[35] Bobby Charlton - best ever Utd?
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I think this is a better team than the team I played with which won the European Cup 
in 1968. The more often you win it, the greater your name becomes. I think those three 
players will stay because I don't believe it's because of the money - they have got 
into the habit of winning. I know these boys and I know they love the game and want to 
achieve. I don't think they can achieve what they've achieved anywhere else. Contracts 
are important - but these boys are footballers because they want to be footballers, 
not because they want to be rich. They have really good contracts but they don't take 
them out on the pitch
with them".

[34] Is that because total offers = 0?
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Manchester City manager Joe Royle has said that defender Andy Morrison will not be 
leaving to go on loan to another club.'

[33] You didn't think we were going to ignore this did you?!
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:

'The trial of Lee Bowyer has been adjourned so he could change his  trousers after he 
admitted he was not wearing any underpants. Bowyer, 24, was asked by the defence to 
get changed into the trousers 
and shoes he claims he wore on the night of the alleged attack on 
Asian student Sarfraz Najeib. The prosecution claims the shoes the footballer was 
shown wearing on  a video had a large ornamental buckle on and were not the ones 
handed  to police as evidence after the incident in January last year.

Bowyer re-entered court wearing the black trousers and black shoes he 
said he had been wearing on the night of the incident 
He was asked by Mr de Silva to walk in front of the jury box at Hull 
Crown Court and up and down a step to demonstrate how he would have 
been seen on video entering the Majestyk nightclub on the video film.

The trial judge Mr Justice Poole left his chair to walk over and 
watch Bowyer's demonstration, which he then had to repeat on the 
other side of the courtroom for prosecuting counsel Nicholas Campbell 
QC. Mr de Silva took Bowyer through police interviews in which he had 
told officers that he had run down Boar Lane in pursuit of Woodgate 
and his friends but had fallen over and received a blow on the side 
of the face from an unknown attacker as he tried to get up.

He had told police: "It's just that I haven't done anything apart 
from take a whack so I can't understand why I am here."

[32] Reserve goalie speaks
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From official site

Paul Rachubka:

On being No.2 at the mp

"It's been great - it's been a great surprise, especially as I was  fourth choice at 
the start of the season and a long way off. I wasn't  even getting a game in the 
Reserves. I'm learning every day. Fabien's great, he's shows what a great  goalkeeper 
he is with the saves he makes to keep us in the game. The  Panathinaikos game was a 
great one to watch.

I've got a lot to do if I'm to play for United. He's one of the best 
goalkeepers in the world and if you play for United you've got to be 
the best. I've had two great goalkeepers to watch and learn from - 
especially their training methods. They are different goalkeepers but 
you can't fault either of them. I've been watching everyone, including Raimond and 
Bosnich and  the 'keepers that come to Old Trafford. I take a bit from everyone's  
game and hopefully patch it into mine so I've got a good all-round  game.

I also watched Martyn a lot when Leeds came. Sometimes it distracts 
you from watching the game, but I can learn more from watching the 
keepers than watching the games. I never had chance to play American football as I 
came over here  when I was six. I've been here for thirteen years now. I started  
playing lacrosse and football came my number one sport after that.  Lacrosse was fun 
when I was young but now I love playing football. "That love came from schoolfriends. 
They told me to play for the  school team, and I started as an outfield player but one 
day the  goalie had a bad day, and I thought I could do better. From then on,  I've 
been a goalkeeper.

I've been here since I was ten, so it's not been like jumping in at  the deep end. 
I've been progressing through the teams, and hopefully  one day I'll make the regular 
first team goalkeeper."

[31] Teddy on stick
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the official mag on the stick he got on arrival.

"I fully understand what the talk was about. And I know what was going on when I first 
came. But you do it for yourself really. That's why you put yourself in this position, 
of coming to a great club. You know you're going to be targeted and if you're not up 
to it, you're going to get stick. It's what drives you on.

It's just that I'm playing regularly in a truly outstanding team. If you look at the 
midfielders at this club, it's absolutely frightening.
They're all world class. As a striker, it's a joy to play alongside them. And this 
season, through one thing or another, I've had a chance to be in the team and I've 
benefited from it.

