[26] But Bayern players don't won't to talk about it
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Bayern Munich manager Ottmar Hitzfeld has banned his players from 
talking to the media ahead of Tuesday's Champions League clash with 
"Everyone here seem only interested in that  Manchester match. Players are getting 
asked all the time by  journalists from all over. There's no sense in tolerating this. 
 Players must concentrate on their job, but not talk to the media all  the time." 

'Only youngster Owen Hargreaves was allowed to participate in three 
English TV interviews, as the England Under 21 international won't 
have a spot in Hitzfeld's plans for the trip to Manchester.' 

[25] Bayern getting quite excited
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Check the Bayern web site out at 

(link:http://www.fcb.de/en/home) http://www.fcb.de/en/home

They are tagging our Qtr Final out as 'The Revenge' and quite a bit about the game.

[24] Another giddy Scouser/German
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Hammann: "We've  got two massive games coming up against Manchester United and  
Barcelona, but I'm confident we can win both of them. At Old Trafford  we beat Man 
United and were easily the better team - there's no  reason why we can't do it again. 
I think our fans will be happy if we  finish the season having beaten United twice. 
It's going to be a very  tough game but we are all up for it."

Yeah, sod winning the league, they can claim that - and it's not even going to happen!

H"The semi-final of the UEFA Cup is going to be a fantastic 
occasion as well. They are one of the biggest teams in the world, but 
we don't fear them. We are a world class side as well and capable of 
beating anybody on our day. It seems that Liverpool have a massive 
game once a week, but we aren't tiring just yet. I think it's easy to 
get yourself up for these big games and I can't see us fading."

Liverpool - world class. Hmm, trade descriptions act anybody? 

[23] Southgate on Scholes
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
"He's scored so many critical goals for both club and country. He's 
arguably the best player we have. That touch for the Owen goal 
mirrored the ball he played to David Beckham for the second goal 
against Finland - simple but devastating. Even away from the penalty 
box he's vital to us, keeping it simple but keeping the team moving 
and not losing possession. 

Albania actually posed us very few problems until the very end. When 
Sol Campbell came off injured you worried for a moment, but Wes Brown 
and Rio Ferdinand were rock-solid. That's another big plus-point for 
England - this must have been one of the youngest teams we've ever 
put out in a competitive international, yet we handled a potentially 
tricky tie with aplomb."

[22] Scousers accused
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Not the most original of headlines but still!

'A new report claims the alcohol industry is targeting children as 
young as 11 as part of a systematic campaign to encourage under-age 
drinking. The study entitled Marketing Alcohol To Young People claims children  are 
bombarded with positive images of alcohol from the moment they  understand their 
surroundings until they grow up.

The report criticises the targeting of babies, especially Carlsberg's 
deal with Liverpool Football Club, which offered romper suits 
featuring the brewer's logo. It states: "Creating brand allegiance 
among children and young people is an investment the industry is sure 
to cash in on."

[21] massive city ticket rush
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ignoring the masochistic tendencies of the bitters, at least they get 
a discount for renewing early, why can't we do the same?

>From MEN:

"MANCHESTER City's loyal fans"

(not that old chestnut)

"...are ignoring the club's uncertain Premiership future and backing the Blues with 
their hard-earned cash.  More than 5,000 have already renewed their season tickets at 
a  discounted rate and that figure is expected to double before the  offer ends on 

It is a remarkable affirmation of faith by City supporters, who still 
do not know which division they will be watching their team in next 

And it is something that is deeply appreciated by the Blues.

"You always hope that your fans will support the future of the club 
and ours always tend to deliver above expectations,'' declared chief 
operating officer and director, Chris Bird. ``This year is no 

``We are delighted that so many people have taken advantage of the 
discount scheme, it is our policy to make Maine Road as accessible to 
as many people as possible.''

The Blues have raised prices between eight and ten per cent for next 
season, still leaving them firmly at the bottom of the table when it 
comes to prices for watching Premiership games.

And their season ticket renewal package is benefiting greatly from 
the World Wide Web. For the first time, fans are able to take up their option of a  
discounted ticket by using an application form on the official City  website at 
www.mcfc.co.uk. Already more than 1,000 fans have used the service."

[20] Leeds trial update
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
'There is a "massive body of evidence" to show that Leeds United footballer Lee Bowyer 
was not at the scene of a savage attack on a student, his QC says. Desmond de Silva 
told the jury at Hull Crown Court that two witnesses, who were in Mill Hill when 
Sarfraz Najeib was beaten, had been shown to be "completely wrong".

