[34] Photo caption of the day
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Chadwick Toasts Butt After His Opener' - the Daily Mail. 

[33] More from Keano
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"No player is bigger than Manchester United, that is the way it  should be. The lads 
that didn't play will be back, but that is up to  the players themselves. It is not 
the end of the world, these players have slumps but a lot  of players in the 
Premiership would be happy with those slumps. But  these are the standards these 
players set themselves, the standards at Manchester United are so high. 

You can get away with one or two bad performances but eventually you 
pay the price. These players will respond in the right way, that is 
what top players do.  No doubt a lot will be made out of Becks, and he is unfortunate. 
But  the other lads are in the same boat. People say dropped, we prefer  squad 
rotation. The manager could quite easily have made 10 changes,  barring Fabien 
Barthez, and I mean that, me included. 

I was just fortunate to be selected and given the chance to put 
things right for the end of the season.  This is where it matters now. We are in a 
good position in the  Premiership and now we are in the European Cup quarter-finals. 
We have been going through the motions for the  last five or six weeks trying to cover 
the cracks, but eventually you  will suffer.  Sometimes you have to be left out and 
others bought in to freshen  things up. 

We have got away with one or two lacklustre performances but I think 
enough was enough last week. It might have been a good thing as it 
brought it to a head. Now we have to do the business. The manager doesn't lose his 
hunger, that his biggest strength.  That is why he has been manager for 15 years, 
because that hunger  gets passed on to the players." 

[32] Crap reporting of the day
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Where else but the Mirror.

"THE DRAMATIC axeing of David Beckham sent shock waves across Europe - 
but not in the Manchester United dressing room."

Shock waves across Europe - he was rested for one bloody game!

[31] Will he help his club city?
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Rogue trader Nick Leeson is going on a tour of Britain - giving financial advice. The 
man who lost £850 million and bust Barings Bank is giving a series of talks to 
businessmen. An Audience With Nick Leeson has already sold out in some cities. Half of 
his £100-per-person fee will go to Barings' liquidators.

Leeson's audience with 150 bankers, City workers and marketing and design agency staff 
sold out in St Albans. Ten more audiences all over Britain are planned for the next 12 
months, reports The Independent. Leeson is introduced at the talks by comedian Bradley 

But his public relations advisor Ian Monk says: "They are serious business audiences. 
It's not a kind of humorous knockabout thing - it's not the Nick Leeson show."

[30] Bizarre story of the day
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
'A nine-year-old girl has been suspended from school in Greater Manchester for 
refusing to play football. Rebecca Martin's parents think the game is for yobs from 
lower classes and the experience of playing could leave her scarred for life. John and 
Lynn Martin say their only child should be offered an alternative such as tennis or 
horse riding by Dean's Primary School in Salford.

They are considering legal action. There is a possibility that Rebecca could be 
permanently excluded. The school uses coaches from Manchester United - based only five 
miles away - to help teach football skills to its pupils.

Mr Martin, 49, a building firm owner, told the Daily Mail: "Rebecca has refused to 
play football because she feels it is a sport for boys and it is a thuggish game. My 
wife and I think she could be scarred later in life. It is also played by people who 
are of a slightly different disposition from me and my family. They are yobbish."

Mrs Martin added: "I don't think it is suitable for ladies to play football. Little 
girls should play tennis or netball."

Headteacher Frances Hartley said: "Rebecca's parents said they did not want her to do 
football because it is played by uneducated northern yobs."

An Education Department spokesman said: "In the national curriculum children must do 
sports, but if their parents do not want them to do a particular game, then they ought 
to be offered an alternative. To suspend a child seems very extreme."

[29] Leicester team news
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From thebluearmy.co.uk

"Midfielder Junior Lewis was due to sign for Leicester City today - 
ending speculation that he could be prised away by other Premiership 
clubs. The Gillingham 27-year-old initially stalled on a permanent deal but  has now 
agreed to sign. 

"It's good news for the club," said manager Peter Taylor. 

"He's only played five matches but he's handled himself well. He's 
taken his chance.  It should all be sorted out today. He's going to have a medical, 
but  he has agreed terms now and we're delighted." 

Lewis will cost City an initial £50,000 rising to a maximum £150,000 
based on appearances. 

He will be pitched in straight away at Manchester United on Saturday. 

Muzzy Izzet is definitely out with a torn calf muscle, and Robbie 
Savage is almost certain to miss the game with a knee injury. 

"Sav's very, very doubtful," said Taylor. "It's not as bad as first 
feared, but I don't think he will be ready for Saturday." 

Taylor seems certain to go to Old Trafford with a patched-up side. 

As well as Izzet and Savage, Callum Davidson is struggling with a 
back injury, and goalkeeper Tim Flowers is still not ready. 

"One thing is for sure," said Taylor. "We shall be going there to 
regain some pride after last week's result against Wycombe." 

[28] Phil Nev disappointed with being dropped
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The manager surprised everyone outside the club on Tuesday night 
with his team selection. The boss likes to rotate his players and 
this is what happened in the game against Sturm Graz with five 
changes made to the team. 

I was unfortunate to be one of the players to be left out and this 
was very disappointing, especially after my performance in Greece 
last week, when the boss told me I was one of the few successes. 

