskull.
7. Become a zombified drugged-up turd-brain.
8. Convince yourself that the sun shines out of your own arsehole.
9. Convince a string of 'birds' that the sun shines out of your arsehole  (then 
impregnate them, proving, without doubt, that any fucking fool can  breed).
10. Just about master the art of walking upright.
11. Develop an ego the size of Uranus.
12. Never have anything of interest or significance to say whatsoever.
13. Act like an arrogant, self-obsessed arsehole and have your Award brought  to your 
table, a pathetic and not even original gesture, as if we're  unworthy of your 
almighty presence, like the complete c--- you are.

Samantha Fox, Finchley.'

Sounds like a pretty good description to me.

[41] When city tickets go on sale
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
There will be no special selling arrangement for members - so loyalty this season on 
previous games attended will ridiculously not count for anything.

[40] Coventry home ticket details
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Manchester United v Coventry City
Old Trafford, Saturday 14 April 2001, kick off 12 Noon.

Postal applications only are now being accepted from Members. Applications should 
include a completed match ticket order form, relevant payment and sae. Usual league 
match prices apply (subject to availability).

Alternatively, members can make an on line application. However, please note these 
applications will be given the same consideration as postal.

As we anticipate being oversubscribed a ballot will be held to determine the 
successful applicants.

Please note, if additional applications are submitted for any member listed on your 
form, ALL applications will be invalidated.

Furthermore, Members should be mindful of the following points:

1) Family Stand has a strict no smoking policy.

2) Access to the North Stand 2nd and 3rd Tier and East/West Stand 2nd Tier seating 
involves a substantial amount of climbing. Persons having difficulty with climbing or 
suffering from vertigo are advised accordingly.

[39] Advert from MEN last week
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:

[38] Be afraid, very afraid
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Manchester United are planning to launch Chinese and Malay-language websites. The 
club has more fans in China than in England and hopes to sell millions of replica kits 
over the internet. Business analysts say the team is now likely to play more 
exhibition matches in the Far East where sales opportunities are better. According to 
The Times a club spokesman said: "The content will be identical to the 
English-language site."

[37] And another one joins the sinking ship!
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Manchester City are signing German midfielder Dino Topmoller from Bundesliga Second 
Division side Saarbrucken.'

[36] Fabien on United life
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The coach lets me live how I want. I'm sure he knows everything about me, but he's 
never made any comment about what I do away from work.  When someone gives me free 
time thinking that I'm going to sleep well and eat properly, I smile to myself. In my 
bedroom I'll zap through TV stations with the remote until 2am and, if I don't take a 
sleeping pill, my eyes don't close. 

Even if they give us pasta before a match, they don't know what you eat the rest of 
the week. For me in life, there's a moment to work and another to enjoy yourself. I've 
always kept the two apart.  Alex Ferguson's only obsession is to ensure that I don't 
have football in
my head. His trust in me is such that, when I get to the stadium, I feel free. Here I 
do what I like, within reason, and I feel good. I'm not spoken to like a kid. People 
respect me for what I am. I'm 29 with medals and titles to my name."

[35] Thuram rumours
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
RN comment : Thuram, 29, is an exceptionnal defender, both on the right and  in the 
center, no doubt about that. But don't get too excited, he won't play  for United next 
year. If he moves from Parma (very unlikely), he will stay  in Italia. We have got Wes 
Brown !

'French international Lillian Thuram will spark a scramble for his  signature between 
Premiership rivals Manchester United and Arsenal within the  next three weeks.'

[34] Fab on French TV
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Marc:

Barthez, visibly satisfied,  was intervieved after the game (with La 
Marseillaise sang loud and clear by the Reds in the stand behind him): " I  shouldn't 
have reacted but if I stayed on the ground for ages, there is a  reason. The guy 
blocks me to the ground and I have this reflex. I musn't have.  But no consequence, 
it's alright. As every penalty, you want to stop it but  hopefully it went well. " 

For those interested, Barthez was wearing a New York Yankees top.

Dacourt on Barthez : " He is extraordinary. Without him, we could have win by 2 or 3 

[33] More on Ruud
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Rodger Linse, his agent: "We were sure the knee was okay but it was surprising that we 
got there a little earlier than expected. He came on after 34 minutes and he played 
very well - maybe you wouldn't have guessed what had happened because he's been out 
for nearly a year now and it was just like he'd never been out...United made the offer 
before the medical check-up last year then, when there was some doubt concerning the 
knee which was more or less confirmed three of four days later, the deal was off and 
the offer disappeared."

