[18] Fergie on the doom mongers
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
"People weren't writing using actual knowledge or what they believed. They were 
writing in hope," 

[17] Fergie: Even I want the underdog to win!
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
"It's natural when a team's been successful for a long period like us for people to 
want them to fail. I do it myself, for goodness sake. If I'm watching a game, I want 
the smaller team to win." 

[16] Fergie describes Lille as...
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
"A handful,". "They're tall, athletic and their collective spirit's good. Their 
performance against Parma gets rid of all that nonsense about it being an easy game." 

[15] Keano Biography on way
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
According to the Independent, Keano has agreed to let Eamon Dunphy (who also wrote a 
biography on Sir Matt called A Strange Kind of Glory)write a biography, due out in 2003

[14] Lille coach on game
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
"Manchester are an incredible winning machine. It's funny, because you know exactly 
how they're going to play, but there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop them. 
They're like a steamroller."

[13] Robbo to replace Strachan?
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
Rumours abound that Robbo will replace Strachan at Coventry

[12] JSV on his upbringing
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
"When I was 16 I'd had enough of school, my marks were near zero and my parents' 
punishments were always the same: they didn't allow me to go to training sessions. 

"I had been playing for a club called Estudiantes since I was five and I didn't want 
it to all to come to nothing. 

"So I confronted my dad and my mother. They got mad but I was inflexible and they had 
to give up in the end. 

"They just said ‘If you are not going to study any more you have to work'." 

[11] Ranieri susses out Bosnich
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
'If he improves, he can play but he must show me - out there. 

'I speak with my players and De Goey is a big man, fantastic. He is a good trainer, a 
good professional. He has the correct attitude. When he was out of the team he worked 
hard to return. 

Sound familiar?

[10] No rash predictions
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
As Laurent says:

'If you want to win the European Cup you have to come through 17 matches. Once you've 
come through the first group stage you have to refocus on the second and that's before 
you reach the quarter-finals. It's not surprising few retain the trophy. 

'That's why in this competition, more than any, you can't make plans. But there are 
teams like Real Madrid or Barcelona who are designed with the Champions League in mind 
and Manchester are one of those.' 

[9] Blanc: No pressure replacing Jaap
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
'I don't feel under specific pressure of replacing another player,' he said. 

'It wasn't me or him. When I was first made aware of Manchester's interest, Jaap Stam 
was still very much one of their players.' 

[8] Blanc on his year with us
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
'I'm honoured to finish my career at United. I've come here to play my last year,' he 

'Winning in Europe has always been my dream and it's fortunate that my ambition 
coincides with the team's, who are really up for it. 

'I've never played in the European Cup and, having waited so long, I'm very motivated. 
It's a competition that inspires many great players. 

'It's one of the reasons I decided to come to Manchester but amid all this we must not 
lose sight of the Premiership.' 

[7] More Stam on his departure
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
'It was August 25. That morning I read in the papers that I had been fined £100,000 
and that my team-mates were ignoring me because of the book. I knew both facts were 

'I wanted to know from Ferguson how such information had appeared in the papers. 
Something must have been said. 

'When I walked into his office he looked surprised. He was busy making telephone 
calls. He told me he had no time - I had to go back later. 

'When I did, I was told to wait a further half-hour. I went back to his office and he 
had gone. Then Ferguson called me in the car and we fixed an appointment. 

'But two minutes later my agent called and told me about the transfer and everything.' 

[6] Stam spits the dummy
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
"United have collected a huge price for me from my move to Italy, yet I have not even 
had one little phone call from Alex Ferguson.

"I still have a mixture of anger and frustration inside me. Yes, I do feel insulted.

"I feel badly treated, too. Since my split with United I have not spoken to him once. 
And I never want to speak to him again.

"For three years I gave everything I had for that club. Then, in just one week, it was 
all turned upside down because of the hassle over my book.

"I became a villain. I felt as if I was regarded as evil at the club. After the 
publication it was all over for me. Ferguson said that wasn't the case but I know what 
he is like."

[5] The Messiah on the new ruptured duck
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
Keegan foams about new signing Ali Benarbia 

"I hope Manchester City fans enjoyed his display as much as I did. He talks with a 
football and I don't think City fans in the last 20 or 30 years have seen many players 
like him.

"They will come up with names like Colin Bell and he is in that class."

No doubt the Ali B T shirts are all ready in print!

Get some new wheels for that bandwagon

[4] An old man speaks
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
Uncle Bobby mutters:

"He got sent off here two years ago. It's just sad because he's a fantastic player,".

"He's just got to hold his ground - but he's such a fiery player, how can you do that?"

[3] Don't panic!
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
As our French anorac wearer points out:

played 5, Won 2, drawn 2, Lost 1, 8 pts
5th game lost to Arsenal 3-0, and we all thought Stam was 

Played 5, Won 2, drawn 2, lost 1, 8 pts

[2] Fergie: Ref no option
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
For Shearenvy's sake, it was a good job Becks had a good hold of Keano.

"I spoke to Roy and Gary Neville, who were nearest it, and they said Shearer stopped 
them taking a throw-in,".

"But that's to be expected. Players are always going to waste time when you're up with 
a minute to go. He left the referee with no option, I felt.

"He gets three games for that red card, and you see some things that go on in the game 
of football. It makes it all so stupid.

"You get players elbowing opponents who get one match. It's quite amazing. He was sent 
off for throwing the ball.

"I don't think it's a serious offence, but in the last minute of the game the crowd 
are going to force the referee into a situation like that. A home player would 
probably not have been sent off."

[1] Worthless Cup draw
Posted Sunday, September 16, 2001 by tb:
We've drawn the Arse away on November 5th in the 3rd round. 

Now what was the score last time we played at Highbury in the League Cup?

[12] Balls. Newcastle 4 United 3
Posted Saturday, September 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Keano sent off.

Red goals - Ruud, Giggs and Veron.

Fergie on the sending off: "I spoke to Roy and Gary Neville, who were nearest it, and 
they said Shearer stopped them taking a throw-in," he said. But that's to be expected. 
Players are always going to waste time when you're up with a minute to go. He left the 
referee with no option, I felt. He gets three games for that red card, and you see 
some things that go on in the game of football. It makes it all so stupid. You get 
players elbowing opponents who get one match. It's quite amazing. He was sent off for 
throwing the ball. I don't think it's a serious offence, but in the last minute of the 
game the crowd are going to force the referee into a situation like that. A home 
player would probably not have been sent off."

Bobby Robson:

"He got sent off here two years ago. It's just sad because he's a fantastic player. 
He's just got to hold is ground - but he's such a fiery player, how can you do that?"

We got back to 3-3 after being 3-1 down.

Other news - Arsenal-United in the 3rd Round of the League Cup. This reserves match 
will take place sometime the week of November 5th.

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