[29] Reds unhappy with TV
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From MEN

'TV bosses were today accused of ''using'' armchair Manchester United 
fans to boost viewing figures after they screened just three minutes  of a match. 
Thousands tuned in to ITV's new Premiership highlights programme to  watch the Reds' 
pulsating 2-2 draw with Blackburn Rovers.

But many were left angry when presenter Des Lynam explained that all  the action, 
screened at the end of the show, had to be squeezed into  three minutes. Coverage was 
restricted because the match was earlier broadcast live  on pay-per-view satellite 

But fans, who stayed up and sat through extended highlights of Fulham  versus 
Sunderland, were fuming there was no earlier warning.

Andy Walsh, a spokesman for the Independent Manchester United 
Supporters, said: ''It is regrettable that the show was advertised as 
highlights and people waited up to watch it. But all they got was three minutes at the 
end. If it had been publicised that the main match was Fulham versus  Sunderland, with 
very brief highlights of United afterwards, would as  many people have tuned in? I 
think not. It's a case of fans being used to pull in viewers. Media companies  must 
stop short-changing supporters because there will be a  backlash.'' 

A spokesman for ITV said that its contract dictated three minutes 
maximum coverage for any highlights of any game broadcast live by 
satellite channels earlier in the day.

He added: ''We would have loved to show more of the match, but we are restricted by 
the contractual arrangements.''

Asked whether the game should have been advertised as ''brief highlights,'' he said: 
''Three minutes of a match is highlights. United fans can rest assured they will 
feature heavily in the  Premiership show throughout the season."

[28] Kenyon glad we didn't get Celtic
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Anyone who gets Celtic knows they have got a game on their hands, that is the 
reality. Even a so-called friendly testimonial, you only have to look at the 
atmosphere and the passion surrounding that to know that in a real competition they 
would be someone to really contend with. We have got not just a quantity but an 
absolute quality to do well in this competition. We all believe we have a squad which 
is right for all that we are trying to achieve. I'm sure everybody though will 
continue to keep it in Sir Alex's mind and everybody's mind where the final is and 
what that would mean to him."

[27] Arse want Old Firm in
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
David Dein (again, promise it's the last time we mention him today...)

"I am convinced there will be a need for some restructuring in the future. The end of 
the current TV contract in three years would be the perfect catalyst for such change. 
When those TV deals expire it would be an ideal opportunity to sit down and look very 
carefully at the state of the game and ask ourselves whether we should get the two 
Scottish clubs involved. Personally I believe we should all have an open mind on the 
subject rather than pre-empt any decision. I'm not suggesting that Rangers and Celtic 
should simply walk in at the top end and that's why a restructuring of English 
football in the next three to five years would be the way ahead. It should not simply 
be taboo to suggest that Rangers and Celtic could play in English football. It is not 
forward-thinking to merely dismiss it."

[26] Latest transfer link
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
Lauren Blanc, again.

[25] Stam on being dropped
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I am going to get my head down and  work all the harder because I want to be out 
there playing every game for United.  It is the manager's decision about who is 
selected and I have to  respect that. It is still early in the season and all I can do 
is  carry on working hard in training. The gaffer wants everyone to be  sharp and he 
feels that the best way to achieve that is to change  things round. 

I don't think anyone in the team could argue that our defensive  displays have been up 
to the required standard and we all know that  competition for places at Old Trafford 
is intense for every  position. That is part and parcel of being at United.  It is 
what makes this such a great club and the simple fact is you have to accept the downs 
as well as ups."

[24] We bid £30m for Vieira
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
Along with Real Madrid and Juventus. 

David Dein: 

"The easiest thing would have been for us to take the £30-£40m. Instead, we ensured 
one of the world's greatest players respected his contract."

[23] Keane injured?
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the SUN

'ROY KEANE is set to miss the Republic of Ireland's crunch World Cup qualifier against 
Holland with an ankle injury. Keane, 30, went for a scan yesterday and will get the 
results today but it is understood he could be out for up to THREE WEEKS.