[32] Crap Becks story from the weekend
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
'David and Victoria Beckham have commissioned a painting which shows him as a handsome 
prince and her as Cinderella, according to reports. The giant image covers a wall in 
baby Brooklyn's room at their new mansion - nicknamed Beckingham Palace. The couple 
plan to move into their £2.5 million Hertfordshire home within the next few months. 
According to the Sunday Express, Brooklyn's room also has a domed roof with built-in 
fibre-optic stars. An Audrey Hepburn-style bathroom, a leopard-print bedroom with a 
mirrored ceiling and a black and gold snooker room have already been completed. 
Victoria said: "The garden is very romantic. I want lots of bushes in the shape of 
hearts. I live in a complete fairy tale."

[31] Fat man - get out while you still can
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Andy Morrison on being told he can leave the Bitters.

"I went down and spoke to Bristol, but everything wasn't right, so it's on hold at the 
moment. I've wanted to stay and I've made tha perfectly clear, but it's been made 
obvious to me that I'm not wanted. I know where I stand now and it's plainly obvious."

[30] Rio Ferdinand on Saturday
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We showed what Leeds are all about. We knew this game was going to be tough because 
United are one of the best teams around - if not the best - but we gave them a good 
game. We managed to get in among them, we worked hard and we proved if you can get 
round teams then you will come away with the rewards. We've been good at shutting 
teams down recently and that's what we did against Manchester United, and it proved 
quite fruitful. It was obviously a real sickener to go behind, but then that shows 
just what a good team they are because they had one chance and they took it. But then 
we showed our resilience. We showed we have big hearts, strength of character and good 
ability. We've gone through a rough period recently but now we've come out it with 
flying colours. We realise, though, there's still a lot to do and we've still got 
targets we want to hit."

[29] Any suitable ideas readers?
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Leeds are pursuing the possibility of re-naming their famous Elland Road stadium 
after a sponsor. The club have appointed London agency Sportsworld to look into the 
viability of securing sponsorship both for their new West Stand and for their entire 

[28] So what did you do this weekend son?
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Well, let's see the bits I can remember. For a start these early kick-offs are 
ridiculous, counter productive and all that as you're in the pub earlier than ever 
afterwards and thus more stumbling, falling in asleep in the gutter than you would be 
normally. After the game back on a massive session, a strange encounter with a woman 
that a mate would only describe as Anne Widdicombe in drag, ending up at an illegal 
rave, where unknown, why unknown, who with unknown. Leaving at 6am - through a Mr Been 
type doorway where you'd have no idea that the other side where 500 lunatics pogo 
dancing to techno house, underground heavy beats music or whatever it is these 
youngsters now listen to which I have no idea and only tolerate because they play it 
in places where I can get drunk - I thought to myself, can I get a campain going to 
stop these early kick-offs. Not for any greater reason than it is hell on the pisshead.

[27] Beach soccer - Final report
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Marc:

'Eric and his mates lost to Portugal 7-4 in the final of the Beach Soccer WC  in 
Brazil. Eric - coach, captain and striker of the team - scored 2.  All in all, a great 
performance from the France team.'

[26] Fergie on Wednesday
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Panathinaikos have just sacked their boss Angelos  Anastasiadis and we would hope 
that we are catching them at the right  time.  Clearly, you would hope that our 
performance against Arsenal puts us  in a good position for this Champions League 
game.  I said to the players before the match that losing to Arsenal would  put them 
back within striking distance again, but the fact that we  won now gives us a tidy 
points lead.  It's a timely victory and one that could now reflect in our  performance 
in Athens. Panathinaikos are already out of the  competition and winning there puts us 

But the Arsenal game should have stoked up the players so that we  can put together a 
performance similar to the one which we turned out  in Valencia.  I have told the 
players that it could still be a hostile atmosphere  in Athens and because the players 
there no longer have their usual  boss you don't always know what to expect.  We have 
to get a result and I will expect all my big stars to be  delivering their best."

[25] Fergie on Ruud
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Ruud is on schedule at the moment and we hope to be  back in for him as soon as he 
proves his full fitness. We're still interested in him and I'm very pleased to see him 
 playing again.  I think he will be playing for the first team soon and then it is a  
matter of proving that he is as strong as he was before he got the  injury.  I don't 
think I will go out to Holland to watch him but we have  other people who can do that."