I found out I wasn't playing during training on Monday morning. The 
boss never puts the team up on the board without explaining his 
selection to the players he has left out first. He called me over in 
training and told me I was very unlucky not to be playing after my 
performance in Greece. He explained that although my form is good at 
present, he needed the experience of Denis Irwin on Tuesday night to 
play behind Luke Chadwick. Whatever the boss says to you, which is 
always positive, it doesn't make up for the disappointment of not 
being in the team. 

The attitude of myself and the others he left out is that we have to 
work even harder in training, show a good attitude and be ready for 
when the boss needs us again. At Manchester united you have to be 
always on your toes and be prepared for anything."

[27] Fab and Mickey get French call
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From official site

'Fabien Barthez and Mikael Silvestre have both been named in the France squad to face 
Japan and Spain in friendlies later this month. The reigning world and European 
champions take on the Japanese in Paris on March 24 before playing Spain in Valencia 
four days later'. 

[26] Houllier on our game with Liverpool
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We'll play Manchester United just before their  Champions' League quarter final, and 
so we'll see if what Alex  Ferguson says is correct.  I think that maybe coming to 
Anfield might be a good rehearsal for  them. It should be a reasonable test."

Test for what?! 

[25] Houllier disagrees with Fergie
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The Premiership is strong. The good thing about it is that  the game is so 
competitive and the pace is so high, which equips 
sides with the right attributes for Europe.  When you play in Europe it's not easy, 
but what we are experiencing  on a weekly basis is helping us to deliver in this 

We are in the quarter final and with a good chance of making the 
semi final. The three English clubs have all made the quarter finals  of the 
Champions' League. I think if you look at English teams in  general, then it shows the 
importance of the Premiership and how 
strong it is in relation to the rest of Europe.  The Spanish are strong at the moment, 
but there are no Italians and  few or no teams from Germany or France in the final 
stages. That is a  good reflection of the relative strengths of the different 

[24] Wenger on English qualification
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It means that English football has taken a huge step forward in the past three years 
as only Manchester United were in the quarter-finals then. Now there are three English 
clubs there and none from Italy.  There is a chance for all three English clubs to go 
through now. The likes of Barcelona, Lazio and AC Milan have gone out so many big 
teams are missing. That is the second year running that three Spanish clubs
have gone through. It is no coincidence and shows they have the best clubs in Europe." 

[23] Keano on European chances
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"There was nobody more disappointed than the players last week. If anything it might 
have been a good thing last week because it brought
things to a head and maybe we had just been going through the motions in the previous 
six or seven games.  We had to do the business against Sturm Graz and it was a good 
performance, but we know if we want to get to that final we have to set our standards 
even higher. 

We know we still have to go that bit further if we want to get to the final.  
Hopefully we've still to peak, but it's one thing me standing here talking about it 
and another to go out and do it on the pitch.

I don't think it makes that much difference (who we play in Qtr's)... People might say 
we have to do it the hard way because we finished second, but I wish football was as 
simple as that.  It's going to be hard whoever we get and the last eight teams are all 
capable of winning the European Cup.  Hopefully whoever gets us, it will be a hard 
game for them.  We're just glad to be in the quarter-finals and we're looking forward 
to the draw." 

[22] More kicking off over semi at OT
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
And it's not even the day of the game...

'The furore over the travel arrangements for Tottenham and Arsenal's FA Cup semi-final 
clash in Manchester on April 8 shows no sign of easing.Spurs, furious at a Virgin 
Trains' statement which revealed only one - already fully booked - train would be 
available on that day, have accused the company of being "unhelpful" and "arrogant".

In a retaliatory release Tottenham's executive vice-chairman David Buchler said: "Both 
clubs, I know, are doing their utmost to try to help supporters with their travel 
arrangements. The press release from Virgin Trains, which is so unhelpful, says more 
about the arrogance with which they conduct their business than it does about the 
problems that might face fans on their travel. Richard Branson has a lot to answer for 
in allowing such aggressive statements to be issued by Virgin. In the meantime, we are 
looking to hire our own coaches, trains and planes on the day."

[21] She's a what
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Private Eye has a report in its latest issue about Labour's press guro A.Campbell 
visiting new newspaper mogul and Sexpress owner Desmond to see if Becks & Posh would 
be interested in backing New Labour at the election and helping to gain some more 
votes if they could publicly use this. One problem Desmond told him - 'Posh is a 

[20] Leeds trial latest
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Lee Bowyer has been accused of being "exhilarated" after he was allegedly involved in 
an attack on an Asian student. The 24-year-old Leeds United footballer "enjoyed" 
kicking and punching Sarfraz Najeib unconscious in the assault in January last year, 
claimed Nicholas Campbell QC.

Bowyer, along with his team mate Jonathan Woodgate and two other men, is accused of 
kicking and punching Mr Najeib in Mill Hill in Leeds. Mr Campbell said: "You were part 
of the attack on the Asian student who you had left almost for dead. I am not saying 
that the others were not as exhilarated as the two of you. But you enjoyed it, Mr 

Bowyer, in the witness box for a third day, replied: "No. I was not in Mill Hill. I 
have been misidentified because pictures of me have been in the paper."

The jury at Hull Crown Court has seen CCTV footage of Bowyer hugging co-accused Neale 
Caveney outside a pub after the attack on Mr Najeib, which the prosecution has claimed 
was "a victory embrace". Bowyer said: "I was not part of any attack, no assault 
whatsoever, no victory to celebrate."