The Manchester United and Republic captain received a heavy blow to his ankle in 
Wednesday's 2-2 draw with Blackburn. Keane was limping immediately but tried to run 
the injury off. He completed the full 90 minutes but appeared to be in some discomfort 
at stages during the game.

A United insider said: "Roy is very down right now. He is praying the scan shows the 
injury is not as bad as it could be. All he is thinking about is the Holland game. He 
would be devastated to miss it. He knows how much Ireland need him. These are worrying 

Ireland must get at least a draw against Holland on September 1.  Anything less and 
their World Cup dream will be over. But without talismanic Keane in midfield, the 
Republic are a seriously weakened team. The Holland camp are delighted to hear they 
may be playing a Keane-less Republic.

Boss Louis Van Gaal said: "Roy Keane is Mr Ireland. He is their leader and organiser. 
If he is injured then that is very bad luck for Mick McCarthy. But I am more concerned 
with my own players than worrying about the ones Ireland have or do not have."

[22] Cole talk continues
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
As the SUN reckons both Newcastle and Fulham ARE sniffing around. Do hope Cole's agent 
isn't stirring the tea cup so to speak.

[21] Lille home ticket details
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
Manchester United vs Lille
Old Trafford, Tuesday 18th September kisk off 7.45pm.

Sales will commence to Season/LMTB Holders who can purchase their own seats at the 
times stated below on production of voucher 41 (duly completed) and their membership 
card. Alternatively ST/LMTB Holders unable to make a personal application can purchase 
their own seat by telephoning the MUFC Ticket Line on 0161 868 8010 at the same times 
giving details of their customer number and credit card (Please note an administration 
fee of 3% per transaction is charged).

Tuesday 28th August 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Wednesday 29th August 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Thursday 30th August 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday 31st August 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Due to increased perimeter boards rows AA/BB in East/West stands and a
small number of seats in rows AA-CC in North stand will not be sold.
Additionally, Blocks 226/227 and row 27 in Blocks 126/127 in South stand has been 
reserved for UEFA/Press facilities. Season Ticket Holders in these areas are requested 
to make a postal application and state in their preference for alternative seating.


Due to increased perimeter boards rows AA/BB in East/West stands and a
small number of seats in rows AA-CC in North Stand will not be sold.
Additionally, Blocks 226/227 and row 27 in Block 126/127 in South Stand has been 
reserved for UEFA/Press facilities. Season Ticket Holders in these areas are requested 
to make a postal application and state their preference for alternative seating.

ST/LMTB Holders who wish to purchase other than their usual seat can do so on Saturday 
1st September from 9am until 2pm by making a personal application or by telephoning 
the MUFC Ticket Line. Or alternatively making an IMMEDIATE postal application 
enclosing letter of application, relevant voucher (duly completed), first class sae, 
open cheque (made payable to MUFC) or credit/debit card details (please note, an 
administration fee of 3% per transaction is charged).

Please ensure the incoming envelope is clearly marked EUROPEAN.


Sales will then continue to Members who can purchase a seat on a best
available basis from the Ticket Office from Monday 3rd September until Thursday 6th 
September 9am until 5pm (subject to availability) on
production of their membership card.


Additionally, the general public can purchase a ticket on a best available basis on 
Friday 7th September from 9am until 5pm or by telephoning the MUFC Ticket Line on 0161 
868 8010 at the same time, giving their debit/credit card details (please note a 3% 
administration fee per transaction is charged).


[20] Des Kelly column in the M****r on Stam
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
'THERE is no better way to escape reality than heavy drinking. Silly me. Of course 
there is. Try extracting a grain of truth from a football club. 

Let's take the fascinating case of Jaap Stam, the Manchester United defender and 
now-controversial author, who is about as popular in his team's dressing room as 
Salman Rushdie at a book signing in WH Smith, Tehran. 