When you're scoring goals your confidence is good and you're always hopeful of scoring 
again. Richard Gough played against us the other week, and played very well. And he's 
about 39. So who knows? I may just go in and see the chairman about a five-year 

[30] Viduka doesn't fancy Sheep for much longer?
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I'm aware of Roma's interest. But when you go into a match thinking about other 
things apart from the game then you start getting distracted. So tomorrow I will just 
go out and do as well as I can for the team and worry about those things later on, 
although it is very flattering to be linked with them. At the moment Roma are the best 
team in Italy and the Italian League is probably one of the best in the world, but I 
am very happy at Leeds. I admit it is an ambition to play in Italy or Spain. I've 
always liked the football played in those countries, and who knows what the future 
holds. In football anything is possible and things can change on a daily basis. It 
depends on circumstances."

[29] Utd goods by auction
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Signed Man Utd items are up for grabs in charity auctions
at Barry Venison's www.bid4sport.com  website including items from Giggs, Barthez and 

Autographed items from the likes of Beckham, Cole, Stam, Scholes
and co have been a regular feature on the site, and United items will continue to 
figure. 100% of profits going to child amputee charity, Peggy and Friends, of which 
Barry is patron.  Other children's charities are also to benefit from the site which 
also features signed items from stars of the calibre of Rivaldo and  Figo to Robbie 
Williams and Gabby Yorath.

Registration is free, where from members will get a monthly newsletter from Venison 
with details of forthcoming auctions, and other exciting site developments.

A great chance to own genuine autographed memorabilia and help good causes at the same 
time, all at www.bid4sport.com 

[28] Er, right
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
'A man who urinated on a US police officer has been jailed for five years. Michael 
Weaver relieved himself on the leg of a sheriff's deputy. Weaver was convicted of 
contact by bodily fluids and jailed at Cass County Court, North Dakota. He maintains 
he did not urinate on the officer.'

[27] Zoff fancies English
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Dino Zoff: "I really do think English teams are growing in strength and I think it is 
possible one of them could win this time."

[26] Soton game rearranged
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Now on May 13th

'Manchester United have postponed next month's Premiership match against Southampton 
because of their Champions League commitments. United were due to play Southampton at 
The Dell on Easter Monday, April 16, which would have been one or two days before the 
Reds' Champions League quarter-final second leg.

United will now play Southampton on Sunday, May 13, which is the day after the FA Cup 
final. United are still waiting to confirm a date for their rearranged home match 
against Charlton. The game was due to take place on Saturday, April 7, but has been 
postponed because of the FA Cup semi-final between Arsenal and Tottenham at Old 
Trafford the following day.'

[25] Ole plays on
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From MEN

"OLE Gunnar Solskjaer played against Sturm Graz last night under the  cloud of a 
personal tragedy hanging over him. The Norwegian starred against the Austrians at Old 
Trafford knowing  that one of his best mates was fighting for his life in Denmark.

Solskjaer received the shock news prior to the match that former  Wimbledon player and 
a Norway national team buddy Stalle Solbakken  had collapsed in training with FC 
Copenhagen during the day. The 33- year-old, who had one season with the Dons in 
1997-98, collapsed when  his heart stopped during a training session.

It took a doctor seven minutes to revive Solbakken and get his heart  beating again 
and last night he was in a coma in Denmark."

[24] Keano on Becks
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:

"We probably all felt after last week that the manager might shake 
things up. Every one of us, barring Fabien Barthez, could have been left out  after 
Athens. The manager made a few changes and it could have been  any of ten of us. The 
lads who were left out can feel unlucky because myself and the  rest of the players 
can count themselves lucky it wasn't us. Everyone will make a big thing about Bex 
being left out but Wes  Brown, Yorkie and Coley have all done well recently. It is up 
to those left out now to respond. It is not the end of the  world. You can get away 
with one or two bad performances but  eventually you pay the price. The players will 
respond in the right  way, I know they will."

[23] Keano still wants improvement
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We have to step up another level now if we want to get to the 
final. We were playing Sturm Graz and, with respect to them, we know if we  want to 
win the European Cup we'll have to play better opposition  like Real Madrid or 
possibly Bayern Munich. We know there has to be  more to come. We know if we want to 
get back to that final that we will have to  set our standards even higher. All the 
teams in the draw on Friday will be capable of winning the  European Cup there is no 
doubt about that. We know we have to do  better. It has been a long week since the 
Panathinaikos game. We set  ourselves such high standards and we didn't reach that 
last week in  Athens. I hope we have learned from last week."

[22] More from Fergie
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We experienced that last year and I think we would do better this time," said 
Ferguson of the possibility of meeting the Spanish club who knocked United out of last 
season's Champions League semi-finals.'

