[31] Mickey Silvestre happy
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Other teams have had time, in 3 years, to work on their weaknesses. But, we have 
bought 2 excellent players, Veron and Van Nistelrooy. I  think Arsenal will be a 
threat, they will be our most dangerous opponents.

Our targets are massive (sic), and everybody knows them. The league of course but the 
way were elimated last in the Champions League was disappointing. We have to improve. 
It's good to win the  league but we must win in Europe as well This year, I will have 
to work because the coach wants me to attack even more. It's very hard physically. I 
like to do a good work in  defence but I leave a lot of energy going forward. So I am 
not always efficient in defence and it disturbs me."

[30] Leighton on Sealey
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We became great friends and people outside football do not understand how that can be 
the case. People think that because he took my place in the cup final team that we 
could not be friends, but the truth it's the complete opposite. I went through a lot 
of difficult times when I was at Old Trafford, things were very hard for me but Les 
was always there to pick me up. Since then, we have always remained in contact.

I was so shocked when I heard the news. On a scale of one to 10, something like this 
would have to register as a 10. I have lost a good friend, a very good friend, and it 
puts things into perspective because he was the same age as me, his wife is the same 
age as my wife and his kids are a similar age to my kids. Les always had something to 
say, he was a very bubbly character and he said what he believed all the time even if 
it was controversial.

This is a great loss, both to me and to football. He will be missed."

[29] Joke of the day
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From RN reader Guy

'Sven Goran Erickson goes into the showers after a heavy England training session for 
a wash down only to find a hot steaming shit on the floor of the showers.  

"I'm not happy bout this", he says with disgust and he calls the whole England squad 
into the showers. 

"Who's responsible for this?" he asks as he points to the steamer that's basking on 
the shower floor.

There's a long silence as all the players look at each other without reply.

"C'mon" states Sven "Who's responsible for this?"

Again there's a long silence and no answer, at which point Sven starts to lose his rag 
and shouts:

"Right who's shit on the floor".

At which point Emile Heskey puts his hand up in the air and says "yeah, but I'm not 
bad in the air boss!".

[28] Comment on the NCIS report
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
BBC Sport Online is holding a forum with Bryan Drew of the National Criminal 
Intelligence Service today. He is going to talk about the rise in violence at 

Anyone can email us questions.


[27] United squad numbers for this season
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Still a few gaps to fill then!


        1       BARTHEZ (GK)
        2       G NEVILLE
        3       IRWIN
        4       VERON
        5       JOHNSEN
        6       STAM
        7       BECKHAM
        8       BUTT
        9       COLE
        10      v.NISTELROOY
        11      GIGGS
        12      P NEVILLE
        13      CARROLL (GK)
        14      MAY
        15      CHADWICK
        16      KEANE
        17      VAN DER GOUW (GK)
        18      SCHOLES
        19      YORKE
        20      SOLSKJAER
        22      WALLWORK
        23      CLEGG
        24      BROWN
        25      FORTUNE
        27      SILVESTRE
        28      STEWART
        30      O'SHEA
        31      FLETCHER
        32      DJORDJIC
        33      RACHUBKA (GK)
        35      CULKIN (GK)
        37      WEBBER
        38      LYNCH

[26] Fergie on Fulham
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"They could be a surprise packet and they gave us such a hard time that I'm sure other 
teams are going to be bothered by them. It was a game we were a bit fortunate to win. 
Saha is a real handful and he will give a few teams something to think about."

[25] Joe Royle in trouble?!
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova:

Mr Potato Head causes twin town upset. A seven foot tall Mr Potato Head has become a 
bone of contention  between twin towns in the US and UK. Pawtucket, Rhode Island, sent 
the plastic figure to Belper in  Derbyshire as a gift because the game is made in the 
US town.

But the townsfolk of Belper think the £6,000 figure is tasteless and  the town's arts 
council chairman says the figure is a plastic monster. Campaigner against the statue, 
Jon Smith, 43, told the  Mirror: "Surely they could've sent us something better."

In the Mr Potato Head game plastic eyes, ears and other features are  stuck on a 
plastic "potato" face to make new characters.

Bob Billington, head of tourism in Pawtucket, said: "I am  disappointed. But we will 
be happy to have him back. We don't want to  upset the wonderful relationship we 
have." Mr Potato Head will go to a new home at the American Adventure Theme  Park in 
Ilkeston, Derbyshire.'

[24] More from Stam
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Planet Football

'Stam described the day when he accidentally broke Simone's nose in 
the European Super Cup match between United and Lazio in 1999. 

"Typical of his family, the man felt cheated," explained Stam. "The  threats started 
to pump out as fast as the red stuff. I couldn't  understand the words, but the body 
language was pretty clear. 'I'll  slit your throat and break your legs' he might as 
well have shouted." 

