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[25] More Schmikes agent talk
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by tb:
"He had made that clear, and he is definitely an Anglophile in terms of his football 
preferences. He had a great time at Villa, especially under John Gregory.

"Following this announcement, I would not be surprised if I was contacted by other 
clubs and he will not be dropping his standards."

"To stay in England would be the first option," he added. "He would like a career in 
management and I expect that to be in England - but not in the immediate future."

[24] Enough, my sides have split
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by tb:
As the Messiah tagets another massive signing - Schmikes!

Thats if you believe the Mirror of course!

[23] Robbo on Keano and Scholes in '99
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by tb:
'He (Becks) will know the pain Roy Keane and Paul Scholes went through when they were 
unable to play in United's dramatic European Cup triumph in Barcelona three years ago 
and will not want to endure that.' 

'Even though Keane and Scholes were part of the squad and were there on the night, 
there is no doubt that one of the lowest points of their careers is that they did not 
play against Bayern Munich in the match that clinched that magical Treble.' 

[22] Robbo on injuries
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by tb:
>From Soccernet

'Missing a major part of not one but two World Cups was undoubtedly the biggest 
disappointment of my career. I played in Spain in 1982 but four years later I 
dislocated my shoulder in the run-up to the Finals in Mexico.'

'With time running out before we set off, we decided against surgery, though I still 
worked harder than ever to get fit. But after one practice game and the sorry match 
against Morocco, I was out of the tournament.' 

'In Italy in 1990 I suffered again, this time succumbing to a toe injury during the 
second game. That one was harder to take, particularly when the team went on to the 
semi-finals and I had to sit at home and watch them.' 

[21] Gordon on Becks injury
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by tb:
"The thing with Beckham’s injury, it is just so difficult to tell when you are going 
to be ready, he is such an important player to England, but it is wrong to think about 
going on the off-chance you make the second phase. 

"You are only talking about a matter of days between games and if you are not fit at 
the start then I don’t think you should go. 

"I know he will be absolutely devastated. Beckham is at the height of his career and 
popularity and it is nonsense for Alex Ferguson to say that there will be other World 
Cups. There is no time like the present and you just don’t know what will happen in 
the future. It doesn’t matter what any manager says, every player wants to play in the 
World Cup. 

"Beckham has it worse than I did because he will also miss the semi-final and then 
possibly the final of the European Champions League. Something like that will rarely 
come up during a player’s career, no matter how good you are. For me, it was just a 
matter of missing the World Cup. 

"Beckham is really unlucky because he doesn’t pick up many injuries. He is never out 
with the hamstrings or back injuries that Michael Owen and Steven Gerrard pick up, he 
always seems to cruise along. 

"I can’t imagine what he will be going through at the moment, but my advice to him is 
that if he is not fit before the tournament, then he shouldn’t go."

[20] Big Gordon on missing a World Cup
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by tb:
Gordon McQueen on his missing Argentina in '78 (not forgetting him missing the start 
of the next season with us!)

"If he’s not fit before he goes, then he should forget about going,I gambled and they 
took me on the off-chance that we got through to the second round and it was the worst 
experience of my career. 

"I still think about it 24 years later. It was terrible. I kept someone out of the 
squad, I think they would have taken Andy Gray if I had dropped out. 

"But the worst thing was just missing the World Cup. I knew in my heart of hearts that 
I shouldn’t have gone and it devastated me. 

"I was one of only three players who had played in every qualifying game. Kenny 
Dalglish was one of the others. I had just moved to Manchester United at Christmas for 
what was then a British record fee and everything was going really well and then I was 

"It was a case of footballer’s optimism. You just hope against hope that things will 
get better, but in fact I was way off being fit. I wasn’t even ready to play by the 
time the following season started."

[19] Duscher  not bad person 
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by tb:
"When I play, I don't worry who my opponent is, and it is crazy to think that anything 
was premeditated.

"I have been made out to be a bad person and I am not.

"I felt a lot better when I read on the internet that Beckham could be back in 34 

[18] Duscher reckons it all OTT
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by tb:
"The reaction to this has been like I killed someone and all I did was go for the 
ball, just as I always do against any opponent.