"I thought they did well. We kept the momentum of our passing going all the game. We 
had good movement, I was pleased. We scored a couple of good goals. It was a good 
result for us. The important thing was to qualify and we are in the next round. It was 
a good night for us, the fans played their part. I thought they were terrific for us 

[21] Graz on last night
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Graz coach Ivica Osim: "They have already won enough and they can win more. Manchester 
United are a team who we can only dream about, but when they play their next game they 
might have problems, especially against teams who play collectively well."

[20] Fergie on Qtr's
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It will be a difficult quarter-final whoever we get - Deportivo, Real Madrid and 
whoever wins the group of Arsenal and Bayern. It goes back to the year we won it when 
we had really formidable opposition in the quarter-finals. We know we need to perform 
and that will help us. We can give more and our capabilities are as high as anyone in 

[19] More from Fergie
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We have a good squad of players and we just felt this was the side we should play 
tonight. I think David Beckham has had a lot of football and he needs a little break 
from the first team. This will do him the world of good and he's had to put up with a 
lot of nonsense in the media, so it will do him good. He's fine about it and there's 
no problem.

We got the result we expected to get and the performance we should be getting on a 
more regular basis. We played a simple game and we had good passing, good possession 
and good movement. We stretched them most of the time and in fairness to them they 
stuck to the job and kept to their task of digging in. It turned out a decent 
performance by us and we got a good start, and Nicky Butt scoring early is always 
handy in a European tie. It was good to see Teddy get back to scoring so all in all 
we're pleased. There were some good performances tonight, no bookings, no injuries and 
it's been a very good night for us."

[18] Platini on the shirts
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Michel Platini speaking on the Graz highlights :
"Manchester United play like in the books and that is very difficult. They  always 
have the collective faculty to make the right pass, the good  cross...And Manchester 
really represents what is the most beautiful in  football, this simplicity. The 
simplicity is the most difficult thing in  football. They always attack with 5 or 6 
players and it's beautiful, but they must attack, not defend."
thanks mate!

[17] O'Dreary gets giddy
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Any team that plays us will be given a game because we are a side which can score 
goals wherever we go. We've players now who can perform in the big stadiums, and the 
Champions League is all about performing on the big stage. These are the nights when 
the big players should play and these are games they should want to play in, and show 
what they are made of. But in each game the players have excelled themselves, and now 
we are almost into the knockout phase, and that's the real big stuff - just four games 
away from the final. As for the draw, we can't be choosy because of the teams we know 
we can get. But we've dealt with the best in the past, and we'll just have to deal 
with the best again."

[16] Fergie on home leg first
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We have a good record playing the first leg at home and we are capable, if we get a 
lead going into the second leg, of making it very difficult for teams - as we proved 
against Inter Milan and Juventus."

[15] Home draw first is good - Irwin
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We're not too disappointed about this because when we won the cup two years ago we 
always played at home first, so maybe that is a good omen for us. We've had some 
trouble away from home, although we have had some decent results. Sometimes we've not 
been able to finish it off at home after playing away first. Really, at the end of the 
day we're just glad to be through."

[14] Fergie on leaving Becks out
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I took a look at David and thought he needed a rest.  There has been a lot of 
pressure on him. I decided to leave him out  so that he could regain his game."

[13] And no surprise here
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the official site

'Roy Keane has been included in Mick McCarthy's Republic of Ireland 
squad to take on Cyprus and Andorra in vital World Cup qualifiers 
later this month. Roy should skipper the side, winning his 50th cap 
in the process, against the Cypriots in Nicosia on 24 March, before 
travelling to Barcelona to take on Andorra on 28 March.'

[12] Another Utd player gets call up
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
'John O'Shea has been named in the Republic of Ireland's Under-21 
squad for their European Championship qualifier with Cyprus on 23 

[11] Why are we not surprised?
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Violence flared at the Parc des Princes last night, with several  supporters injured 
and play suspended for 25 minutes in the Group B  match between Paris St-Germain and 

The referee Vitor Manuel Pereira took the players off the pitch on 59  minutes after 
fighting in the stands. Officials considered calling  off the game with PSG leading 
2-0 but decided to resume as tempers  cooled. There was no further scoring. 

