Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
This is an exclusive translation by Marc for Red News. Unlike the last time, will the 
hacks who lift this please credit us!

"Eric Cantona made last night a rare TV appearance in the show "Côté Tribune"  
broadcasted on a cable channel. Five journalists ( including a pro-Cantona,  author of 
several books on Eric ) and Eric for a 1 hour long live interview. 

- "I stopped football because it was a business, I play beach soccer because  it's 
still a game and I hope that it won't change too much"

- "Jean Pierre Papin came with us to play beach soccer once but next time we  had a 
meeting at 12 and at 2 he wasn't yet there. He called me saying that he  had forgotten 
the weeding of his sister. We learnd later that he had no  sister."

- Figo said that you were the best player of your generation, do you 
appreciate that ? "Yes, of course"

- "The club of my heart is not Marseille, it's Manchester. Manchester has  really 
helped doing what I had to do, I could never have done that in France  because french 
football is a world of sharks. I am a dreamer and they don't  see football as I do, 
they disgust me in France."

- What about your relation with Alex Ferguson ? "With time, you win things  and show 
what you can bring to the other and you see what the other can bring  you. There is 
difficult moments, we find solutions. I needed someone like him  to express myself, it 
was the man that really suited me. I can't give all  with surronded by bad persons, I 
need respect, respect of the man. With  Maradonna, he is the most charismatic person I 
have met in football"

- "Coach me ? maybe, yes..."

- "Yes, I had contacts with Marseille to become manager but we could not find  an 
agreement. Absolutely nothing with Olympiakos or Panatinaïkos."

- A come back at Manchester ? "I don't know, I enjoy doing what I'm doing.  But if 
there is a proposition of course it will become my priority, it has  always remained 
my priority, it would be everybody's priority. It's the  biggest club in the world." 

- "I had nothing to do with the transfer of my friend Barthez"

- "I don't need TV, I fell good at home. I don't need to show my face on TV  just for 
the sake of it. I lead my life as I want, I am perfectly happy. I  have my friends, 
they love me for what I am and I love them for what they  are. Point.

- "The english press is crazy in both sense. One day, they will write that  you are 
shite but the next day they have the courage to write "magnificient".  They can insult 
me one day but the next day if I give pleasure to people they  will recognize it. In 
France, it's not like this,  maybe for some but not for  me. The french press destroy 
someone but they will never accept that they  were wrong. All the journalists are like 
this 2 bastards ( pointing at 2 journalists ). They did not say that the supporter at 
Cristal Palace was a  hooligan and a thug. Nobody spoke of that. When the supporters 
voted me best 
player of the history the club, just 4 lines. After Crystal Palace, there  were 10 
pages on this thing. In life, there is good and evil. But you can't  just speak of the 
evil. This being said, I don't give a fuck about that. I  just say this things because 
some members of my family have suffered from  that. If one hurt your child...I fuck 
you, and it's an insult if you want."

- "When l'Equipe wrote "unforgivable" after Crystal Palace, who can be 
forgiven ? A assasin can be forgiven. I could sue the paper. Do you realize  what it 
means "unforgivable" ? - 5 minutes later - "It was not even  "unforgivable" it was 
"INDEFENSIBLE". Who can't be defended? I think that  for a small agression on a small 
supporter you can be defended and forgiven.  The christians have been forgiven...I 
fuck some  journalists, including you and you ( pointing at the 2 same journalists ). 
I  answer every question as long as it's intelligent and thoughful" Then a  journalist 
asks him if the insult is needed "When you have been insulted for  years, when your 
family have been hurt, have been insulted...yes. The tittle  "indenfensible", of 
course it's an insult. It means that this man should be  forgotten, should not be 
considered...To say "fuck off" it's nothing. Ask  someone who is going to be judged 
what he prefers, to be insulted or to be  defended and you will see. I have been 
condemned before having been judged  and it's much worst that an insu!