"I feel bad for what happened to Beckham, but my conscience is clear.

"It was a normal incident - a 50-50 ball, the type you see a dozen times in any match.

"But because of everything which Beckham represents in his country and the fact I am 
an Argentine and we are playing each other in the World Cup, many have thought 
terrible and different things to what actually happened."

Welcome to the English tabloid press!

[17]  Duscher says sorry
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by tb:
"It was a hard tackle and I'm sorry Beckham is injured. I know how important he is for 
Manchester United and England."

"I hope he gets better soon and plays for England.

"I am looking for a way to communicate with Beckham to explain that I had no bad 
intentions and if I have to apologise to him and all of England, I will do so, no 

Stuff Ingerlund, just apologise to Reds!

[16] Having a bet today?
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
try out our partners


[15] Miss Ruud and Ole - Don't miss out
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
Ruud and Ole are guests of IMUSA at OT thisd Thursday (18th).

check www.imusa.org for details and DO NOT MISS IT!

[14] Becks in his own words
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I'm being positive about it and looking  at my cup being half-full rather than 
half-empty. I think I have every chance of a recovery. I’m still in pain but I have 
enough time to get better. I’d be gutted if I didn’t make it but I think I have every 
chance of a recovery. I’m fit and healthy and being a footballer there are always 
risks like this. It should settle down in a few days but I still can’t quite believe 
it has happened."

[13] Today's fixtures
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
Aston Villa v Leeds 
Charlton v Southampton 
Derby v Newcastle 
Everton v Leicester 
Sunderland v Liverpool (17.35) 
Tottenham v West Ham

[12] 1,600 tickets for Bayer
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
At least 5,000 going?

>From official site

'It has now been confirmed that we will receive an allocation of 1600 match tickets, 
priced the equivalent of £25.00 & £30.00 each for the semi-final away leg versus Bayer 
Leverkusen, which will be played on Tuesday 30 April, kick-off 20.45 local time. These 
will be made available to club members who either wish to make their own travel 
arrangements or who wish to travel on a package organised by the club.'

[11] Becks mania, part 975987-59
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'A row has erupted over an advert on buses in Manchester featuring David Beckham in 
the nude.

He's photographed posing naked on a glass chair, wearing only a pair of Police 

The manufacturer says they sent the photo to a chain of opticians for use on posters.

But it says the photo was sent by "mistake" and withdrew permission to use it. 

Kevin Horkin, the owner of Spex, says it obtained the photo legitimately and plans to 
use it in the advertisement being launched on buses on April 15. 

He told the Manchester Evening News it's already been pasted on 50 buses as part of 
the £15,000 campaign.

He added: "I am a major retailer of Police sunglasses and they sent me eight 
promotional pictures, including this one.

"I was then told we had a call from Police asking us to pull the image because 
Beckham's wife had reservations about it." 

Sylvia Nanni, managing director of De Rigo, the company that owns Police, said: "The 
pictures are arty but we fear they could be used in the wrong way. This is a private 
matter. The pictures were not approved by our company and I sent them out by mistake."

[10] Schmeichel moves from Villa
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From the SUN

'The Danish keeper has played his last game for the club after Taylor admitted he 
could not guarantee Schmeichel the No 1 spot next season. 

That could pave the way for Schmeichel, 38, to make a sensational return to Manchester 
with Kevin Keegan's newly-promoted Manchester City. 

Taylor bit the bullet three weeks early so that Villa's highly-rated Finn Peter 
Enckelman, 25, can take over for the final four Premiership games.

The Villa boss said: "It was something that had to happen. I could have left the 
decision until May 1 but the situation needed handling now.

"The last thing Peter would want is to be sitting on the subs' bench and there is no 
way I would want that either. 

"At this stage of his career, with what that man has done throughout his time in 
football, you cannot do that to him. So we had a chat and jointly reached the same 

"Peter had a verbal guarantee from John Gregory that he would be Villa's No1 and I 
have honoured that agreement since I took over. 