The two bar workers had both said that Bowyer was at the scene - but gave a 
description of a different man, de Silva told the court.

One of them also claimed that Bowyer was the man who had bitten Mr Najeib on the cheek 
in the attack. But a prosecution expert ruled that out and said it was another 
defendant, Paul Clifford.

"We know now that was a terribly wrong identification," he said.

He says Bowyer has maintained from the beginning that he was never in Mill Hill on the 
night of the attack on the 20-year-old in January last year.

"You know he has maintained that constantly and you know he has maintained that before 
you," he said.

"I suppose someone could say cynically, 'He would say that, wouldn't he?' But it is 
not just him saying it.

"There is a massive body of prosecution evidence that suggests Lee Bowyer was not 
there at the time of confrontation and that he was not part of this chase that 
resulted to the injuries to Sarfraz Najeib in Mill Hill."

[19] Hansen backs United players
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It was fitting that Paul Scholes got the second after setting up the first, and his 
record of 11 goals in 33 internationals is extraordinary for a midfielder. I thought 
that David Beckham was influential as well.

When you're looking for an up-tempo performance you want your captain to lead by 
example and the way Beckham sprinted to take corners impressed me. It was also great 
to see Beckham and the rest of the England players chase after Andy Cole when he 
scored. That showed the spirit there is in the side."

[18] Dwight international update
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
This from RN reader - the horn man himself (and you learn something new every day - 
clocks change in New York as well as going forward over here. Well I never).

'Just finished watching Costa Rica v Trinidad and Tobago on an American  Spanish 
language station. Firstly and most importantly Dwight did not injure  himself and 
should be well fit for Saturday..in fact he did fuck all. Now I  wouldn't say he was 
shite but he had really poor service etc..(he was f****** hopeless..hate to say it). 
That c**t porkchope came on for Costa Rica 10 mins  into the second half and scored 
twice as Costa Rica ran out 3-0 winners. Just  thought you might want to inform the 
red masses of this one before the divs 
get hold of it and claim it as something it is not.'

[17] The other Cole on Cole's goal
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ashley Cole: "I'm not too sure what happened but we were celebrating Andy Cole's goal 
and something hit me in the face. It actually caught me in the eye. It hurt a little 
and I've got a little cut. It was a bit of a shock and I think there was a bottle 
which hit me, although I'm not too sure about that. The good thing is I am fine and 
this is still a proud day for me, making my debut for my country."

Football Association spokesman Adrian Bevington said: "Clearly we are furious at 
missiles being thrown in the first place and secondly that it has actually hit one of 
our players. We have already raised the issue with the Fifa delegate at the game. He 
is fully aware and we will be taking this further as a matter of urgency. It is 
scandalous that this can happen in international football and we will be launching an 
official complaint. We will be taking this further. You cannot expect players at any 
level to be put at risk from missiles being thrown."

Sven: "It is a pity that this happened but it is for Fifa and not for me to talk 

[16] Sven on Cole
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
"At least no one can now say that he hasn't scored for six years. I'm very happy for 
him because he has worked so hard. Never to have scored for his country may have 
disturbed him a bit but the ice is broken. He played very well."

Cole will now miss their next qualifier though after being booked for the 2nd time in 
the group. Bet the Mirror will say they'll miss him now - ABUs eh!

[15] Joke of the day
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
No, please stop, you're killing me.

'Manchester City goalkeeper Nicky Weaver is a shock target for Ajax,
reports Planet Football.'

[15] Greening has broken ankle
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Soccernet

'Manchester United are considering demanding compensation from the Football 
Association after Old Trafford midfielder Jonathan Greening returned from England duty 
with a broken ankle. Greening, who scored the Under-21s' winning goal against Albania 
in Tirana, hobbled off late in the game to leave England with only ten men. The ankle 
swelled up overnight on Tuesday and, after returning to Manchester, he
was taken to hospital, where X-rays revealed a fracture.'

He could be out for 4 months.

[14] Ole scores but Norway in deep trouble
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Norway lost again and bottom of their group - but Ole equalised in the 68th minute 
against Belarus, only to see the home team snatch a 2-1 win.