[24] Fergie on Dwight
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Dwight has to start performing to his capabilities. He has not done himself justice 
this season.  He got off to a terrible start. He was named in the Trinidad and  Tobago 
World Cup squad and basically missed pre-season because of it.  It was bloody 
nonsense.  Then he picked up an injury, played another game for Trinidad and  that was 
followed by a suspension in December.  This is why we need to get the international 
calendar sorted out.  All those games for his country have derailed him.  He has not 
had a real run of it yet and hopefully the Arsenal game will have helped him.  It's 
been real agony the way a player like Dwight has lost his place  the way he has.  But 
there have also been other reasons why he has not had a good  season. Teddy 
Sheringham's form has been incredible and Ole Gunnar  Solskjaer has looked impressive."

[23] So what's new here then?
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
'LIVERPOOL players will be disinfected when they arrive in Portugal  this week.  
Gerard Houllier's men face Porto in a UEFA Cup quarter-final, first  leg clash on 
Thursday.  And the Portuguese Government are insisting that all arrivals at  airports 
and sea ports must be cleansed because of the foot-and-mouth  outbreak.  The players, 
coaching staff, Liverpool directors and up to 5,000 Kop  fans must walk through sponge 
areas to clean their shoes.' 

[22] Ruud update
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
The player's agent Rodger Linse said: "It was like he had never been  out when he 
played again. The situation can now be changed if there  is initiative from Manchester 

[21] Fergie on Barthez
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The penalty save was magnificent. But then Fabien has  got an assurance and 
confidence in his ability.  He is always in control of the situation. He takes chances 
but he  loves doing that. The main thing is absolutely nothing fazes him." 

[20] Do Leeds ever stop going on?
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
O'Lear: "That goal would not have been  disallowed at Old Trafford if Manchester 
United had been the  beneficiaries. I am sure of that. We should have won the match 
but it wasn't to be.I think referees might be a little bit intimidated by them because 
 of what they have achieved.  And they have built up a reputation that they are bigger 
than  referees.  So, perhaps, officials find it difficult to handle them because of  
how big they are.  There is no question Manchester United are a great team who have 
the  ability to handle pressure so well. 

But we are very disappointed at the way we feel we have been denied  the win we 
deserved. I think Barthez should have been sent off. It 
was a deliberate foul on Hartey - and off the ball as well. He's done 
the lot and still got away with it!  The referee was very lenient there, allowing 
Barthez to get off so  lightly.  Then when Brown sliced the ball into his own net, it 
was a clean  goal. Not even their players contested it.  We deserved that goal. It was 
legitimate and we should have had it.  Nothing is going to be done about it but I 
really do feel situations  like this should be settled better." 

[19] Brooklyn's 2nd birthday party
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Brooklyn Beckham has celebrated his second birthday like any other  toddler. Mum 
Victoria, 26, and Dad David Beckham, 25, hosted a small function  at a pub near their 
home in Alderley Edge, Cheshire.  It was a far cry from the lavish reception held at a 
luxury hotel  last year which reportedly cost around £10,000.  Staff at the County 
Hotel, which has adjoining Wacky Warehouse  children's play area, spent the whole day 
preparing for their famous  guests. Dozens of polished champagne glasses were lined up 
ready for the arrival of 30 close friends and family, including other members of  the 
Manchester United squad.'

[18] Quote of the weekend
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Barcelona president Joan Gaspart on his side having a disallowed goal against Real in 
the last minutes of a 2-2 draw. "I  feel like I've had my wallet stolen. "I think 
someone has decided that Barcelona shouldn't win the league this year."

[17] More excuses from Wenger
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"You need a leader at the back and last week at  Manchester United we didn't have one. 
Other defenders are good  players but they aren't leaders. Every time Tony Adams goes 
into a tackle I  worry for him in case he gets injured.  I saw him stretching his 
groin throughout the first half and I asked  him if it was okay at half-time. I think 
it's just a reflex for him  because he's had so many injury problems. He also 
stretches his back  during games and again that's almost like a nervous affliction." 

[16] Comment from Fergie
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Steve McClaren said that the boy had pulled him and Barthez had a 
little kick at him. I'm not sure the referee saw it, but if he saw it then it should 
be  a sending-off.  But you don't get consistency. Next week a goalkeeper or defender  
will get sent off for something like that.  You need strong refs, but unfortunately he 
is one of the weaker  ones. It was a hard game to handle, but he just kept giving 
free- kicks to each team to even things out."