But Stam added that he "would have felt more threatened by a 
Teletubby. Did he search me out later to follow through his threats? 
What do you think?" 

Stam has told a friend that he cannot understand the controversy that 
Head to Head has started. "There's nothing in the book," he shrugged.'

[23] More from Stam book
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Simone Inzaghi is one of my least favourite players  in the glorious game".  Maybe 
he's a friendly guy off the pitch, but the way he plays 
football annoys and frustrates me greatly. The slightest touch and he goes down. Even 
if you are just walking  by him and give him a nudge he's down like he's been hit by a 
sniper.  It's an Italian trait, but he takes it to extremes. I simply can't  stand the 
way the guy cheats his way through a game."

[22] Leeds had no chance with Veron
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
David O'Dreary:

"We'd have liked to have added to the squad in the summer, but we 
couldn't. I was interested in Veron, but they are  Manchester United. The people we 
tried to get we just couldn't get and because of that  there is no point in buying 
players just to pacify people because it  is the summer. But I believe we have a very 
very good squad and we will try to add to that when we can."

[21] More tips for O'Neill
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Mick McCarthy: 

"When a big job comes along you can't  turn round and say 'I want to be the next guy.' 
 There are parallels between the United situation and me taking over  the Ireland job 
from big Jack (Charlton).  Whoever goes there will be faced with the same situation I 
was as  Sir Alex has become a United legend. But you can't do anything about  that.  
Don't worry there will be a queue for Fergie's job when the time 
comes.  The call will go out: 'Can you be in Helsinki for an interview on  Monday?' 
They'll say 'But the job's in Manchester!' and United will  reply 'Aye, but the back 
of the queue is in Helsinki.' In my mind there is no question what will happen if 
United come  along for Martin. 

At the risk of earning the fury of all Celtic fans, United is the 
biggest club around.  People can tell me that Celtic has more season ticket holders or 
 they're a bigger club or whatever.  But Celtic aren't in the Premiership, United are. 
That means they  can attract the best players, they can offer them the best wages and  
blah, blah, blah, all the things that goes with the money. 

If anyone wonders what Martin would do, ask yourself this: What  would be classed as a 
successful season for Celtic if they do make  the Champions League? Reaching the 
second group stage, right?  Now ask what would be classed as a success for United. 
Winning it,  right? I don't have to articulate any longer. There's your answer!" 

The man speak much sense...


[20] Police still investigating Wanchope
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
And alleged 'incident' with Norwich ball boy during the game at Carrow Road.

A spokesman for Norfolk Constabulary said today: "It is still being reviewed and will 
take some time."

[19] Fergie on Scholes switch
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Scholes was getting choked, so to get him into the game I had to drop him into 
central midfield"

[18] Better than the Charity Shield though
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:

"At least we improved on last week, this time we lasted four minutes. Hopefully, we 
will last longer than that against Blackburn in the midweek."

[17] More from Fergie
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The defence is a concern. There is a sluggishness about us. There is a carelesness 
about it and no edge to it. It is not as if teams are slicing us open with great 
passing or dribbling. The simplest way to score against us is to play right through 
us. I always know we can score but one day we will be caught out. We were a bit 
fortunate to win. It is not about individuals at the back, it is a collective thing 
and we need to sort out our concentration and get our balance back. I know we are 
better than that."

[16] Yesterday's attendance
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Although why does PA Alan Keegan have to make it sound like we're at a cinema 
screening - all that Theatre of Dreams comment nonsense...


[15] More from Fulham
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Fulham's England Under-21 player, Sean Davis:

"We got off to a good start and then David Beckham took centre stage with his 
free-kick. We came out firing in the second half. Unfortunately we gave away a couple 
of goals. We defended well today - except for that lackadaisical spell. We've come to 
the best team in the country and we've created a few chances. We could have gone in at 
half-time 3-0 up."

Our opinion - our defence once again looked shaky, surely Wes will start at Blackburn. 
Veron and Ruud looked the business but hopefully this will be the last attempt at 
trying Phil Nev during a game in midfield. It just doesn't work and can't do him any 
good. But Ruud only needs one chance and it's in - more to come without a doubt.

[14] Tigana on yesterday
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Tigana said: 

"For us today is a good lesson because we need to score more and defend well. It's 
possible to play at this level but we need to score when we have the chances and to 
progress together. I am never pleased when I lose. Our next two games are important. 
My players are very tired today - we need a good recovery." 

[13] Quick Red News messages
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thanks to new RN sellers, Paul and Jeff for yesterday - if you fancy selling Red News 
at home games contact as at


Also if anyone has a spare Blackburn ticket two of the Red News young sellers are 
still short (yes they are useless and should have got their act together ages ago). 
Contact us at the usual.