The violence began in the Turkish section, seats being ripped out and  thrown. Some 
supporters climbed out of the stands and wandered  towards the pitch, clearly 
bleeding, and two Galatasaray followers  ran on to the pitch. Five fans were taken to 

Uefa is expected to comment today, with Galatasaray fans again in 
trouble after serious clashes with Arsenal and Leeds supporters last 

There was trouble at the San Siro, too, after Milan were eliminated 
in drawing 1-1 with Deportivo la Coruna, who took over top spot from 

Riot police fought off dozens of Milan fans who tried to reach the  VIP area. 
Astonishingly, Italy has no club in the last eight of 
either European competition.'

[10] Quote of the day
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Fiver

"I have no respect for Arsenal. They are not an exceptional team. I 
have plenty of respect for Manchester United, but none for Arsenal." 
Giovanni Elber gets busy ahead of tomorrow's  crucial Big Cup clash with the Gunners.'

Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Log on at 11am and stay with us on Froday for the draw.

And Fergie gets his wish to play the big boys - we miss out on what once seemed the 
deadly trio who we'd face of Arse, Sheep and Galatasaray (whose fans once again kicked 
off last night) and instead now get Madrid, Coruna or Lyon or Munich. We'll let you 
know as it happens - groups winners will play their first leg away from home - 
therefore Utd play at home first, which is good news as Utd have not won a Euro tie 
when playing home second since Honved (93 I think).

[8] More in SU newsletter
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
By Michael Crick:

"Manchester United have finally agreed to erect a memorial to the three workmen who 
were killed in separate incidents during the reconstruction of Old Trafford. The 
decision follows a six-month campaign by the construction workers union UCATT, and 
also a request last August by Shareholders United.  Both UCATT and SU asked United to 
erect a plaque on the outside of the stadium.

Initially United rejected the idea "It has not been our policy to
erect such memorials," they said.   However they eventually climbed down after bad 
publicity in the media, including an item by the journalist Jim White in his weekly 
column in the Guardian.  White, who is also a SU member, suggested United's refusal to 
erect a plaque was particularly odd when anybody can pay £50 to have their name 
inscribed on a stadium brick.

At a meeting in February, United's Communications Director Paddy
Harverson, finally told UCATT's regional organiser, Jim Woods, that the club would now 
put up a plaque inside the club museum.   "We're happy with the compromise," Woods 
told United Shareholder.  "We thank Manchester United PLC for recognising that three 
construction workers paid the ultimate sacrifice."

[7] Edwards still getting his dosh
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Shareholders United have done some fine detective work - this in their latest mag.

"United are still paying Martin Edwards £100,000 a year, SU has learned, even though 
he retired as Chief Executive last July. According to his latest contract, signed in 
November, Edwards is paid as Chairman of the Football Club for a minimum of two days 
work per week or three if the company so directs.  That works out at roughly £1,000 a 

SU discovered these details by exercising the little known right of shareholders to 
see the contracts of their company's directors. Shareholders United member and 
accountant Henry Hyatt visited Old Trafford to examine the remuneration packages of 
the entire United board.

Hyatt found that the new Chief Executive, Peter Kenyon, and his deputy, David Gill, 
have broadly the same contracts, on basic salaries of £325,000 and £225,000 
respectively.  These are rich rewards by most standards, but only the equivalent of 
six and four weeks of Roy Keane's reported salary. Both Kenyon and Gill are expected 
to work at least 40 hours a week, and get company cars to a minimum value of a BMW 7 
series, plus running costs, which include private use.  

Martin Edwards, in contrast, gets a car to minimum value of Mercedes S500 for his two 
or three-day week. All three men also get 25 days' holiday a year, together with 
sickness benefits, company pension, personal health and life insurance, and medical 
expenses for them and their families."

[6] Milan sack coach
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
'AC Milan have sacked manager Alberto Zaccheroni in the wake of their 
Champions League second-round exit. Former Italy manager Cesare Maldini has been 
appointed to replace  Zaccheroni, with Mauro Tassotti as his assistant.'

[5] Leeds trial latest
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Lee Bowyer has been accused of telling "a pack of lies" to police and to the court 
about the night an Asian student was attacked. The 24-year-old Leeds United player 
told Hull Crown Court that injuries to his face and hand were caused when he slipped 
after leaving a Leeds city centre nightclub. He told the jury someone gave him "a 
whack" as he got up off the floor.

Bowyer, along with his team mate Jonathan Woodgate and two other men, is accused of 
kicking and punching Sarfraz Najeib in Mill Hill in January last year. The former 
England Under-21 captain has told Hull Crown Court that he was not involved in the 
attack because of his fall in Boar Lane, which is near Mill Hill.