[15] Yet more from Radebe
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It is a case of one rule for Manchester United and one for everyone  else. I think 
officials might be intimidated by them  because of what they have achieved.  They have 
built up a reputation. They are bigger than referees and  officials find that hard to 
deal with.  I believed Ian Harte would score because he is a brilliant penalty 
taker.  I know it was a very good save from a quality keeper, but Barthez  should have 
been sent off. It was a deliberate foul off the ball and  he got away with it.  The 
referee was very lenient and Barthez got off very lightly." 

[14] Team from Saturday
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Barthez, G Neville, Irwin, Stam, Brown, Beckham, Butt (Chadwick 46), Scholes, 
Sheringham (Yorke 70), Solskjaer, P Neville.

RN man of the match: Barthez. His aura grows.

[13] More from Leeds
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Olivier Dacourt: "It was a great save, by a great keeper, but he should not have been  
on the pitch. It was a red-card offence".

[12] More tosh from Radebe
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"There is no doubt about our ability to push them all the way. If  there is a team 
that is going to topple Manchester United over the  next two seasons, I am sure it 
will be us. We are maturing and we have quality players who are hungry to be the  
best. Of course there are lots of teams that want to beat them, but  the desire is no 
greater anywhere than it is at Elland Road.  I think we showed them we are ready to 
topple them, and they know we  should have beaten them.  And it was vital that we 
proved we can compete with them. We had to  make them aware that we are ready. Now 
they know it will soon be our  turn to win something."

Dream on.

[11] And Joe Royle said
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Our home record is the worst in the League. Away from  home we have a point more than 
Liverpool but we haven't done it at  home. We might go away for a break but that sums 
up our luck at the  minute - we can't get flights at this time of year!  It is looking 
like three teams from the bottom four will go down and  Boro are still catchable. 
Write us off at your peril!" 

Joe, we're writing you off.

[10] Uwe Rosler on Bitters
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I always call this my home. I haven't given many  interviews in the past month but 
everyone knows how I feel for this  club.  I love the place. I just hope it is not the 
end of the road for them  this season.  I saw them at the start of the season and they 
played extremely  well, proving that they are more than capable of staying up. They 
had  extremely good team spirit at the time and deserved to win at our  place.  Then 
they spent lots of money compared to other teams and you would  never have expected 
them to be down where they are. I pray that they  stay up, I really mean that." 

Er, there's a few thousand Reds who would have expected them to be right where they 

[9] More from Irwin about leaving
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It wouldn't be easy leaving United, but it doesn't frighten me. I know it can be 
strange leaving one club and going to another with  new players, but if it's something 
I have to do, then I'll have to do  it. The club have offered me nothing, so I don't 
know what my options  are. I've had one-year contracts for the last two or  three 
years and, in an ideal world, I'd like to finish my playing  career here. But it 
doesn't bother me stepping aside or stepping down".

[8] Becks on captaincy
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The manager sat me down afterwards and said that I deserved to keep  the armband. He 
didn't indicate that it was going to  be for one more game. He said that I deserved to 
remain captain. It's obviously a huge  honour and one that I am extremely proud of. On 
a personal level I really enjoyed the captaincy. Once you have  enjoyed the honour of 
leading your country it would be hard to give  it up. I believe that we can take a lot 
from the Spain game with us into  the World Cup matches."

[7] Becks wants Anfield support
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Asking for fairness at Anfield when England play there.

"It shouldn't matter who you support. You should set aside any club rivalry and get 
behind England. I would urge any Liverpool fans to act like England fans because  this 
such a massive game."

[6] One way of getting heard
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
'FIORENTINA fans are set to launch a mass protest against unpopular  president 
Vittorio Cecchi Gori - but have vetoed an early suggestion  that the fans should bare 
their bottoms at the supremo. The Viola are in the midst of a major crisis, with 
results not going  well, and the recent resignation of general manager Giancarlo  
Antognoni and coach Fatih Terim...Suggestions had been made that the Viola 'tifosi' 
should turn their  backs on the pitch at half time - and also lower their trousers to  
show their malcontent. However, the presidents of the fan clubs quickly vetoed the 
idea  stating that the protest was 'too vulgar.'