[19] Champions League Qtr Final ticket news
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From official site

KICK OFF 7. 45 P.M.

The draw is due to be made on Friday 16th March * a.m. However, ST/LMTB Holders can 
make an IMMEDIATE postal application. Sales will then commence to Season/LMTB Holders 
who can purchase their own seats at the times sated below on production of voucher 48 
(duly completed) and their membership card. Alternatively, ST/LMTB Holders unable to 
make a personal application can purchase their own seat by telephoning the MUFC Ticket 
Line on (0161) 868 8010 at the same times giving details of their customer number and 
credit/debit card details (please note an administration fee of 3% per transaction is 

Sunday 18th March 8.30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Monday 19th March 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Tuesday 20th March 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Due to increased perimeter advertising boards Rows AA/BB in East/West
Stands and a small number of seats in Rows AA-CC in North Stand will not be sold. 
Additionally, Blocks 226/227 and Row 27 in Blocks 126/127 in South Stand have been 
reserved from UEFA/Press facilities. Therefore, Season Ticket Holders in these areas 
are requested to make a postal application and state in their letter of application 
their preference for alternative seating.

ST/LMTB Holders who wish to purchase other than their usual seat can do so on 
Wednesday 21st March, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. by making a personal application or by 
telephoning the MUFC Ticket Line. Or alternatively, make an IMMEDIATE postal 
application enclosing a letter of application, relevant voucher (duly completed), 
first class sae, open cheque (made payable to MUFC) or credit/debit card details 
(please note an administration fee of 3% per transaction is charged).

Please ensure the incoming envelope is clearly marked 'EUROPEAN'.


Sales will then continue to Members who can purchase a seat on a best
available basis from the Ticket Office on Thursday/Friday 22nd/23rd March, 9.30 a.m. 
to 5 p.m., Saturday 24th March, 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Sunday 25th March, 8.30 a.m. 
to 1 p.m. (subject to availability).

Members unable to apply in person can make an online application OR an
IMMEDIATE postal application enclosing a members match ticket order form, relevant 
payment and a first class sae.

A further announcement regarding ticket availability will be made on Sunday 25th 

[18] More from Paddy
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Roy Keane had the same problem and there were three or four games 
this season when he perhaps wasn't at his best, and look at him now. Just because 
David isn't playing that well at the minute doesn't 
mean he's still not a great player. I'm sure this is just temporary. Part of the 
problem is that David  has such high standards and he can maybe put pressure on 
himself. He will probably be back in the team for the game against Leicester on 

[17] Paddy Crerand on Becks
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I just think that Alex left him out because he didn't want him  picking up another 
booking and being suspended for the next match. I think it was that more than 
anything, although David has not been 
playing as well as he has done. I think it goes back to when United played West Ham in 
the FA Cup in  January. He had flu and played when probably he shouldn't have done and 
he's  not been the same since. I remember I had the flu round about then and I was 
dying for three 
weeks. He will be disappointed that he didn't play because he wants to play  in every 

He would play in every reserve game as well if you let him, he wants  to play that 
much. But because it's David Beckham it's big news and everyone gets very  excited 
about it. All great players go through this from time to time and he will be  back."

[16] Help the Tier 2 banners fund
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Help get more banners up for Tier 2

'Collecting for MUFC-THE RELIGION 50 footer for WT2. 90 pounds short 
any donations check out. Well worth a tenner each.


[15] We'll win the football league again, and...
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
As the ever increasingly tacky title `celebrations', choreographed to  death by Sky 
seem to have thrown up a nice bit of irony following the  shifting around of the 
Charlton and Saints games.

We could win the title at the derby game.

Shame that!

And nice idea from someone in K at the Graz game. In OUR protest at the sit down 
nonsense how about sitting down during the PLC inspired - Keith Fane may have gone but 
it will still be tat - musical bastardised medley we get each title win. Everyone 
sits, until they shut up and let us lead the chorus.

Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Potential opponents
Bayern, Madrid and Deportivo La Coruna are the teams we can draw on 

Decisions, decisions - but does anyone know if Coruna (on the North coast of Spain) 
has an airport yet?

[13] Roy: - Fergie won't let things drop
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"That's what the manager gets paid to do and no doubt that's the hard 
part of the job. The hunger - that's his biggest strength. That's why he has been  
manager of Manchester United for 15 years. That gets through to the players and we all 
knew we had to go out  there and put on a good performance. We set ourselves high 
standards and we didn't reach them last week  against Panathinaikos. Hopefully we've 
done that now and we can now look forward with  confidence to the draw on Friday."

[12] Keano - no-one undroppable
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"That's the way it should be. Nobody is bigger than the club, except maybe the 
manager. It's now up to the players how they respond and it's not the end of  the 
world. These players are having so-called slumps, but a lot of players in  the Premier 
League would be happy with these slumps.

These are the standards these players judge themselves by. That's 
what it's all about. You can get away with one or two bad performances, but eventually 
 you pay the price. People say dropped and dropped may be too strong a word and 
perhaps  it's squad rotation. But these players will respond in the right way. I know 
they will 
and that's what top players do."

[11] Raul ban overturned
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Real Madrid are delighted that Uefa have revoked the one-match ban and £8,000 fine 
they imposed on Raul for the striker's handball goal against Leeds last week. Director 
of football Jorge Valdano said Real's appeal against the suspension has been 
successful and that Raul's good reputation has been deservedly restored.