- A journalist :"It's not because you have won trophies that you can say all  that you 
want  !" Eric : "And you who do you think you are ? A small  journalist...Who want to 
be journalist ? It's just living the life of the  others by prowy. Not every 
journalist, some like things...But him and  him...You will go on, not with me but with 
others, but not with blokes like  Deschamps. I am not like him, I don't invite 
journalists at home, to eat, to  sleep and to slagg my wife...You invite me to this 
show or you don't want  invite, I don't give a fuck. If I had known that they were 
going to be there,  I would never have come. ( The 2 journalists leave the show ). I 
respect some  journalists, like him ( pointing at an other journalist ) but this guys 
I  don't respect them. It has been years of rubbish written on me, and I just  say 
what I have to say ! I could tell all the things they have written on me.  Some 
persons love me and they are courageous not to believe the press. Those  g!
uys, I had to tell them what I had to say, on TV or in the street. I think I  have 
been very polite..."

Eric, what a star. And remember, credit us when you use this!

[31] More from Finney
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Beckham is what I term a big-match player - he has the qualities 
and the game for the highest level and is never overawed by he's 
faced whether it be a team or an opponent. He is also vastly experienced and proven 
for someone who is still  relatively young. Confidence counts for a lot in 
international football and David is 
not short of it. I enjoy watching him play - he is one of those players who can make  
things happen in an instant.

He can go on to be a great skipper similar to how Billy Wright did. I remember David 
coming to Preston on loan from Manchester United 
as a youngster - you could see then he was destined to be one of the 
all-time greats. I've also tremendous admiration for his United team-mate Paul  
Scholes - I see a lot of Alan Ball in this lad - his enthusiasm is  second to none.

When I played for England, we had Henry Cockburn from Manchester 
United in our side and he treated every game as a cup final - Scholes 
looks of a similar ilk. The likes of Beckham and Scholes obviously take immense pride 
in  playing for their country and it does me good to see such players  wearing an 
England shirt - they are winners, they have performed at  the highest level and they 
are the best. I doubt if there are few players to rival them because we see week  in 
week out just how wonderfully talented they are."


[30] Sir Tom Finney praises Becks
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I am delighted to see a truly world-class player like  Beckham leading England - they 
could not have a finer footballer as 
captain. I have no qualms whatsoever about him taking over as captain - he  reminds me 
so much of Billy Wright who I had the honour to play 
alongside. I would have loved to have played alongside a player like Beckham  because 
he's a throwback to the great England team I was involved in  in the forties and 

He has confidence on the ball, bags of skill and has the game to be 
a great leader and an inspiration at this level. I've seen a lot of Billy Wright in 
him - he was a player who stood  out and David is possibly a better passer of the 
ball. He is magnificent at set pieces and like Billy he reads the game  like a master."

[29] More fallout for girl who doesn't play footie
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
'POLICE have issued personal attack alarms to the family of a nine-
year-old girl who was suspended from school for refusing to play 
football. An alarm linked to a police station has also been installed in their  home 
after firebomb threats, the theft of their car and verbal abuse.

John Martin believes he and his family have been targeted because of 
a comment - which he claims he did not really make - that football 
was ''only played by uneducated Northern yobs.'' But today, the headteacher of the 
school attended by daughter Rebecca  said the Martins had brought the problems on 

Frances Hartley, of the Deans Primary School in Swinton, said: ''We 
have done our best to protect Rebecca, but her parents have not done 
the same.''
Mr Martin, who lives in Pendlebury, Salford, said: ''Our car was 
stolen from outside our home. A man then phoned to say our house 
would be firebombed. My wife and Rebecca are terrified. They will not leave the house  
and so Rebecca has not gone to school today. Before the car was  stolen, my wife and 
Rebecca were shopping in Safeway in Swinton and were verbally abused. The police have 
given us protection and an alarm linked to a police  station has been installed in our 
house. We have also been given  personal attack alarms.

I believe this situation has escalated because of something the 
head teacher at Deans claimed I had said. She said I had told her 
football was a game for uneducated Northern yobs. I refute that. I have no problem 
with people wanting to play football. This issue  is over whether my daughter should 
be made to play it when there is 
no other alternative team sport.''