[5] Leeds moments, No.1
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Best laugh of the day - well apart from laughing at sheep when they  were still 
celebrating that diallowed "winner" - especially after  they were taking the piss 
because a few reds jumped up when we  thought we'd got the winner minutes earlier.

But most humourous moment - or is it surreal - was when they started 
singing "What's it like to be outclassed?"! What are they on? I 
know we didn't play great but lets not get all "city get a point from 
a match and are now 'on course for Europe' giddy" shall we?

[4] Sad name, sad job
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
'A woman named after the entire 1974 Liverpool football team has been given a job at 
Anfield. She was called Victoria Shankly Clemence Smith Lyndsay Thompson Cormack 
Hughes Keegan Hall Heighway Toshack Callaghan Lawler Edwards after Liverpool won the 
1974 FA Cup. The 26-year-old says it's a dream come true for her and her proud father. 
Ms Edwards will work on the catering team at Anfield, reports The Mirror.'

Wouldn't it have saved time if they'd just said 'moaning, dirty Scousers'?

[3] Story of the weekend?
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
That Posh Spice allegedly sang 'Who let the dogs out?' at Jordan in the players lounge 
after the 6-1 win over the Arse.

[2] PFA respond to Giggs
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
And his comments about the new transfer system being because of players' greed.

PFA Brendan Batson:  "Let's not forget, it's not us who looked at the changes. It was 
the European Commission - back in December 1998 - who first lodged their statement of 
objection. Footballers then had to react to those concerns by the European Commission 
and what we are trying to do now is meet the concerns of the European Commission as 
well as protect the best interests of the sport. Since the round of talks began I've 
forgot how many deadlines have been set and then moved, and it's just been a series of 
discussions with the EEC, as well as the governing bodies. We've got a management 
committee which is representative of the players. We keep them in touch, we talk to 
them regularly. We try to talk to players as best we can. We've also posted things on 
our website."

[1] Who rattled your cage?
Posted Monday, March 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Lucas Radebe on Saturday: "Maybe it is a case of one rule for United and one rule for 
everyone else. Officials might be a little bit intimidated by them because of what 
they have achieved. They have built up a reputation they are bigger than referees, and 
officials find that hard to deal with."

It's at Elland Road with all the Sheep present but it's us who intimidate the ref. 
Yeah, right.

[13] Inter get what's been comng
Posted Sunday, March 4, 2001 by tb:
At long last:

Inter Milan have been fined by Uefa and ordered to play their next two games in 
European competition away from the San Siro. 
The punishment was handed out after crowd trouble during the Italian side's recent 
Uefa Cup exit at the hands of Spanish side Alaves. 

The match ended five minutes prior to the final whistle as spectators began hurling 
seats and plastic bottles on to the pitch. 

A group of fans also clashed with police as they attempted to break into the 
directors' box. 

The Serie A club's website explained that they had been fined just over £30,000 and 
told to play their next two European games at least 300km from Milan. 

[12] If you can't beat us dept
Posted Sunday, March 4, 2001 by tb:
A couple of weeks ago Roma president (talking no) Sensi was slagging us off, claiming 
that his brand was biger than ours and he also was looking at a tie up with a US 
outfit. All his own idea you understand, nothing to do with jumpng on a bandwagon. 

So what do you think he's done. Yep asked to be included in our Yankees deal

As various sources report this morning:

'Serie A leaders AS Roma look set to link up with English Premiership outfit 
Manchester United and America's most famous baseball team the New York Yankees. 
Roma president Franco Sensi told Corriere dello Sport that the Italian giants are 
currently in negotiations with the two parties about joining allegiances. 

Sensi said: "In this period we have had contacts with Manchester United and also the 
New York baseball side, the Yankees, to affiliate and profit from our products'

[11] Andrew happy with Sven also
Posted Sunday, March 4, 2001 by tb:
"It meant a lot to that I was picked and I don't think I let him down. 

"I think he's going to give everyone a chance but I think he'll be delighted with the 
way that things went.

"One up front and one just off worked really well. To get three goals out of it was 
very good."

[10] Eriksson upsets the ABU's
Posted Sunday, March 4, 2001 by tb:
As he praises Andrew:

"Andy Cole is a great international football player. With Manchester United. how many 
games has he played in the Champions League?