"As far as Uefa is concerned, Real Madrid feel very satisfied with the outcome of this 
appeal which has cleared the name of a player who is a shining example for both Real 
and football in general. Raul is an example of fair play with a reputation that does 
not deserve to be tarnished by anything like this, which prevents him from being able 
to do what he does best - playing football. There is no doubt that players like him do 
not deserve to become embroiled in controversial situations like the goings-on of the 
last few days."

So handball to score - it's ok!

[10] Bayern coach very confident
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ottmar Hitzfeld: "We belong now to the best eight teams in Europe. Now we take it as 
it comes. We can beat anyone at the top level. We slipped up against Lyon but  it 
proved a good lesson for us. I think we left the other three teams  in the group 
standing and this gives us a big boost going into the  quarter-finals."

[9] Paris SG face fine
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
As no doubt Galatasaray will get away with it, again (again, again, again!).

'Paris St Germain expect to be punished by Uefa after crowd trouble erupted during 
last night's Champions League tie against Galatasaray at the Parc des Princes. The 
match was delayed for more than 20 minutes in the second half when fighting broke out 
between rival supporters, with four fans going onto the pitch. Fifty-six people were 
injured in the trouble, 17 of them needing hospital treatment and Police announced 
after PSG's 2-0 win that they had made six arrests.

A Uefa spokesman today said that European football's governing body will wait until 
both matches have been scrutinised by Uefa's control and disciplinary committee before 
making an official statement next Wednesday.

PSG president Laurent Perpere said: "We were aware that this match was in the high 
risk category and we made all the necessary arrangements with the prefecture.....we 
are responsible and I'm awaiting the penalty (from Uefa)."

Uefa spokesman Mike Lee told Radio Five Live: "This was a serious incident. There were 
clearly problems with there being a large Turkish community in Paris."

[8] Letter to RN of the day
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ivan about Charlton being moved

"That's just typical. One saturday home after March with a 3pm kick off and they move 
it so 2 teams with nothimg to do with the match - are they having a laugh? Let me 
guess - it'll be a way to get it live on sky"

[7] More on sitting down for the Graz game
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Press release

'Manchester United have welcomed Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council's decision to 
lift their threat to close parts of Old Trafford because of persistent standing. The 
council were ready to shut down sections of the upper West and lower East stands 
because of the safety risk caused by supporters standing in these areas. Council 
officers monitored the crowd during United's 3-0 Champions League win over Sturm Graz 
and were impressed with the fans' response to Sir Alex Ferguson's pleas to sit down.

United's director of communications Paddy Harverson said: "The club was delighted with 
the behaviour of the fans and pleased that the council has recognised this. We hope 
the supporters will continue to pay heed to the council's concerns for future games. 
The club will continue discussions with fans on improving the atmosphere at Old 

Come on then Paddy - get in touch with us...

The report continued

'United were keen to stress that four spectators ejected during the game were removed 
because of disorderly behaviour and not because they had been standing.'

As someone once said - they would say that though wouldn't they. Or as someone else 
said watching it all, sat down as it seems one more nail goes into the coffin of the 
Red Army culture 'new era my arse'.

[6] IMUSA meeting tonight
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
IMUSA meeting tonight at usual venue. No doubt the Safe Standing 
campaign will be the main topic on the agenda.

Thursday 15-03-2001 - 8pm (ish)
There is an IMUSA Meeting tonight - open to all members (Bring your 
membership card) - or join on the door.

Usual Venue:
Upstairs at O'Briens pub - next to Stretford Arndale on Chester Road.

New members and new ideas welcome.

[5] IMUSA March fanzine article
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
And suddenly it was back on the Council's agenda!  Just as you thought it was safe to 
enjoy yourself at Old Trafford again, along come Trafford Council with threats to 
close down T2.  

Though no doubt things will have rapidly moved on by the time you get to read this 
piece (written in the aftermath of press conferences and mass media interest), it is 
worthwhile briefly reviewing the relationship between IMUSA and Trafford Council.

Barry Brotherton from Trafford BC - recently villified as a "Jobsworth" in the Daily 
Mirror has been one of the leading supporters of our campaign to introduce Safe 
Standing.  His efforts have contributed towards the Watchdog programmes, Kate Hoey's 
conversion to our cause and the supportive campaign in The Observer amongst other 

Through this campaign, the FLA went to Germany to study Safe Standing.  Chris Smith 
culture Secretary and Hoey's boss has disgracefully 'spun' the report's findings.  So 
that when the report says "This system could, with certain modifications, comply with 
safety standards required in England and Wales" he somehow read it differently and 
stated the report "concluded that it is doubtful that existing UK stadia could be 
converted to accommodate German practice without compromising safety standards"!

Whilst IMUSA use the contacts we have with Barry Brotherton and the Council's 
Licensing Authority to put forward the views of supporters, try and broker a 
compromise, and so avoid ground closure, the true target should be Chris Smith who 
clearly wants to stamp out debate on the issue. 

IMUSA will post regular updates on the web site and e-discussion lists as and when the 
position evolves.  A full update will be at our next Committee Meeting - please attend 
and give your views.