Rebecca's parents are considering transferring her to a different 
school, but have been offered more talks with education officials.

Mrs Hartley - who has the backing of Salford education chiefs - said 
last week that in her opinion, Rebecca's parents had not given a good 
reason for the youngster not to take football. 

She added: ''This situation is all of the father's making. Before he 
went to the papers, this matter was confidential. I hate to see a 
child being used this way by their parents.' 

[28] Kiddo quits England camp
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Leeds coach Brian Kidd has quit his England coaching job to concentrate on his club 
duties. Kidd informed the Football Association of his decision ahead of England 
Under-21s clash with Finland at Barnsley on Friday.

Kidd said: "I now want to concentrate on my new job at Elland Road. I have spoken to 
Howard Wilkinson and thanked him for permitting me to work with the under-21s. Perhaps 
one day I may be fortunate enough to be involved at international level. But for me 
the immediate future is all about Leeds United and what we are trying to achieve at 
Elland Road."

[27] Get voting
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
The FA-Premier.com Safe-Standing poll closes in a couple of days.

We're told that the percentage of votes in the YES camp are running in the high 80s... 
so don't be shy get (mulitiple) voting at:


Until recently this was the Premier League's own site - nice irony if their own former 
regular readers told them just what they think of the nomarks trying to kill the 

[26] Steve Coppell to go home
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
As rumours make him favourite for the vacant Tranmere job.

[25] Keep those memories coming in!
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Please, as the ones coming in have been great. So keep the memories of both Rotterdam 
in 1991 and from great times in the Dog & Partridge over the years coming in to

[24] Quote of the day
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Fiver

"There have been many discussions about traditionally whether
Tottenham is one of the top clubs and there are those who believe
they have never been one of them. I think if you examine the
statistics they are not.  That's not my opinion, that is from the
record." - Agent Athole Still rules his client Gianluca Vialli out of
the Spurs running.'

[23] Sven - asks Scousers not to boo Becks
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I know that those things happen, not only in England but everywhere. 
I hope all the people coming to see the game will support England. We 
need that support. It's England that are playing on Saturday at 3pm - not Manchester  
United or Liverpool or any other team.  I'm not concerned. I'm sure that people coming 
to see this game want 
to see England perform well and win. I can't see any other reason why  they would come 
if they are English.

I hope it will not happen  this time.I know that David could also play inside,. We 
will see but, generally speaking, to take in players and make a  revolution is very 
difficult when you have such a short time - even  if you have ideas that he could play 
in another position. As much as possible, players should play in their club positions  
even if we might make some small changes." 

[22] And more Sven on Becks
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"As the manager, I feel I should announce that today, rather than 
wait like I did last time. David will be the captain.  He did well against Italy and 
Spain and I hope he is captain for 
both games.  But we will see in practice this week. If David Beckham is totally  out 
of form, he might not play. I don't think that's the case,  absolutely not. But if it 
is, then we have to change the captain.  That's football.  I'm not worried about his 
form, but I'm not worried  about taking him off if I have to either. I'm only worried 
about the  performance of the England team. My work is to win."

[21] More from Sven
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Beckham shall play football as Beckham can and not try to do things  he didn't do 
before. It would be very stupid of me to ask him to do 
other things. When I was at Lazio and we played against Manchester 
United I said to my left back watch out for his right foot - it's 
lethal.  He hits the ball very well and crosses it at will and every manager  who 
meets United will say that.  That makes life more difficult for Beckham, of course.  
When a player lost form at Lazio, I did as many managers do in  England today and 
changed it a lot, much as Liverpool and Manchester  United do. 

That's the reason why those who had played in European games before 
the Spain match played only 45 minutes on the night.  You basically need two teams to 
play at club level but some players  are more difficult to rest because of their 
personality. Even if  Alessandro Nesta - who was my captain at Lazio - did not have 
his  best day it was very difficult to leave him on the bench next game. 