"If Andy isn't an international top-class forward then where do we find one? It's 
difficult to find players better than him. You might find one but it would be very 

[9] Denis not scared to leave OT
Posted Sunday, March 4, 2001 by tb:
As the NOTW quote him:

?It wouldn?t be easy leaving United but it doesn?t frighten me.? 

Irwin added: ?I know it can be strange leaving one club and going to another with new 
players but if it?s something I have to do, then I?ll have to do it.? 

?The club have offered me nothing, so I don?t know what my options are. 

?I?ve had one-year contracts for the last two or three years and in an ideal world I?d 
like to finish my playing career here. 

?But it doesn?t bother me stepping aside or stepping down.? 

[8] Giggsy has a go at FIFPRO
Posted Sunday, March 4, 2001 by tb:
The European players union headed up by Gordon Taylor over the transfer fiasco:

'The only players to gain from this situation are a greedy few and in the minority,' 
he said. 'It is the players in the lower leagues that are in the majority and they 
along with their clubs would lose the most if the transfer system as we know it 

[7] Ruud coach says - not too soon
Posted Sunday, March 4, 2001 by tb:
PSV caoch Gerets enthuses: "You can't expect him to be 
immediately back to form, although we all hoped it and perhaps 
expected it. But he's certainly not back too soon. 
~I had everybody's green light -- from his girlfriend to the 
medical staff." 

Van Nistelrooy's recovery should start in earnest on Thursday, when he's expected to 
start PSV's UEFA Cup quarter-final first leg against Germany's Kaiserslautern.

[6] Van man back on road
Posted Sunday, March 4, 2001 by tb:
Ruud on his comeback:

"For me it's unbelievably great to be back. The moment I stepped on the field, in 
front of all those people all offering me their support, I had goosebumps. 

"If I'd scored, that would have been a dream scenario." 

[5] Becks whistling in the wind
Posted Sunday, March 4, 2001 by tb:
As he tries to appeal to the scousers better nature for the Ingerlund qualifier. 

Waste of time mate, they don't possess one (and it's the one thing they can't nick of 

"The Finland match is a massive game for us,", "and we need all the support we can 
get. It's important the fans get behind us, whether they're Liverpool, Arsenal, 
Tottenham or whoever. It doesn't matter if we're in the midlands, the north or 
wherever, we're England."

And in case you were wondering Becks, this is the type of clown we are dealing with as 
the Mirror poll vote went: 

A decisive 51 percent in our poll said they were unhappy that Eriksson had chosen 
Becks to lead the side - while only 26 percent "strongly agreed" with the decision. 

A further 18 percent indicated they "agreed" - but most fans thought Sol Campbell was 
the man who should wear the captain's armband. The 

hatred against Beckham in the aftermath of the 1998 World Cup reached a climax last 
June at Euro 2000 as supporters, later identified by England's security staff as 
Liverpool fans (surely you mean Chelsea?), subjected the 25-year-old to sick abuse 
aimed at him and his family.'

Best thing you can do Becks is score then just turn round and give them the finger 

[4] Utd to upset the little Ingerlunders?
Posted Sunday, March 4, 2001 by tb:
As Soccernet claim we're about to withdraw Steve McClaren from the Swede's coaching 
set up in order to concerntrate on us for the rest of the season.

Too bloody right

Utd first, second and last

[3] Gossip
Posted Sunday, March 4, 2001 by tb:
The S*n claim we'll bid 15 million for Keiron Dyer during the summer.

Soccernet/Moral say it's between us and the Arse for Thuram's signature for 12 million.

Celtic are apparently going to bid for Sol Campbell (are we really interested anymore?)

[2] Jaap on Sheep
Posted Sunday, March 4, 2001 by tb:
"In every game we need to work hard because everyone wants to beat us," said Stam.

"It's a derby so there's a lot of rivalry. We were glad to get the point.

"You know it's going to be hard, you know they (Leeds) will chase every ball.

"The second half was better than first half but unfortunately, at the end, they got 
the equaliser."

And on the Fab penalty:

"I didn't see it really, we were walking back up the pitch and then I saw a Leeds 
player lying on the ground."

Even Barry 'Solshwaaadeeer' Davies said Harte conned the ref. But justice prevaled, 

[1] Eric's team reach beach final
Posted Sunday, March 4, 2001 by tb:
>From Marc

Eric and his mates are in final of the BeachSoccer WC after beating 
Aregentina 6-5. Eric did not score but made 3 assists. 
They will play Portugal ( they beat Brazil in semi-final ) in final on 

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