IMUSAs AGM is approaching.  There will be a number of Officer positions up for grabs 
and the chance to stand for election to the committee.  Further details will be in the 
next edition of the fanzines.  In the meantime will members (who must have up-to-date 
membership) who wish to either stand for committee/officers or who wish to vote by 
post, please contact IMUSA either via the PO Box or through the web site 

Finally the next two Committee meetings are scheduled as below.  At the end of the 
season rearranged and Champions' League fixtures could get in the way so please make 
sure by contacting us or through the web site and discussion lists.

Forthcoming meetings:

Thursday April 12th 
Thursday May 10th

O'Brien's, Stretford Arndale - start 8pm.
All members welcome

IMUSA is only able to be in a position to put forward the views of regular match going 
fans to the likes of Trafford MBC, Kate Hoey and co because of its membership base. 

Without members IMUSA would no be heard and nor would the views of United fans.  


To join IMUSA please send a cheque for £5 (£10 overseas) for a twelve month membership 
PO Box 69, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0UZ

[4] And before we begin to sound
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
like a capitalist ad agency of which we mock so often, our last plug goes to RN no.75, 
available before the game and outside the ground on saturday, including a Brian 
McClair interview all for the bargain price of £1.50.

[3] Simply a MUST READ
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Match report from Tuesday game from the always superb Paul - you can find past reports 
and up-to-date comment at www.red11.com, and check our shop out on this site for his 
excellent book of last season 'A Seat in the Crowd'.

To stand or not to stand?

Manchester United 3 Sturm Graz 0
Champions  League Tuesday 13 March 2001

To stand or not to stand? That is the question. Whether stands should be for standing, 
or sitting is another. Whether you should allow a bunch of thugs to manhandle 
supporters is another. And I thought that the PLC were turning the corner and that 
they were interested in fostering good relations with those of us who actually want to 
support the team in the time honoured way. After the events of last night, it seems I 
may have been sadly mistaken.

We were told to sit down - a plea by the manager, a threat by Trafford Borough Council 
and a school-masterish instruction by uncle Ken Merrett. A prohibition order  would be 
issued if we failed to comply and this would take effect in 21 days and cause the 
closure of certain parts of the ground. The identified areas:  West Stand second tier, 
West Stand lower, East Stand lower and the East Stand first tier, which used to be 
known as the K Stand . Still is known as K Stand as far as I m concerned! As uncle Ken 
said, That's where the vociferous support traditionally comes from.  Of course it has 
to be remembered that there used to be a great deal more of this vociferous support  
in the lower section of the Scoreboard End before the club extended the disabled 
section into it, but that s another matter, or is it? So, with all this in mind, the 
sausageman and I set off for the Manchester.

How I managed to survive the journey back and forth with him in the car I ll never 
know. But despite a couple of fairly severe braking incidents, the air inside the car 
remained relatively pure and we arrived in Manchester with enough time to pay a visit 
to Walsh towers and even the offie by Macaris, where we were greeted by a very 
businesslike Mr Brisco. The last time I d seen black leather gloves like that, they 
were being worn by the air-hostesses on our flight to Barcelona. Draw your own 

As we were about to leave for the ground, a very happy Austrian fell all over us. So 
tanked up on Boddies he was more concerned that we beat Bayern Munich (who he 
professed to hate) than his own team beat us, in fact he predicted we d win 4-0 which 
was nearer the mark than anyone else. His mate, who was wearing more United gear than 
Graz, was less forthcoming - offering nothing more than one of those burbling smiles 
which tells you he is incapable of any sort of speech due to an extreme excess of 
alcohol consumption. They staggered their way down to the ground as I veered off to 
check on whether Barney was confident or not. He was - which is always slightly 
worrying. Fortunately a distraction arrived - an encounter very reminiscent to the 
Austrian - it was Jonah, who was incapable (of predicting anything)!

Down at the ground I met up with Eliza and enquired as to why she hadnt responded to 
my earlier phone message, but apparently it might have helped if I d sent it to the 
correct number - whoops! We filter past the bunch of stewards checking tickets, and 
enter through our usual turnstile. I pass by our steward, who was keeping his mouth 
tightly shut as per our non- prediction agreement and we climb to our seats where we 
find notices stuck on the back of every one imploring us to remain seated during the 
game. And so at the start it was a strange sight seeing the whole of K stand and 
beyond all sitting. It lasted all of two minutes - as United were straight on the 
attack with the Graz keeper somehow managing to claw back a Solskjaer header as he was 
falling backwards over the line.

United had signalled intent and attacked on mass and within a couple of minutes were 
one up. We were on our feet again and celebrating. The build up was messy, but the 
goal was not. The ball had seemed to be on elastic pinging around between Solskjaer, 
Chadwick and Keane on the edge of the area. suddenly it was released and found it s 
way out to Nicky Butt, and with the whole of the diasabled section ready to duck, he 
fooled the lot of them by bending his shot low and hard past Sidorczuk. The 
celebrations were protracted and some over in J Stand forgot to sit back down.

Problems erupted soon after as a number of SPS muscled their way in. It seemed as 
though the objections had emanated from one of the exec boxes and the offenders were 
found and wrestled from their places. The whole of J Stand were on their feet shortly 
followed by K Stand and the Scoreboard. The game was secondary to the action over to 
our left. The actions of SPS were typical. Over zealous would be a more than 
sympathetic way of putting it. Pig ignorant may be nearer the truth. They were 
fortunate that the reaction of the crowd (and it was extremely aggressive) did not 
escalate and become out of control.  You re just a bunch of w**kers  was spat out with 
venomous hatred. Reminiscent of the Arsenal game a few seasons ago when this problem 
erupted for the first time. A chorus of  stand up for the Champions  echoed around the 
ground and was repeated over and over. SPS eventually retreated. A strategic 
withdrawal perhaps? We weren t sure how such outrageous reaction could suddenl!
y have been turned to discretionary behaviour, but concluded that the aggression 
directed towards them had swayed those in command, and an air of relative calm 
descended - but not for long.