"But I cannot, and will not, offer the same guarantee myself. I have to look at the 
bigger picture and make decisions for the long-term benefit of Aston Villa. That's why 
I decided there would be little point taking up the options to extend Peter's 

Schmeichel spent two seasons in Portugal with Sporting Lisbon after quitting 
Manchester United in 1999.

And Taylor insisted he was not surprised by Gregory's guarantee of a first-team place 
when Schmeichel returned to the Premiership with Villa last summer. 

He said: "They were special circumstances because it was a major coup for the club. I 
was a member of the Villa board at the time but even I knew nothing about it until I 
read it on Teletext. 

"Peter has been a legend in his own lifetime and it has been a pleasure to work with 
him. But time moves on.

"Enckelman has served his apprenticeship under Schmeichel and David James. And now his 
time has come. 

"My decision was based as much on looking at his position and the fact that he is 
ready to take over." 

 Schmeichel's agent, Paul Stretford, last night insisted the Great Dane has no plans 
to quit playing.

He said: "Graham Taylor is the manager, he makes the decisions. We had some very 
amicable meetings with him and Peter was part of the decision. 

"But it doesn't mean his career is over. He's had an excellent season and still has 
the desire and requirements to continue playing at the highest level."

[9] Becks gets England extension
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Fifa have confirmed that England coach Sven-Goran Eriksson can replace David Beckham 
in his squad up until 24 hours before the start of the tournament.

The news gives Eriksson an extra nine days in which to assess Beckham's fitness before 
making a final decision on his availability.

The Swede had been expecting Fifa to rule that only 'new' injuries would enable teams 
to replace players after they had submitted their official squads on May 21.

However, Fifa insist that Thursday's initial statement, which was then clouded in some 
uncertainty, was correct in asserting that Beckham could be replaced before May 30 as 
long as an independent doctor agreed he was injured.

There are two different clauses in the Fifa regulations, one of which would appear to 
point towards an injury only being allowed in cases of 'force majeur', or, in other 
words, unforeseen circumstances.

But Fifa spokesman Andreas Herren said: "The regulations are interpreted that it 
doesn't make any difference whether the injury is new, old or recurring as we know 
coaches would not use it as a tactical ploy.

"If the England team were to nominate David Beckham in their squad in the hope he 
would regain full fitness before the tournament and then that was not the case, they 
could use a medical certificate to call up a replacement player."

This would only be possible until up to 24 hours before the start of the tournament, 
which kicks off on May 31 with the opening game between France and Senegal.

The FA confirmed they had been informed of this latest ruling by Fifa, with the world 
governing body now expected to circulate it to all competing nations to prevent any 
chance of a challenge or appeal in the build-up to the tournament.'

[8] Becks like Robbo
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
It's about time someone compared Becks' situation to that of his hero Robbo (Bryan, of 

Bobby Robson

 "I hope Sven has better luck with his captain than I did with mine. We need David 
Beckham fit for the World Cup. We cannot afford to lose a player like him and everyone 
in the country wants him fit. To win a World Cup you need world-class players and 
David Beckham is certainly one of several we have.

As the national coach this is a worrying time, it is a bit daunting as you are 
sweating on players getting injured playing for their clubs. Exhaustion has never been 
a problem as you have time to sort that out before the competition begins. But the 
worry for Sven is that what happened to Beckham could happen to three or four others. 
I'm just glad Beckham didn't pick up his injury three weeks later than he did. In 1986 
I gambled on taking Bryan, my captain and a world-class player, to Mexico even though 
he had a shoulder problem. He had dislocated it against Mexico in a pre-tournament 
competition in Los Angeles. 

I needed him in Mexico but in our first game of the tournament, against Morocco, it 
popped out again and he had to be sent home. The good news for Beckham is that a 
broken foot is repairable - it will only go again if you drop a 10-ton mallet on it! 
In David Beckham's case you surely take him to Japan and you play him. Remember, 
Kieron Dyer played only eight weeks after suffering a stress fracture. David is a 
World Cup player, he is captain of his country and I am sure Sven will take him and he 
should be OK."

[7] Another song of the day
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
Considering who the participants in the other euro semi final are I decided to adapt 
an old classic.