But Beckham can overcome such things as he has more than one weapon.  He's not just 
good at crossing but passing, shooting, corners and 
free- kicks. And he can defend as well.  I think he is an all- round player and 
Finland will be very happy if  Beckham sits on the bench on Saturday."

[20] Sven on Becks
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Sven on his daughter asking for Becks' shirt after the Villa Park game:

"The last time I saw him was outside of the  dressing room in Birmingham after the 
friendly match against Spain  game when I asked him to sign his shirt for my daughter 
Lina. It is her who chose the England captain."

"Beckham is a good example for every footballer and I think  he will do the job as 
captain very well if he goes on as he has.  I think it's very bad to talk about 
changing him because he is his  own person. It's the same for me. I can't be like the 
coach Giovanni  Trapattoni in Italy - I can't whistle from the bench and soon and I  
don't think Beckham can be Tony Adams.  Beckham shall be Beckham and Trapattoni shall 
be Trapat-toni and  Eriksson shall be Eriksson."

Got that, er we think we have!

[19] Sven on Becks
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"He will still be my captain, I see no reason for changing that." 

[18] What about those who drink Utd's official lager?
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
'People who eat carrots enjoy wild sex lives and coffee drinkers tend to be flirty, 
according to an Italian survey. The research claims women who eat raw carrots like to 
wear sexy clothes, while men who like the vegetables are passionate lovers. Men who 
like popcorn or cod were considered good lovers by their partners, bread-eaters are 
faithful people and pork-eaters are selfish. The survey was based on 1,000 interviews 
carried out by scientists in Italy, reports The Sun.'

[17] Fergie wants to see city avoid drop
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Terry Venables has done really well since he moved to Middlesbrough but it's not 
going to be easy. They say certain teams will never go down because of such and such a 
player, but they said that about Nottingham Forest when Roy Keane was there. City are 
another team in an uncertain position and Joe Royle has got to do something about it 
to keep them up.

I think it's great for Manchester if they do stay up. It's healthy for the city to 
have two successful teams. Joe did a great job of getting them there but playing in 
the Premiership is another level and unfortunately they're also now in the dogfight."

[16] Tabloid rubbish
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Today's award goes to the Sun that says Bosnich might be approached to go on loan back 
to us - nonsense.
They do list ppssible candidates
Napoli's Francesco Mancini
Stockholm's Daniel Andersson and
Ian Walker.

We hear that two of those three have been approached on the quiet.

[15] It never stopped Kenny Dalglish
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Marcello Lippi turns down any chance to manage Spurs

"There is a problem - I don't speak a word of English".

Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
'A Romanian man cut off part of his penis after trying to remove his member from a 
wheel bearing using a circular saw. Ioan Soaita got his penis stuck after accepting a 
bet from friends at a party to celebrate the birth of his first child. He then tried 
to cut through the metal but the saw slipped. Surgeons in Sibiu managed to sew the the 
severed member back on in a five-hour-long operation and say the 35-year-old should 
enjoy a normal sex life within months.'

[13] city player wants to stay at Blues shocker
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Blackburn and Manchester City have agreed a deal which will keep striker Egil 
Ostenstad at Maine Road until the end of the season.'

"The loan has been made into the rest of the season now," explained the striker.

"The loan was due to run out in a couple of weeks time, but it has been sorted out and 
I will stay until the end of the season. I am delighted and now want to get my first 
start in the season"

Before they go down presumably.

[12] Quote of the day
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
This from RN reader, Kay

"Did you see the match report in the Mail on Sunday?  Criticises United for having the 
audacity to win a football game.... although it wasn't as funny as the headline in the 
Mirror, quoting Joe Royle as saying "We're not dead yet" - it just reminded me of the 
old man in the plague village in Monty Python's Holy Grail.... "I'm not dead!  I feel 
fine...."  A good smack on the head come the back end of April should see to it 

[11] Phil on Ingerlund
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I can now look forward to meeting up with the England squad on  Tuesday for what are 
two massive World Cup qualifying games. We all  know what is required and I am sure 
the tremendous atmosphere that  playing at Anfield will generate will help us achieve 
our target. 