Fortunately this happened in the nick of time, as we turned back to face the pitch. We 
were about to celebrate the second goal. Butt was again involved, winning the ball 
from a defender who was only too willing to give it up as soon as he realised Nicky 
was snarling over his shoulder and snapping at his heels. He slipped it through to 
Ole, who cut it back to Sheringham, who beat the keeper with a low shot to his right. 
Two up in less than 20 minutes and both had been scored at our end. The game was all 
but over. There was no way Graz were going to recover. It was only a surprise United 
didn t go further ahead. In fact if it wasn t for Sidorczuk in the Graz goal, they 
would have done. He pulled off a couple of superb saves from Ole and Scholes to keep 
the score down to a more flattering level.

Meanwhile events were taking a turn for the worse up in J Stand. The
problems erupted once more, but this time in a far more serious manner. A line of SPS 
trouped up the aisle, followed by a line of coppers. They stretched from top to bottom 
- an over reaction of immense proportions. An SPS official appeared in one of the exec 
boxes and directed his men toward their targets. Everyone stood again and the same cry 
of,  you re just a bunch of w**kers  was spat out with even more rebellious venom than 
before. It made no difference. The gorillas moved in and dragged their prey from their 
positions. I saw at least three ejected, but apparently there may have been two more. 
They were pushed and shoved down the stairs and below. You got the impression that it 
was a disaster waiting to happen and one way or the other SPS were going to single 
someone out (and the more the merrier as far as they were concerned) and make an 
example out of them. If the whole situation had been managed differently (in other 
words sensibly) there would have been no problem.

The behaviour of SPS could have caused mayhem. Uncle Ken had said,  We could try and 
take action against those who persistently stand but from past experience, that's 
self-defeating. We rule by consent of the majority and if they see fellow supporters 
being ejected at the behest of the local authority, it may escalate the problem into 
other areas." So who took the decision to send these gorillas in then? And if it was 
solely the decision of SPS, then surely their contract should be withdrawn with 
immediate effect. Now, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council have lifted their threat 
to close parts of the ground as they say,  we showed a responsible attitude.  More s 
the pity SPS didn t. The whole thing is a mockery.

The half ended with the whole of J, K and the Scoreboard, in an attempt to restore the 
evening to a more affable occasion, chanting,  Fergie sit down, Fergie sit down . When 
he did, he got a round of applause - and then, Fergie stand up, Fergie stand up ! We 
didn t go below stairs straight away, we waited a few minutes while I was distracted 
by the chocolate fudge cake Eliza gave me and by one of our oldest supporters who was 
doing the half time draw. Alice is 97 years old and a lovely lady who I have had the 
pleasure of standing next to at Coventry a couple of years ago. When we did go 
downstairs we were astonished at what we saw. A long line of police were marching 
through the back of the East section. This line was so long, you couldn t see the 
beginning or the end. The reaction of everyone was antagonistic. The reaction of one 
Red was extreme. He walked in amongst them goose stepping and doing the Hitler salute. 
The copper directly behind him was least amused as he possess!
ed a moustache not too dissimilar to the
aforementioned dictator, but the Red was allowed to get away with it.

The second half was more or less a non event apart from the last few minutes. The two 
in front of us, who usually bring bottles of Coke, to Euro games, had broken with 
tradition and brought orange juice instead, but it had the same effect. They also 
brought horns and blew them at every available opportunity until they became incapable 
of any co-ordinative action! On the pitch the second half started as the first had 
finished, with their keeper making an excellent save, this time from Stam. In front of 
us the only thing to keep us entertained, apart from our friends becoming less and 
less capable, was Barthez. If anyone was born to be Red - he was. His skill on the 
ball is just incredible for a goalkeeper.

Down at the Stretford, after that initial flourish, the action didn t pick up until 
near the end, when Scholesy smashed a 25 yarder goalwards which Sidorczuk 
acrobatically tipped away for a corner. The third goal came shortly afterwards. The 
move stretched from one end of the pitch to the other and was started when Silvestre 
brilliantly intercepted the ball on the edge of his own area. He passed up the line to 
Chadwick who slipped the ball one side of an embarrassed and static defender, ran 
round the other and took the ball forward to the edge of the Graz box where he gave it 
to Ole. This was flicked on to Keane who passed it between the keeper s legs and into 
net. A superb move. I made my way down to the stairs where I stood for the last minute 
chatting to a delighted steward, who swore his predicting days were definitely over.

Feelings after the game were mixed. We were through to the next round in second place 
in the group on goal difference, but that was not the issue - the action of SPS was. 
Sad to say it dominated all discussion and overshadowed the evening - when will they 
ever learn?


You can find more match reports in Features on this site.

[2] Talking of checking this site
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Get on our forum and discuss the off field events of Tuesday night - the sit down or 
we'll lock you up forever type - where some good tips and words of wisdom are coming 
out for the, as ever, clued up RN readership. We can't take this, pardon the very bad 
pun, sitting down, we are in last chance bar type scenario. If they get rid of the Red 
Army what is left at OT?