[12] Ref to report Albanian coin throwers
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Referee Alain Hamer will include details of the missile-throwing incident in his 
official report on England's win over Albania. Ashley Cole fell to the ground 
clutching his face in the final minute of the 3-1 win, reportedly struck by a lipstick 
case thrown from the crowd while he was celebrating Andy Cole's goal.'

Hamer confirmed: "It will be in my match report - but I do not believe it was serious."

Fifa  said: "For every Fifa game there is a report from the referee and from the 
commissioner, and if there have been some incidents they will be reported to Fifa and 
then the process will start. It is impossible to speak about precedents or what is 
within our powers, because each case is so particular."

[13] Great point
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
With so many Chubbings around for Boro for people who usually win every balllot this 
point from the IMUSA list seems spot on:

'We also got Chubbed - only the third time this season.  It will be interesting to see 
just who gets a Chubbing for this one.  With the decreased allocation and the fuss 
about standing, what's the betting most of the tickets have gone to the conspicuous 
block of "fans" who always sit down at aways?'

[12] Uuurrrrrgggghhhh!
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'The rugby player who put his finger up opponents' bottoms has been banned for 12 
weeks in Australia. John Hopoate, of the Wests Tigers, had claimed he was only trying 
to pull up the shorts of the North Queensland players. But a National Rugby League 
disciplinary committee found the Tongan player guilty of unsportsmanlike interference.

NRL judiciary commissioner Jim Hall described the case as the worst he had experienced 
in his 45-year involvement in rugby league. "I've never come across a more disgusting 
allegation than I've had to deal with now," he said.

He looked at video footage and heard testimony from Peter Jones, Paul Bowman and Glenn 
Morrison of North Queensland, who all claimed Hopoate had inserted his finger into 
their bottoms during play.

The former international insisted he had just tried to give Mr Jones and Mr Morrison a 
"wedgie" - pulling their shorts up their bottoms - to make them play the ball quickly. 
He also claimed he did not put his finger up Mr Bowman's bottom.

Mr Jones said: "It wasn't a wedgie. That's when your pants are pulled up your arse. I 
think I know the difference between a wedgie and someone sticking their finger up my 

Mr Bowman said: "There was pressure there. I know he wasn't doing it accidentally. He 
was definitely pushing. I was disgusted. I couldn't believe it. I know it's a tough 
game, but there's no room for that."

Hopoate's defence lawyer said Mr Bowman had slowed play by holding Hopoate's leg after 
a tackle. Mr Bowman replied to the QC: "If I held your leg, would that give you the 
right to put your finger up my arse?"

Tigers coach Terry Lamb said it was reasonably common to be touched in the region of 
the testicles. The club is to appeal against the decision.'

[11] Leeds trial latest
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
'There is a "massive body of evidence" to show that Leeds United footballer Lee Bowyer 
was not at the scene of a savage attack on a student, his QC says. Desmond de Silva 
told the jury at Hull Crown Court that two witnesses, who were in Mill Hill when 
Sarfraz Najeib was beaten, had been shown to be "completely wrong".

The two bar workers had both said that Bowyer was at the scene - but gave a 
description of a different man, Mr de Silva says. One of them also claimed that Bowyer 
was the man who had bitten Mr Najeib on the cheek in the attack. But a prosecution 
expert ruled that out and said it was another defendant, Paul Clifford, says Mr de 

"We know now that was a terribly wrong identification," he said. He says Bowyer has 
maintained from the beginning that he was never in Mill Hill on the night of the 
attack on the 20-year-old in January last year.

"You know he has maintained that constantly and you know he has maintained that before 
you," he said. "I suppose someone could say cynically, 'He would say that, wouldn't 
he?' But it is not just him saying it.

"There is a massive body of prosecution evidence that suggests Lee Bowyer was not 
there at the time of confrontation and that he was not part of this chase that 
resulted to the injuries to Sarfraz Najeib in Mill Hill."

[10] Cheeky twats
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Daily Mirror from yesterday's back page to...

We asked and he delivered...X marks the spot for goal hero Cole'

[9] French view on Barthez speculation
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From our French correspondent:

"another point of view

Some Reds are speculating that Barthez's injury is a fluke, something  invented by Sir 
Alex to avoid him playing in 2 friendlies with France. 
Ferguson has probably already done it in the past but I can't believe this is  the 
case with Barthez. He simply wouldn't accept it. Fabien loves United - sure - but he 
also loves playing for France and he wouldn't have it this way, he loves going back 
and mixing with his mates as well.  Also Barthez is trully an honest guy and he 
wouldn't lie to the France coach.  For me Barthez's injury is genuine but I also 
believe that he will have recovered for Liverpool."