We're all off to sunny (?) Glasgow,
We're all off for a p1ss p1ss up,
Barcelona, Real Madrid,
They will make a gallant bid,
But we're gonna win the European Cup.

Well shall I get me coat?


[6] Sven still thoughtful
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
"We have to decide to pick him or not by May 21 but I think he will be fit. I would be 
very happy if David could play at Hampden Park. But it's not a muscle problem, it's a 
broken bone in his left foot and it's difficult to play if it's not completely healed. 
Of course I am thinking about it but I can't do anything about it. If there was 
something I could do, I would."

[5] RN readers can you get in touch
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
Brian Cradden
Paul Nash
Brian Kavanagh
Kerry Davies

can you get in touch with us, thanks


[4] Very big of you
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:

"Campbell or Seaman could be the captain because they are experienced players. But I 
shall leave that decision to Sven."

[3] Song for Becks
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
Becks needs a new song. "one david beckham" isn't good enough for the lad. What about 
this to the tune of stevie wonders "he's mister know it all"

he's the man,
number 7
he plays football that is made in heaven
he's david beckham
he's a red through and through 
he came up from london for me and you 
he's david beckham.


[2] A Red Perspective
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From Martin

Tonight's footie discussion on TodayFM yielded some interesting quotes. Eamonn Dunphy 
being a bit tired of the Becks coverage said something that would never make the 
tabloid sports pages but remains the truth. "...a great player but the fact that, 
given a choice of who he'd rather have fit for the Champions League final Ferguson 
would much rather
have Keane, tells us that Beckham is simply not in the same league as Keane"

He added, "United should beat Leverkusen, they have a far greater chance of beating 
Leverkusen than they would have had against Liverpool"

And y'know secretly, I think we would all agree!

I was disappointed for Beckham. He's being playing well and I did mutter a short 
expletive as it became apparent that he wouldn't continue.

And disappointed also for Johnsen. We all know that each time Ronnie leaves the field 
prematurely we're unlikely see him again for weeks. I feel vindicated in my stubborn 
stance on Veron but I fear his outstanding display has been overshadowed by the 
tabloid hysteria. (have you seen a better defence splitting pass?) Even a week 
earlier, the importance of Keane's impending absence was overshadowed by Tristan's 

I find myself in agreement with Gary Neville, sod England, what about United?

Finally, I was amused yesterday while watching TVE News (Spain) as they constantly 
referred to the final at Hampden while showing file pictures of Parkhead. Picture it, 
United win by walkover at Hampden as Madrid scratch their heads at the sight of an 
empty stadium.

[1] Red News end of season special
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2002 by bar-knee:
We're looking for your moments/memories/songs for the season for our end of season 

Funny/sad/on field/off it, send anything and everything to


deadline is wednesday 23rd April

We're also looking for any good on or off pitch photos you may have from this season. 
If you do, get in touch. Thanks.

[21] Whats Thats Skippy? More Daft Beckham Stories?
Posted Friday, April 12, 2002 by Farrell:
It looks as though the media are running out of doctors, specialists and those blessed 
with E.S.P. so are now returning to there usual nonsensical methods of reporting.
Acitivists from Vegetarians' International Voice for Animals, known as "Viva!" are 
urging Beckham to not wear his Adidas Predator boots as they are made from Kangaroo 
skin. Juliet Gellatley from Viva! said "What's happening is the largest wildlife 
massacre in the world," and believes that players such as Becks and some little scouse 
runt called Michael Owen were wearing kangaroo skin boots probably without being aware 
of the slaughtering. United gave no comment on the Viva! campaign but a spokeswoman 
for Adidas tried to diffuse the situation by saying "Kangaroo leather has the 
advantage that it is very thin and soft but still has a very high tensile and tear 
strength," adding that the firm was concerned that the harvest of kangaroos was done 
under humane conditions. Its leather supplier had to abide by all government rules to 
receive an export permit.

The British Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) said it did 
not oppose the use of kangaroo skin, in the same way leather from cattle was used, if 
the animals were legally and humanely killed and their cull was necessary.

More news just in, Beckham wont be making the World Cup Team, Why not Skippy? Whats 
that? He fell down a mine shaft? We'd better get help...

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