[1] Article of the day
Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Birdman - remember he and all types of other articles can be found in 
>Features - well worth taking a look round the rest of this site.

Birdy's Bacon Barm NO 14 (15 MAR 2001)


This Barm can only kick off with a whole hearted and very urgent plea to Dev off The 
Street- "don't do it Dev man!"  What is this guy playing at eh ? He's going out with a 
lovely bit of stuff in Geena (and she works in a pub - double bubble bonus) and he is
gonna throw it all away and get off with bleenin' Deidre! Words fail me. Someone once 
said "why would you ever choose a burger instead of a
steak" and someone else replied "sometimes you just fancy a burger" Ok then so he 
fancies a bit of rough but come on now - Diedre's flattened
some bleedin' grass in her time hasn't she ?  Oh and that neck of hers - oh no no no. 
Shes had more men than the army/more pricks than a pin cushion blah blah Someone get a 
message to Dev and make it quick. 707 4444 Lyle Cars.

Now I have got nothing at all against people who ride bikes. Its
healthy, its good fun and its green - good on em. But what I do find strange is these 
blokes you see riding about on em all the time - not for any purpose like to go to 
work on or to join their kids on a boring Sunday - oh no. These guys that are probably 
on the dole, riding around like they think they are still friggin 14 or something. 
Look lads get a life will ya. Now if you are on the rock and roll and don't wanna work 
then do the decent thing and spend your days in the bookies/snooker hall/bed... just 
don't ride around annoying me. Tar.Oh and wear a helmet is much safer.

In between getting p-issed off with dole-ites on bikes I occasionally do other things 
which take me out and about in me car or in a Joseph Baxi (who is he?). Whilst on me 
travels I always look at other cars and think "oh theres a Blue Astra - is that me 
mate Toe?" - or "Is that me Dad in that White Escort". Now if you are a sad f-cker 
like me too and you do this as well - just work out how many times it actually IS the 
person you think it is. Second thoughts - don't bother I'll tell ya - about as often 
as man siddy win a trophy - so stop doing it - I have although I tried patches/road 
withdrawal/therapy - the lot to get to where I am now. Stick with it though comrades.

Kevin in our office went in a shop on Salford preccie ages back looking for a Computer 
Game magazine. The assistant comes over to help him but cant. So the assistant shouts 
over to the woman behind the till "this guy here is looking for a GAY magazine - can 
you help him?" "Game I said Dickhead" says a blushing Kevin in a packed John Menzies.  
Now I'd have paid to have seen that one. Erm not that there is owt wrong with puffs 
and all anyways.

Life is expensive and no more so than those peskie kids. My top Birdman tight fisted 
tips for keeping the little mites happy this summer are: Balloons - hours of fun for 
about 2p each Get some stale bread and take to feed the ducks - hours of fun for sod 
Ice pops - 100 for a quid at Asda
Bubbles - 20 p from Pound Shrinker
And if you really wanna roll those years back get down the tip - get some pram wheels 
and an old back door and knock up a Boggie - Rainsough Brow or Folly Lane at full pelt 
cant be beaten.
Dodgy ground this - very dodgy ground. My old fella got me some slippers the other day 
- moccason ones as well with fur inside. Now I have not worn slippers since I was 
about 11. Thing is - I liked me new slippers and what is scary is I am wearing them 
now as I type! 
I instantly look about 10 years older in em but my feet are warm and I feel "comfie" 
(comfie - what a girlie tart of a word that is eh?).Anyway the point is...where can I 
get help from ? Please help me !!!! Help, before I start gardening or treating myself 
to a sheep skin steering wheel cover or buying tea leaves... and saying "ooh I mustn't 
grumble". Oh forget it - I'm off for some liver and cabbage ,a sweet sherry and a bag 
ov mint imperials.

Anyway - we had a Fancy dress party the other week for the bread knifes' 30th  
TheBirdman was as planned a scouser - murrrrrddderr - your friggin jokin' lar.  Erm no 
I'm not joking and to be honest I was the best behaved person there!  Now we have had 
a few parties over the years and yes you do expect a bit of mess and the odd broken 
glass. Not this time though - no. The place looked like Saddam Hussain's house - yeah 
like a bomb has hit it. Jesus there were countless broken glasses, fag burns in the 
sofa, spilt cans and a left over quiche with a fag stubbed out in the middle of it
(Christ - who are these savages we invited - oh yeah our mates!) And even worse some 
tw*t left my Cantona CD out of the sleeve - reward for the persons name is currently 
£20'000. However, even worse than this  was the state of the back garden... you should 
have seen it. There was a pile of puke in the corner, cans everywhere and loads of 
false tash's, beards, underwear - you name it, it was there. I didn't know whether to 
tidy up or firkin move house. Its usually worth it though aint it - especially if you 
have had a belting night. But for me it wasn't - I can remember hardly anything about 
the party cos I was spannered by 10pm. One of the wife's mates (apparently) 
camcordered us all till 6 in the morning - so that should make tremendous viewing when 
we get it off her.Never again. 

Red News are doing a special (Issue 77) Rotterdam Remembered Issue in
May for the 10th Anniversary of that great night. They want people to submit short 
stories of their experiences of the event. No doubt Barney is getting well p-issed off 
with me mithering him and therefore wont print mine' (yes I will - Barney!). So here 
it is below...