Although we do still hear talk that Goram could play on Saturday - although 
considering he's twice been the studio commentator in Scotland for the past two games 
this week might suggest his training still needs to be added to the 'to do' list.

[8] Mexes to Roma
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Mexes did a live web chat last night, and the chat was in italian so it was hard to 
understand everything. However, he seems  really excited by Roma and it will now be 
presumably impossible to get him.

[7] Joke of the day?
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
There was this eighty year old fellow who went into the church and entered the 
confessional.  He said to the priest, "I am eighty years old, have a wife and four 
children and eleven grandchildren.  I have always been faithful... But last night I 
met two eighteen year old girls and we had sex all night." 

"When was the last time you were at confession?" asked the priest. 

"Never," said the old man, "I'm Jewish." 

"Then why are you telling me?" asked the priest.

"I'm telling everyone," said the old man.

[6] Viera denies transfer talk
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
"There is no question about this. In my mind, there is only Arsenal. There is 
everything at Arsenal for me to progress. The FA Cup is important for the fans and it 
is vital we do well in the league. In the Champions League, we also want to go through 
to the semi-finals so this is a period in which we need to do well. I cannot believe 
he (Wenger) will leave Arsenal. He is still building at the club and he has been very 
involved with the new stadium. I do not think he will be leaving this summer."

Viera proving his loyalty, exactly as Petit and Overmars did exactly a year ago in 

Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
And help the web site too.

Just send us a cheque for £6.50 made payable to Red News to Red News, P.O.Box 176, 
Manchester, M16 8LG and we will send you the fantastic discounted offer of 10 BACK 
ISSUES OF Red News with postage paid. A mix from all seasons (dating back to 1989) 
read exclusive interviews after the Double win with Steve Bruce, what Teddy Sheringham 
thought of his Utd chances after Monaco and all the thoughts of those eras. Well worth 
it, get on this offer today and help the starving rabbits.

[4] Remember where you read it here first!
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
For it's up to our lovely (well...) and dedicated readership to spread the word about 
some of our exclusives - whether it be translations of Eric, hot gossip or stuff like 
the All Blacks rumours. The Evening Standard was the first paper to investigate saying 
that All Blacks officials had only visited Utd to see our operation in, well, 
operation - but soon other web sites, etc, started talking of rumours as if they were 
their own. That will happen of course but remember where Red News leads, others 
follow! (unfortuanely that usually applies to the bar as well...).

[3] Best to return to see Doctor in London
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
'George Best is preparing to return to a London hospital for tests amid reports he had 
fallen off the wagon and started drinking again. He is expected to attend the Cromwell 
Hospital next week at the insistence of his wife Alex.

Best's agent confirms he is going back to London for tests with Professor Williams.

Phil Hughes says: "I spoke to George in detail yesterday and he's in great form. He is 
planning to go back to London to see his consultant, although a date has not been 
arranged. If he was that bad he would be in hospital now and not sitting at his home. 
Professor Williams said he wanted to see George for some more tests and George agreed."

'But he is known to have cancelled a number of engagements in recent days, including 
pulling out of an interview with Michael Parkinson on Saturday.'

[2] And Mickey Silvestre played for France
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
Mickey played the whole game for France in Spain alongside Desailly in central  
defence. He has a decent game but the team did not seem up for it and Spain won 2-1. 
Mikael could have scored with a good header from a corner.

[1] To all ABUs who slagged off Andrew Cole
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Monday-Wednesday evening, what do you say now. What will the Mirror say to that 
>- a good assist (sorry, sounding like a football luvvie) and a well taken goal - Sven 
>earlier in the day said having so many Utd players in the side meant it worked as an 
>"effective block". Well with 7 in the side at one stage last night did the ABUs not 
>cheer their efforts on? Come on you Reds!
Final scores
Albania 1 Utd 3
Scotland 4 Pub team 0 (Colin Hendry getting away with a terrible elbow - 4 times! - in 
the face of one hapless part-timer and then saying afterwards that he never touched 
Another pub team 0 Eire 3
Wales 1 Ukraine 1 (Giggs not looking match fit but having a couple of good runs)
Bulgaria 4 N.Ireland 3
Red News 1 Brazil 0 in a highly competitive game

[40] Giggs on his hamstring and playing tonight
Posted Wednesday, March 28, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I drove down to meet the Wales squad on Sunday after they got back 
from Armenia. They had a really long journey and were quite 
exhausted, so we didn't do much on Sunday. However, we had a couple 
of good training sessions on Monday and Tuesday. 