Obviously I want to play and following a good performance against  Spain last month, I 
am hoping to get another chance on Saturday  against Finland to continue my good run 
of form." 

[10] Phil Nev on Leicester
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It was good to be back in the team against  Leicester on Saturday. It was a chance 
for me to put the  disappointment of being left out on Tuesday against Sturm Graz 
behind  me and help the team towards another Premier League title. 

The game itself was extremely one sided. Leicester put men behind the  ball and made 
it difficult for us to get in behind their defence.  It's something that we've got 
used to over the years and the key to  it is to remain patient and not start throwing 
long balls into their  defence. They handle this type of game with ease especially 
like Matt Elliott. 

The manager stresses to us to be very patient and keep playing right  up until the 
very last minute. We did this on Saturday and got our 
just rewards by scoring two late goals to send us 17 points clear at 
the top of the table.  With the Arsenal and Liverpool results ending in draws we now 
need  three wins to wrap up the title."

(and send Man City down!)

[9] Rumour reaches us
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
That Utd are searching for a short-gap loan signing as goalie, quite a wide search 
going on too, acording to sources, with one or two surprises being contacted. We'll 
keep you posted - who knows - do well and they could get a contract for next season as 
Barthez's understudy!

[8] Latest on Fab injury
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thanks to Marc

'Word in France is that Barthez will be out for 2 weeks. Probably out 
for Liverpool but in for Munich.' 

[7] Fab on CL Quarters
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"With regard to the Champions League, we qualified for the quarters, 
after our the last two matches against the Greeks and Sturm Graz.  That means at this 
moment things are in full swing. I have just  learned that we fell against Bayern in 
quarter final from C1. That's  fine though. Here, the guys surely remember the finale, 
it's two  years that they've won against them. As for me, our last match  against 
Germany went rather well. Nevertheless, it's necessary for us  not to slip up." 

[6] Fab confesses from his web site
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I provoked a penalty" 

"I won't dwell too much on the match against Leeds last Saturday, 3 
March.  Remember, this day, I failed to get myself sent off. I do not know if  you saw 
 it, but one of the guys threw a blow at me and I responded.  Then I saw the referee 
heading towards me. Frankly, I was sure that  that was going to be a red. Yellow. He 
doesn't relent though, he  whistled the penalty and funniest part is that I saved it." 

What a scamp!

[5] Fabien in TV interview
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I would do what I did in the FA Cup game against West Ham, I was not cheating...it's 
like the crowd either booing the striker or goalie".

[4] God help us!
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Can't make my mind up what pisses me off more about this, the fact 
that Ian Wright and goodwill are appearing in the same sentence, or 
that the FA still feel that arrogance and the patronising of so  called `lesser' 
countries is the way to promote their `football 

Pass the sick bag

'Ian Wright and Mark Bright are spearheading a Football Association 
goodwill trip to Albania ahead of England's World Cup qualifier in 
Tirana. Wright and Bright are being used by the FA as English football 
ambassadors during a two-day trip which began on Monday.

Davies said: "This is a goodwill visit. It is no secret that Albania 
is a country with economic problems and the trip is about us 
recognising the role that football can play as a power for good.

"It is part of recognising the popularity of the English game around 
the world and accepting the fact that we've underperformed off the 
pitch in the past, given the power for good that we can do. Ian and Mark have made a 
big impact. They are exactly the type of  vibrant characters to enthuse to boost 
morale among the children."

Wouldn't they be better sending Ronald MacDonald - oh sorry, forgot -
he's retired!

[3] Norman Wisdom has a pop
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
As Gordon Hill feels the need to stick his oar in (very sad, as he 
was one of my heroes!)

"If you are England manager selecting your squad surely you look at 
the best personnel available at that time," said Hill.