You'll also be able to buy Red News issue 79 and the Fergie special outside the game 
at Blackburn. But apparently that away end pub where many a Red used to congregate 
before the game is not open anymore. Is this true?

[12] More from Fergie
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Ruud's first goal was absolutely superb, out of nothing. It was a goalscorer's goal 
which I think won the game for us. I thought Fulham gave us a lot of problems. We did 
a lot of  good things but there wasn't the flow of the game we expect."

And wasn't the 'Ruud Van Nistelrooy, tra la la la la' great after the 3rd goal - a 
rare Old Trafford buzz all over!

[11] Silvestre on yesterday
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Silvestre : 

"Another slap! (by Ferguson at the end of the game). We  are right into action...but 
it was really dangerous because we had to  attack to equalize  and we could have been 
punished. And it nearly  happened. We again conceded an early goal and we have to do 
something about that."  

[10] Fab on yesterday
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Fab : 

"Fulham were very good, they played a good football. We lost 
the ball pretty often in the first half. But we had several occasions  and we deserved 
to win, even though it wasn't great football. We  deserved the 3 points...We have 
conceded 4 goals in 2 games, 3 of  them through the middle of the defence, we have to 
work on that but I  am not worried, we will improve with in the coming games. Well, I 
hope so!"

[9] West Ham boss asks for privacy for Les' family
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Glenn Roeder said: 

"Our reserve coach Roger Cross rang me to tell me the sad and unbelievable news, and I 
was not able to take it in. You do not expect anyone in their 40s to die of a heart 
attack - it is awful. It is difficult to know what words can express our sadness other 
than to say that our thoughts and sympathies are with his wife Elaine and the family, 
including Joe and George, his sons who are trainees at the club. I hope everyone will 
respect their privacy after this tragic news." 

[8] Tributes to the great Sealey
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
West Ham managing director Paul Aldridge.:

"We were shocked and saddened to hear this terrible news. Our thoughts are with his 

David Pleat, his boss at Luton

"He was a big-hearted guy and Harry told me he was an excellent goalkeepers' coach. 
Harry said that Les would go a very long way. He has a son who is a goalkeeper at West 
Ham and we just hope he goes on and does wonderful things. Les was a typical East End 
boy - he came in occasionally with a couple of shirts to sell. He told lots of jokes, 
whenever anyone was down he was a great lifter of people, great for harmony and 
camaraderie. He was very popular with his team-mates. We had a wonderful team and Les 
was the goalkeeper. But I shall remember him as a person, not as a footballer.

"He was a good guy and when he went to Manchester United, it was the most wonderful 
career move for him and he played in that cup final win when he replaced Jim Leighton 
in the replay and got a cup winners' medal. And I am sure all of his team-mates will 
be absolutely shocked. It is a terrible thing."

[7] And so say all of us
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From RN reader, Bobby

'Commiserations to anybody and everybody connected to Les Sealey. He will  never be 
forgotten for his part in helping to set United up for where they currently reside in 
world football.'

[6] Neil Webb on Sealey
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"He was great to play with and he had a tremendous character. He was always bubbly - 
and he was a goalkeeper, so of course he was a bit mad! Les was such a great person 
and the Manchester United fans loved him. He came to the club on loan as a bit of a 
stop-gap but made his debut in the FA Cup final in 1990, which we won after a replay 
against Crystal Palace. Then he left the club to go to Aston Villa. But you should 
have seen the reaction of the fans when he came back in 1993 - they gave him a 
standing ovation. It's just a total shock. I heard it on the radio and it came out of 
the blue."

[5] Les Sealey dies
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Gutted to say that ex-United goalie - hero of Rotterdam and a real Utd favourite - has 
died of a heart attack. He was only 43.

[4] And it wasn't that good either
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Only 4 million people tuned into the much hyped new 7pm ITV football highlights 
programme. The other 56 million people in Britain must have been gutted they missed 
Terry Venables' prozone tactic section...

[3] Fergie on Ruud
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"His first goal was absolutely superb, out of nothing. It was a goalscorer's goal 
which I think won the game for us. I thought Fulham gave us a lot of problems. We did 
a lot of good things but there wasn't the flow of the game we expect."

[2] Fergie on Becks' free-kick
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"He is capable - the goal today was typical David. A marvellous free-kick to get us 
back in the game - which we didn't deserve."

[1] Fergie on yesterday
Posted Monday, August 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"There's casualness about the defending which I hope will improve as the weeks go on. 
We need to get an edge to our defending - I would expect us to last more than four 
minutes before conceding a goal.

It's a major improvement on last week."

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