According to United, Stam was not dropped from the squad at Blackburn in midweek 
because he angered his manager Sir Alex Ferguson with his memoirs, but because of his 
poor form. Sure. And my name's Des Lynam. 

We were also told the player was not banned from his own book launch, but prevented 
from attending because "new player guidelines" had been introduced at United just a 
few hours earlier. Now this was either an extraordinary co-incidence, or laughably 
transparent PR doublespeak? Answers on a postcard please. 

Stam's crimes were simple enough. He was guilty of being articulate, interesting, 
opinionated and controversial - all cardinal sins in the cotton wool world of the 
English Premiership. 

Here bland waffle and censorship is the order of the day and for bucking that trend, 
Stam has found himself dumped into swift exile at United. 

In case you missed it, Stam told everyone he was tapped up by United before he signed; 
pointed out that David Beckham does not bear an intellect which would have nabbed him 
a maths GCSE aged five; that Dwight Yorke likes to spray it about a bit (I'm talking 
tom-cat style, not long passes); the Neville brothers whine a lot; and United's 
players were told to dive like Greg Louganis to win penalties. 

It was riveting stuff - not because there was anything in there you didn't already 
suspect (you mean to say that Beckham's a bit dim? Well I never). But because it is 
rare for a top player to be so candid about his profession and the personalities 
around him. 

Most sports books are outright rubbish, fit only for kindling or to prevent a dinner 
table rocking from side to side. Many ghost-written columns are even worse. They are 
rain-forest depleting pap, knocked out by hard-pressed journalists who are supposed to 
be grateful for the brief audience generously granted by a player's agent. 

Here, the unfortunate hack has to glean enough information to justify the cheque 
handed to a sportsman who has developed an educated right foot, but neglected to 
educate other parts of his anatomy as a consequence. 

Inevitably, the end product is often dire - sold only on the name at the top of the 
page. Let's face it. Ask yourself when you last read an Alan Shearer 'column' and 
thought: 'Wow. How interesting!' It doesn't happen. It's there to sell football boots 
and earn easy money. The telephone directory provides more unexpected twists and turns 
of the plot. 

But producing this kind of copy is no easy task. It once fell to me to write the Ruud 
Gullit column for a Sunday newspaper. The Dutchman was supposed to guide readers 
through the excitement of the 1996 European Championships by drawing on his expert 
knowledge. At least that was the plan. 

The only trouble was Ruud didn't always want to be found, despite his advisers' best 

One particularly exciting analysis of an England performance was crafted without 
actually speaking to the great man until the paper had gone to print. Luckily, he 
agreed with the sentiments. 

Another 2,000-word preview had to be stitched together when a conversation in a west 
London Japanese restaurant was abruptly curtailed after three minutes because his two 
young daughters began a noisy fight over the sushi. 

In that kind of environment, corners are cut and mistakes can be made. But allow me to 
provide you with a few secrets of the Stam serialisationand then you can make your own 
mind up whether this was the case here. 

(Usually, this kind of information is treated as confidential by newspapers - but what 
the hell. Besides. There's no better way to get someone to listen than to say it's a 

First off, it is a reasonable line of enquiry to wonder if the book was hastily 
knocked together. That could account for United's attempts to block it and the 
publishers' belated panic. So was it written without consultations with the player? 

The blunt answer is no. The author diligently met Stam on average every three weeks 
over a six-month period and has at least 20 hours of  taped conversations. So we can 
assume Stam co-operated fully and the author presented his thoughts accurately enough 
to pass the proof readers. 

Maybe he was "stitched up" by the newspaper then? It's a fair question. It would be 
stupid to pretend that a quote has never been taken out of context to provide a 
headline. It's a short-term ploy, as the upshot tends to mean one banished reporter, 
but it has happened. 

Indeed, had you found a Sunday Telegraph blowing around a deserted railway station 
last weekend you might have been forgiven for assuming this was the case. Here 
Ferguson claimed: "The book is not  actually saying - it never does - anything like 
the serialisation is". 