"Everyone knows David is having a lean spell. Yet he is an automatic 
choice for England. That is not right. David has not been performing for Manchester 
United the last two  months and Sir Alex Ferguson's been putting him on the bench. In 
my opinion if you are not doing it for your club, you shouldn't  be doing it for your 
country. I'm baffled by this, to be honest, as there are a lot of good young  players 
who could have been selected ahead of him."

On the captaincy issue, Hill said: "You need someone to dominate the 
players on the pitch. Bryan Robson could do it. He could lift a team and turn things  
around when needed. David's a wonderful talent but he's not got those kind of  
credentials. At the moment all he should be thinking about his  getting back to his 
best form."

Sounds like Hill needs another cuff on the ear from Martin Buchan!

[2] Eric in 'amazing' French TV interview
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Talk of France last night was the latest TV interview by our King.

We'll let out French correspondent take over: "Apparently there is another "scandal" 
with Eric. He  was on TV show tonight (cable) and there was nearly a brawl with 2  

Never seen such an interview...really a part of the legend of Eric. Best moment has to 
be "me I not like Deschamps, I don't invite journalists to  sleep at home and to fuck 
my wife. I fuck the french press. And you and you (pointing at the 2 journalists) I 
fuck you." 

And "after Crystal palace,  L'equipe (French only sports paper) had a big headline 
(true, I still have that piece of shite). 

He went on: "But who can't be defended?  Killers have lawyers, the Christians have 
been forgiven..."

The legend lives on!

[1] Deadline for Red News No.76
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Is this Sunday if you have any ideas/articles/ideas/etc to the usual

[29] When is a pint a bad pint?
Posted Monday, March 19, 2001 by bar-knee:
Finally Carlsberg will get found out!!

'The bad pint could be a thing of the past thanks to scientists who 
have secured a £30,000 grant to research what makes beer go off.

Researchers in Aberdeen will collect samples of microbes from beer 
which has been spoiled by unwanted bacteria during the brewing 

The information will then be used to create a test kit which brewers 
will be able to use to root out spoilage organisms before their 
product goes on sale.

Researchers from Finland, Germany and Norway are also involved in the 
three-year project, with the British team based at the National 
Collection of Industrial Food and Marine Bacteria, an offshoot of 
Aberdeen University.

Terry Dando, production and patent manager, said: "Our role is to 
provide the material of known brewery contaminants so that other 
partners can test them and monitor how they work.

"It is very important they have an easy to use system that can detect 
very low numbers of microbial contaminants at source to prevent them 
fouling the taste and smell of the beer at a later stage.

"It will mean the breweries can determine possible contamination at 
an earlier stage so there is no spoilage at the end of the day. The 
quality control will be much improved."

[28] Another giddy Scouser
Posted Monday, March 19, 2001 by bar-knee:
Jimmy Case:

"There are a lot of mediocre teams in the Premiership and I am sure Liverpool will 
pick up enough points. I know a lot of people are saying the players are being 
distracted by being involved in the cups but I'm not convinced that is the case. When 
you win a cup, like the Worthington Cup, you get a taste and a feel for it. The next 
hurdle can't come quick enough. You see the medal on the sideboard and you want a bit 
more of that. When you are winning things you don't feel tired. You just can't wait 
for the next game. Liverpool are in a period where they are trying to progress and 
they've got a good squad now.

Michael Owen is on his way back, Robbie Fowler is firing again and Steven Gerrard is 
doing the business in midfield. The defence also looks steady. I know the Champions 
League is the priority because of the money it generates and that is the competition 
you want to be playing in. The Uefa Cup has always been seen as second best. But the 
Liverpool fans do like the cups and going to the different venues. They love a day 
out. It is a very interesting situation at Liverpool at the moment. What puzzles me 
sometimes is their tactics. When I was playing we always used to go for it. When I saw 
Liverpool play Roma at Anfield they sat back, which I thought was strange."

[27] Don't like the sound of this
Posted Monday, March 19, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Mark Hughes has persuaded Sir Alex Ferguson to allow Ryan Giggs to join Wales' World 
Cup squad after all. But the Manchester United winger will not be travelling to 
Armenia on Wednesday for Saturday's group five clash. Instead Giggs will join up with 
manager Hughes' squad in time for the home game with Ukraine in Cardiff on March 28.