My relationship with Mark Hughes hasn't changed too much since he 
became my international boss after years of being my team-mate for 
both Wales and Manchester United. I've always got on really well with 
him and we roomed together for Wales for years as well. I still call 
him by his old nickname of 'Sparky', and he's fine with that. He 
doesn't want to be called 'Boss' or 'Gaffer'. 

There's no doubt that Sparky's very different to our gaffer back at 
United. He's a quiet character, so he leaves all the shouting up to 
his assistants, Mark Bowen and Eric Harrison, while he concentrates 
on the organisation of the team. I think his organisation can be seen 
in the positive results we've had lately. 

Both Sparky and his team know what they're talking about and you can 
see that the players really respect them. Above all, the players 
really want to play for Sparky. 

The mood amongst the Welsh squad is pretty good after our 2-2 draw 
with Armenia. We would have liked to have won after we got ourselves 
into a good position, but a draw is a decent result. We feel like 
we're playing well at the moment, so this could be a good time to 
meet the Ukraine. 

Our aim from these two games was to get four points. We have one now, 
so we have to try and beat the Ukraine. We've seen them on video and 
they look a quality side. The obvious threat is their strikers, 
Sergei Rebrov and Anderi Schevchenko. Not many teams in international 
football can boast such a quality strike partnership. Rebrov has 
found his form lately for Tottenham in the Premiership and he looks 
an excellent player, while Schevchenko's scoring record in Italy says 
it all. He is so quick and deadly in one on one situations. 

However, we're at home in front of our own crowd and we'll be going 
for the win. I'm told they expect a crowd of about 55,000 in Cardiff, 
so if they can get behind us we'll give it our all. The pitch is 
looking good at the Millennium stadium as no one has played on it 
since the Worthington Cup final. We trained on it on Monday night and 
liked what we saw. 

I think we've taken a step in the right direction by making ourselves 
hard to beat in this World Cup qualifying group. We've only lost once 
and we've drawn three times, but now we have to win a few games. 

Against the Ukraine on Wednesday would be a good time to start. We've 
still got a good chance of getting that second play-off spot if we 
can string together a few wins. We seem to be really strong 
defensively at the moment and with players like Craig Bellamy, John 
Hartson and Gary Speed, we have to be confident.    

My hamstring seems to be in good nick now, so I will be playing on 
Wednesday night. It'll be my first game for more than a month after I 
pulled up in United's Champions' League game against Valencia, so I'm 
really looking forward to getting out on the pitch again. It's been 
frustrating to be out for so long just as the season reaches it's 

Having said that I'm glad to be back now, not only for this Wales 
game but also United's games against Liverpool in the Premiership and 
our Champions' League quarter-final against Bayern Munich. 

I actually played my first bit of football since picking up the 
injury in a practice game against Molde, Ole Gunnar's old side, at 
Carrington at the end of last week. I only played the first half, but 
it was good to get some football under my belt. You can train as much 
as you like, but you need games to regain your fitness. The hamstring 
felt fine."

[39] Eric's latest acting venture
Posted Wednesday, March 28, 2001 by bar-knee:
'England are 'playing' Poland on a relaid Wembley pitch in the filming 
of Mike Bassett: England Manager. As the real England team prepares to play Albania, 
Ricky Tomlinson  plays manager to his own team. The original turf was removed from 
Wembley last autumn, and it cost 
£30,000 to relay it for the film.

In the film, Bassett is appointed national manager after leading 
Norwich City to a League Cup triumph and just manages to take England 
to the finals. Liverpool fan Tomlinson says of his character: "He's a real old- 
fashioned England manager. He's an old journeyman footballer who  plays by the rules."

Pele, Ronaldo, Eric Cantona and Alan Hansen also feature in the film.

The players are mostly from Sky TV's soap The Dream Team. In Bradley Walsh, who plays 
coach Dave Dodds, the film has someone  who once played at Wembley - for Brentford. 
The £6 million film is being directed by Steve Barron, the man behind  Electric Dreams 
and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Evening Standard reports.'

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