Well he should know - but we'll return to that later. For now, let's examine the 
accusation, because it is a dangerous one. It implies that The Mirror invented 
extracts that did not appear in the Harper Collins text. 

Luckily I have a copy of the manuscript on my desk, but I have been spared the cost of 
postage to the Sunday Telegraph and also to Mr Ferguson by our colleagues at the Daily 
Mail. Their experienced columnist, Ian Wooldridge, might not be known for his love of 
football nor his delight in the more cynical constructs of the modern game, yet he 
managed to establish one important truth nonetheless. (I should point out that 
"truth", "Daily" and "Mail" are not words you will see in the same sentence very often 
on this page, but credit where it's due.) 

"I checked with the publishers," wrote Wooldridge. "Yes, they confirmed, every word 
which appeared in quotation marks in the newspaper serialisation was exactly the same 
as had appeared in Stam's original manuscript". 

That's another area of contention resolved, then. The real problem here is that United 
wanted to water down Stam's views and control his version of events. The publishers 
even tried to ask us to pretend Stam had not said he'd been told to "dive", despite 
the fact that the word was clearly in their own manuscript. 

They received the same answer as the PR official at United who suggested The Mirror 
could not use recent pictures of Fabien Barthez's bandaged hands - photos he was happy 
to pose for by the way - because it was "not in the public interest". 

When one of the world's most-successful goalkeepers reveals he has a painful and 
persistent skin condition and wears protective dressings under his gloves, I'd say it 
might be pretty damn interesting to many  members of the public. And these are the 
same PR people who complain newspapers never check stories with them. Is it any 

But next, let's turn to the important matter of money. Neither Stam nor the publishers 
produced this book because they wanted the world to benefit from a work of literary 
genius. It was for cash. 

Apparently, Stam thought he might receive a Tony Adams-style advance of six figures. 
The aforementioned Wooldridge also said The Mirror paid a "vast amount of money" for 
his memoirs. 

We did not. We paid approximately 30 times LESS than Ferguson received for his own 
book serialisation, a deal, you might recall, where he was happy enough to include a 
few controversies just for headline purposes. 

In newspaper terms, we paid peanuts for Stam. I know of footballers who command more 
for a single column than The Mirror invested in this entire book deal. 

So looking at the impact on sales, the headlines and column inches that followed it, 
Stam's book could be regarded as one of the best bits of business of this or any 

What a shame the player has had to pay the price. Let's hope it is only a temporary 
punishment and, in the meantime, the giant of a defender can let his Lilliputian 
tormentors have their day and console himself with the fact he has a few more chapters 
in the bank ready for his next venture into the world of publishing.'




                                                                       YOU'LL SEE OF 

                                                                       DES KELLY'S 
                                                                       PAYS A HEAVY 
                                                                       THE TRUTH 

                                                                       FOOTBALL: RUDI 




                                                                       FOOTBALL: KEV'S 



[19] Rover on disallowed goal
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
Corrado Grabbi:

"I took the ball off Barthez fairly. It was a good goal and I never touched him. We 
also should have had a penalty when he pulled me back a second time. We were the 
better team and maybe it was the referee who was not so good."

[18] Last word from Fergie on Blackburn
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
"In the first half they gave as good a performance as you are likely to see, but in 
the second half they went out and were stupid. At times it was naive, it was sloppy 
and there was no edge to the game. That is simply not good enough for any Manchester 
United team." 

[17] Funny story from Yonner Land
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
In a pub (not the Fernhurst) near the away end at Blackburn. After the game the 
landlord talking to a regular: 'Bloody hell, United fans have cleared my stock - I'll 
have to get another delivery to have anything for Spurs fans (must be their next game) 
- God these Utd fans can drink, well beahved though'

Tell that to the Football Licensing Authority then...