Ferguson had said: "No chance - if he's not playing for Manchester United he's not 
playing for Wales."

Hughes said: "Sir Alex was very co-operative. He said Ryan hadn't been fit to play 
against Leicester and he hadn't had much football for a month or so. He said he was 
quite happy for Ryan to join us for the Ukraine game - but obviously the Armenia trip 
was too much for him. I agree because it doesn't make any sense to take Ryan out 
there; it's too much of a risk. It was too risky to ask him to travel to Armenia and 
just hope he was okay. He will join us on Sunday when we get back, and I hope he will 
have a good week of training and treatment and be raring to go for us against Ukraine."

[26] Check this out
Posted Monday, March 19, 2001 by bar-knee:
New song for 21st April


[25] Latest birdman article
Posted Monday, March 19, 2001 by bar-knee:
TheBirdman's Comic Relief Success!

I can thankfully report a complete Comic Relief Success Weekend.
Friday was spent at Swinton Pool Hall as I knew you'd not get collectors going in 
there (clever eh)
A swift one in the Buckley and last orders in Monton went off totally
donation-free. The wife stayed in watching Comic Relief but I had the good sense to 
hide her credit card before I went out - so that no horrible phone donations could be 
made once her and her mates had got p_ssed. Sat pre game went in boozer on Salford 
Quays and got the usual collector - but I'd done my homework and had dug out a twenty 
five pasetas coin and a couple of fruit machine tokens.
After game Eccles Wetherspoons passed off without a hitch. Later on went in Far 
Pavillion and then back to Winton - no mither at all. Total contribution = sod all.
Oh and heres the best bit though - the wife won £8.00 on a Comic relief name card at 
work !!! 
How did all you other charidee dodgers get on out there?

[24] ABU again
Posted Monday, March 19, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thanks to RN reader kay for this

'Thought you might like the latest instalment of bleating from

>From the Leicester Mercury. more small-time, small town ABU yonnerism

'A humble home fan - dream on

Old Trafford is dubbed The Theatre of Dreams, which suggests it is a magical arena 
where fantasies become reality and anything is possible.

But maybe the moniker has been attached because it is a good place to sit back and 
grab a 90 minute nap.

"Shall we sing a song for you?" crowed the travelling contingent as 67,000 Red Devil 
disciples created an atmosphere to rival that of the moon. They did finally wake from 
their slumbers to direct their vitriol at anyone and everyone in the football world.

"Where's your Beckham gone?" enquired the City faithful and the response was a 
swaggering, "He only plays against the big clubs."

But United could have done with him to break down a stubborn City rearguard action in 
which Gary Rowett, Matt Elliott and Damien Delaney were outstanding.

"They thought they were going to hammer us," offered a City fan.  "That's why they're 
so quiet."

"No," came the reply, "it's because they all come from Swindon and aren't real 

It was easy to spot the true Mancunians anyway.  They were the ones who strutted 
around, barging into everyone and looking as though they got thrown out of Oasis for 
being too surly and argumentative.

And the home hoards would have had more reason to wear permanently furrowed brows if 
Ade Akinbiyi had set his sights a few inches lower with a first half header.

However, games are always the subject of ifs and buts - and it was Dwight Yorke's butt 
which finally broke City's resistance.

"I bet they don't practise that in training," said a City fan after Ole Gunnar 
Solskjaer's shot had taken a wicked deflection and ended up nestling in the back of 
Simon Royce's net.

Fortunately, many of the home fans missed their chance to gloat because they had 
headed for the exits before the twist in the tale.

"It's a long drive back to Devon isn't it?" shouted a City follower who clearly felt 
the point his side had worked so hard for was within their grasp.

But it was not to be and the visitors were in philosophical mood as they weaved their 
way out of the ground.

"I don't mind losing to them," said someone, "but I just wish they weren't so 

Now, that really is a dream.'

Sad, sad, sad!

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