Bowyer, who was giving evidence from the witness box for a third day, admitted that he 
"made mistakes" in a police interview several days after the attack on 20-year-old Mr 
Najeib. Bowyer told the court: "I am not very clever. It's how I speak. What I have 
told you is what happened on the night and it might be jumbled up. I cannot help that, 
I am sorry. I am not very good with words. I made some mistakes in interview with 
words and how it's jumbled up and that. I am sorry."

Bowyer said listening to the evidence over the past 21 days of the trial had "jogged" 
his memory.'

Hmm - not very clever eh.

[4] TBC congratulate Utd fans
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
But when will they issue another threat?

Press release


Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council have lifted their threat to close parts of Old 
Trafford after the vast majority of Manchester United fans sat down during the Sturm 
Graz Champions League match.

The council were ready to shut down sections of the upper West and lower East stands 
because of the safety risk caused by persistent standing in these areas. Council 
officers monitored the Old Trafford crowd during last night's 3-0 win over Graz and 
reported a substantial improvement in the numbers of fans sitting down.

Councillor Barry Brotherton, who is the council cabinet minister with responsibility 
for community safety, claimed Trafford would not be serving any order to shut down 
parts of the ground. He felt the fans had heeded the appeals from Sir Alex Ferguson 
before the game and at half-time to sit down.

He said: "The council officers who attended the game were pleased with
the way the fans behaved. There were far less people standing. Some people did stand, 
but it was far better. We've not had the meeting to decide what to do, but it's safe 
to say now that we will not be serving a notice to close down parts of the ground.Sir 
Alex Ferguson's appeal was heeded by the fans and I thank him for that and I would 
also like to thank the fans. They showed a very responsible attitude."

Ferguson was also pleased with the conduct of the crowd and he was
delighted that they had sat down. "The crowd did well," said the United manager. "They 
showed they can participate in a game just as well sitting as they can standing. The 
did sit, OK they got up now and again, but that's what we want to see. I thought they 
did very well and I'm very pleased."

Although fans did heed Ferguson's request to sit down, they feel the
long-term solution to the problem of standing in seated areas is the
introduction of safe standing. Some supporters made this point clear when they 
unfurled a banner on the upper West stand which read, 'Chris Smith listen: safe 
standing now'. They want Smith, who is the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and 
Sport, to re-open the debate on standing, which so far he has been
unwilling to do.

Mark Longden, chairman of the Independent Manchester United Supporters
Association (IMUSA), said: "All the council's threat of closure has done is treat the 
symptoms and not the problem. The problem is people want to stand up and come the 
quarter-finals if we're playing Real Madrid and we're 2-1 down from the first leg, 
you're going to get 20-30,000 people standing and an appeal from the Pope or the Queen 
would not make any difference. We're not talking about standing areas for 30,000, but 
small areas at the bottom of stands of, I would imagine, 4-5,000 maximum. This would 
go a long way to alleviate the problem of standing in seated areas, which everyone 
knows is dangerous."

[3] It was a sad night
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Not for the fact that K and the Fanzone sat, that had to be expected with the 
unbelievable pressure put on us. When the one thing you cherish above all others - 
your seat at OT - is at risk you'll do almost anything to protect it. Yet the shocking 
second half atmosphere in K Stand as the action sprung on to the other side of the 
pitch on field will surely have the club thinking about how they allowed TBC to do one 
over on them. Keano can't have a go at K after that - and what from here on in. TBC 
have praised Utd fans after last night - but will we get the same threats for the QTR 
and onwards, and how will the players feel if the atmosphere suffers as a consequence.
The intimidating actions towards those lads dragged - yes dragged - out of J Stand was 
unbelievable. Other Reds, as at away games, didn't get involved for the same reason as 
this comment starts, for fear of their seats forever being taken away from them. But 
the whole action seemed and smelt of a stitch up - to show who was boss. Why do it - 
and the Execs in their boxes pointing them out summed up just why old time Reds hate 
the new era at OT and new fan approach. A simple word in ear would have been best, and 
then get some old stewards to work, not the suits who came mob handed and then when 
that didn't work called their mates the dibble. The one thing that was apparent last 
night, according to a mate is that this is some sort of last chance saloon for K Stand 
- if they beat us over this then what is left? And, as he also said, let us not forget 
the lads taken out. Hopefully IMUSA et al will get on the case for too many Reds have 
been ejected and then banned from OT to be nev!
er heard of again. These lads last night deserve our thoughts now for being nothing 
more than wrong place, wrong time. A sad night.

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