[16] Peter Taylor on way out
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I am well aware that certain directors are quickly losing patience with me. There is 
no point me claiming otherwise. I am a realist - I know time is running out fast for 
me. Because of our disappointing results in the second half of last season, I was 
estimating I might get eight matches to prove I can still do it. What happened against 
Bolton has shortened the timescale, and if we carry on in a similar vein then I shall 
be left with no alternative but to accept the sack."

The next England boss! 

[15] Early Champs League odds
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
(we're still trying to work out why - not how - UEFA made Liverpool one of the top 
seeds, jammy bastards).

An all-British final is 10-1.

Manchester United 6-1 joint second-favourites (with Bayern).

Liverpool and Arsenal 16-1
Celtic 40-1
Real Madrid 4-1
English team to win it 3-1

[14] Kenyon on Cole link to Geordies
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
"No formal offer has been received and as far as I am concerned this is just 
speculation. No offer has come in, but we would consider each one on its own merits. 
There is always a balance between the number of players we have got and what we are 
expected to do but we have added to the quality to the squad over the summer."

[13] Veron misses Argentina game because...
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
Veron's not in the squad to play Brazil because he's got a one match
suspension after picking up another yellow card in the last match.

Thanks to Al for the info.

[12] Djordjic to go out on loan
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
United winger Bojan Djordjic:

"I haven't heard anything from Alex Ferguson. It wouldn't hurt to play regularly in 
the First Division for a while. It would be good for me to play regularly in a first 

Loan deal to probably be completed after he signs a new contract.

[11] Johnsen back in Norway squad
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
in the Norway squad to face Poland and Wales. 

Norway coach Nils Johan Semb:

"It hasn't looked good for Johnsen since the World Cup in 1998. But it is not a 
coincidence that Alex Ferguson used him against  Blackburn. The game was tough and it 
gave me an answer to how Johnsen can perform." 

Goalkeepers: Baardsen (Watford), Myhre (Everton) 

Defenders: Basma (Rosenborg), Berg (Blackburn), Bergdolmo (Ajax), Hoftun (Rosenborg), 
Johnsen (Manchester United), Riise (Liverpool) 

Midfielders: Bakke (Leeds), Rudi (Lokeren), Strand (Lillestrom), Strand (Rosenborg), 
Sorensen (Borussia Dortmund) 

Forwards:, Carew (Valencia), Iversen (Tottenham), Leonhardsen (Tottenham),  Rudi 
(Lokeren), Solskjaer (Manchester United)

[10] Kenyon happy
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I think, overall, the draw is pretty good. We have avoided really long travel, which 
is always important and we have avoided areas where the weather works against you. 
Overall we are reasonably satisfied. We have avoided those sort of problems, but there 
are decent sides in this group, like Deportivo who were quarter-finalists recently. 
Even sides like Lille, who knocked out Parma, which is why Liverpool got into the top 
group of seeds. You can't underestimate anybody, but we have enough experience to know 
how to manage that now, particularly as we are away to Olympiakos first."

[9] Lille draw reaction
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
Translated by Red News contributor, Marc

Johny Ecker, Lille defender : "It's a dream to play at Old Trafford. 
Manchester is the biggest club in the world, the team I wanted to  play. But for us 
now it's all bonus, and we are just enjoying the  moment."

[8] Fergie denies Cole talk
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
"No. It (the speculation) doesn't help the club, it doesn't help the player and it 
doesn't help the other clubs. There's nothing there."

[7] Fergie on the draw
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It (the draw) is not bad but Deportivo are always a very difficult team. I watched 
the game against Leeds last year and I thought they were very unfortunate. It'll be a 
tough game. You know you are going to get hard games but they're all hard against each 
other and there's a lot of cutting each others' throats."

Wonder how Leeds fans behaved in Coruna (well, no need to guess is there)...

[6] Those other UEFA awards
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Valencia's former star Gaizka Mendieta, now with Lazio, was named best midfielder, 
while Kahn also picked up the Fair Play trophy for the way he comforted Valencia's 
Santiago Canizares after last season's Champions League final. Best striker was Real 
Madrid's Raul.'