Rotterdam - blimey that seems a long time ago now. All I can remember
about it is .... Turning up Old Trafford at night to get on the coach and seeing about 
130 coaches.
The car park at Dover - a mass football game - everyone wearing the red top versus 
everyone in the acid house away top.
The boat was packed, beer was flowing.
The trip only costing £59.00 -included the ticket !
The treck on the coach to Dover, through Belgium and France & not having a dump for 3 
days !! 
Stopping at road side cafes in Belgium and people asking if they did
chips and gravy!!!
People talking slower and louder to foreigners and expecting them to understand fluent 
Me with hair !! 
It being sunny all the way there until we got to Rotterdam and it p-issed down, 
That party they arranged in that park - with bands on and stuff - people dancing with 
the coppers and swapping hats with em (dose crazzzy Dutch eh boys)
Buying some lager from some Dutch blokes from the back of their car....then realising 
it was only 0.5% - we were reluctant to take it back and try and get our money back - 
but when we saw a load of about 8 lads taking theirs back we suddenly became a lot 
braver and marched over there demanding our money back.
Seeing the players coach going in the ground.
Being searched on the way into the ground - yet once inside all the
Barca fans were letting fireworks off (?)
Out numbering there fans by about 4 to1.
People (very mad people) standing on the top of the fences/walls at the very top of 
the stadium holding on to the flag poles. This was awful - they were standing on a 3 
inch ledge with a few hundred foot drop behind them - just looking at them made me 
feel ill - how someone never fell off and died I will never know.
Probably won't sound much to some people, who have stories about staying in Amsterdam, 
jibbing it etc, but me and Paul Guest bleedin' well loved it.
Just to round everything off we got back and heard that the players were doing a bus 
parade and that they were gonna be going through Eccles!. I stormed down to Eccles for 
7pm....met a few mates there and got a few beers and sat outside the Albert Edward 
waiting for the parade. We were all sh@tfaced by 10 pm - 3 hours late the boys were. 
By the time they got there Eccles was absolutely packed. Loads of singing and bouncing 
up and down was going on - Eccles finest hour it was. The bus crawled through the town 
and we chased the bus on to where the Church Inn is. Great way to end it. 

Anyway - thats me stuffed - where them Rennies gone ? (oh and always
read the label)
Que the credits.
Website of the week is www.corrie.net (come onnnn - its part of your
Video of the week is the one of our party - when we ever get it that is.
Tune of the week is  "I've Started Something" by The Smiths
(typical me)
Div of the week - Joe Cole of WHUFC - excellent. (What goes around comes around - 
usually local dicks on push bikes!)
Like Paul Weller says in A Town Called Malice "I could go on for hours
and I probably will but" Defoe - laters.

[41] New date for Charlton
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Manchester United v Charlton Athletic
Old Trafford, Tuesday 10th April, kick off 8pm.

[40] Ronnie Johnsen on sick pal
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"This Tuesday turned out to be a very sad day. I was looking forward to seeing us 
qualify for the quarter-finals by beating Sturm Graz last night, but instead I got the 
sad message that my friend and Norwegian footballer Stale Solbakken almost died in 
training after his heart stopped. 

Everything else becomes unimportant when these things happen. All my thoughts go to 
Stale and his family. I hope and pray that he will recover. I did go to yesterday's 
game, and saw us beat Sturm Graz 3-0, but my thoughts were with Stale the whole game. 
After the match I went straight home to read about the latest news about his condition 
on the Internet.I keep my fingers crossed for Stale."

[39] Dickov on the happy pills?
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I honestly believe we will stay up and I am not just saying that 
because people expect me to. I feel like a new  player, I am fresh mentally and 
physically and we also have Mark  Kennedy, Kevin Horlock and Paulo Wanchope coming 
back in the same  frame of mind. We probably still need four or five wins and we feel 
fully capable  of getting them. My target is to play as many of those nine games as  I 
can and take my goal tally to double figures for the season. If I have to do that from 
the bench then that is fine, I don't  regard coming on as a substitute to be 
frustrating but rather a  positive opportunity for me to stake a claim."

[38] Call off the Old Trafford semi - says...
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Virgin Trains!

'Rail operators have urged the Football Association to scrap plans to play the 
all-London FA Cup semi-final in Manchester. Chris Green, chief executive of Virgin 
Trains, said there was only one train available to help carry 70,000 fans from the 
capital to Old Trafford, and that was already fully-booked.

"There is no chance of running any specials in either direction and the return on 
Sunday evening coincides with the busiest time of the week," he said. He said the FA 
had not consulted Virgin Trains over the decision to play the clash between 
North-London rivals Arsenal and Spurs in Manchester on April 8.

"This really is a bad idea. The west coast main line is currently undergoing massive 
engineering works at weekends to replace damaged rails. We only have one train 
scheduled that would reach Manchester in time but this would only carry 500 people and 
it is already completely booked up."

Mr Green said the best move would be to reschedule the game to a London venue as soon 
as possible.

"If they do not we are facing a logistical nightmare and one which I can see no way 

[37] Bottle job of the day
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Chris Smith 

All safe standing questions 'removed' from Guardian website - they  were there 
yesterday, and he even avoided the controversial 'meeja' 
ones left.


[36] Red News issue 75 on sale Saturday
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Before the game outside the ground. £1.50 - McClair interview.

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