[5] Is this some kind of joke?
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Liverpool and Alaves fans were named supporters of the year at Uefa's annual awards 
gala, in Monte Carlo. Gerard Houllier was in the top three for the Uefa coach of the 
year award, but it was Bayern Munich's Ottmar Hitzfeld who took the honour. 
Liverpool's veteran midfielder Gary McAllister also missed the most valuable player 
award, having also been in the top three. But Liverpool fans, along with the Alaves 
counterparts, were jointly awarded the supporters of the year award for their 
marvellous behaviour at last season's Uefa Cup Final.'

[4] Dein talks giddy, nonsense and then pound signs
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
David Dein of Arse: 

"We have now got a stronger squad than we have had for several years. I'd like to 
think that we are better equipped that ever before to achieve our goals. The fact that 
we are seeded seventh in the draw speaks volumes for Arsene Wenger and the team and 
coaches, we are proud to be where we are. Obviously, winning our domestic league is 
the gateway to all this, but we have never won the Champions League and it is our 
ultimate aim, the icing on the cake. We need to go as far as we can in every 
competition because you need to recover some of your overheads."

[3] Breaking news - Lille games to be played at Lens
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
Just down the road from Lille at Lens.

www.rednews.co.uk breaks this story with a UK exclusive after the draw.

All Lille Champions league game will be played at Lens - Stade Felix 
Bollaert. The capacity is 40,000 and we will get 4000 tickets.

Good news.

[2] Euro away early comment
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
Our contact in France says that Lille is hardly inspiring - of course beer is 
available which will be the main point of focus but weather too similar to England 
(grey, grey, grey) and only the local students (who will be around) to get the 
temperatures rising.

Lots of people seem to be piling into cheap Eurostar trains straight to Lilles - see 
later news story to the game being moved, but not that far away. A few Reds seem to be 
heading to Paris (80 odd miles away) and head in on the day of the game.

As to Olympiakos, seems that Easjyet have well and truly rumbled United fans' 
movements - no cheap flights at the moment to Greece for that week. Those planning a 
week of it might be best placed to bag a charter and get a ferry into Greece (you can 
get them from nearly every island daily). Have any queries ask us - we know quite a 
bit about the place.

Coruna? Our correspondent Basque Dave writes: 'La Coruña is a heck of a long way from 
everywhere. There is an airport of some sort in nearby Santiago de Compostela, but I 
imagine it only has internal and charter flights. The nearest economy type regular 
flights are probably to Madrid and Bilbao, but even then it is almost a full days 
drive. A canny alternative is maybe to find a flight to Oporto in Northern Portugal 
which is actually much closer. How about chartering a cruise liner and doing it in 

Trains are lengthy from Bilbao and lots of Reds are discussing how to get to Coruna on 
trains, etc on our forum. Seems even from Porto it's a bit of a trek - anyone who 
manages to get cheap internal flights straight there, let us know!

[1] Fergie special, Red News no.79
Posted Friday, August 24, 2001 by bar-knee:
Both available for sale at the Villa game.

Red News issue no 79 you can order for just £2 including postage and packing.

Red News has produced a limited edition FERGIE SPECIAL to commemortae his last season 
in charge, with many unqiue memories and insights into his reign at United. 

This really is a must have but we anticipate selling out completely in the not too 
distant future.

A few loyal Red News readers (we kiss the ground that you walk on) have asked us how 
they can still get one.

1) Through mail order. Each copy costs just £2.50 including postage and packing and 
can be ordered via Red News, P.O.Box 176, Manchester, M16 8LG

2) Sportspages branches in Manchester and London have stock

3) Buying a copy from Red News sellers at the Villa (away) and Everton and Ipswich 

4) Then we may have no more copies left, unless the Megastore decide to stock it!

5) Veron, Veron, Veron, Veron, Veron, Veron, VERON!

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