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[34] Wenger gets bombarded with offers
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
for players off agents. He's switched his phone off. Get him.

"It has been unbelievable in the last few weeks. I've been getting 50 calls a day, 
offering me the opportunity to sign this or that player. The faxes are pouring into my 
office all the time. Some of them come from other clubs, most of them come from 
agents. I have lost count of the number of players we have been linked with recently. 
But I've never even heard of some of the guys I'm supposed to be signing."

[33] Becks looks on bright side
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
"It could be worse. I could be getting injured in the next couple of weeks. The way 
I’ve got to look at it is I can’t get injured now for the rest of the season.”

[32] Fergie on Becks
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
“David will have a smaller pot put on his leg next week. That will then allow him to 
do some bike work but it will be three days before we re-examine the injury. At this 
stage I am still not hopeful for him for United but he should be okay for the World 

[31] Ronny Johnsen update
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From MEN

'Despite suffering hamstring damage against Deportivo last week defender Johnsen still 
had to report for international duty for Norway in their friendly against Sweden.

“It’s ridiculous because all they’ve done is send him back again and he could have 
been having treatment here with us instead of flying out and flying back again,” 
Fergie says.

Johnsen is still scheduled to be out of action for another two or three weeks.'

[30] Veron has chance for Saturday
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
Come on Seba


“Seba was feeling the injury again in the final 15 minutes of the Deportivo game and 
we took him off. He’s been having treatment in Rome once more and our doctor has 
spoken to the Lazio doctor about it.  Seba will bring back the report with him today 
and we’ll see what happens from there. He’ll be okay for the Champions League semi on 
Wednesday against Bayer Leverkusen and I’ll have to make a decision as to whether to 
leave him out to rest the heel further on Saturday against Chelsea.”

[29] Massive name potential
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
city are after the Italian striker Massimo Maccarone - surely Massive Maccarone in 

[28] Desperate for your copy of Red News?
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
Remember you can always bag a copy during the week from either Sportspages branch, in 
Manchester at St Anns Square on Charing Cross Road in London.

[27] Chadwick gets chance
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
Who knows, might bag Beckham's place for those last important games...

Chadwick returns for the reserve game against Everton, being played at Old Trafford 

[26] Collymore gets taste of own medicine
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From the Birdman

heard on Radio 5 Live's phone-in last night. Stan Collymore is hosting the phone-in 
for no apparent reason,  and goes to his last caller of the night - the build-up music 
for the news  already playing. 
Stan - "Last caller, from Milton Keynes,what's your point?" 
Caller - "Hello Stan - I just wanted to say that I think Sven should take you  over to 
the World Cup" 
Stan (clearly flattered - and utterly unable to see the sucker punch coming  up) - "Oh 
yes, why?" 
Caller "Well, you're an expert on beating Swedes." 
Stan "Get him off!" 
....And straight into the news! 
Absolute classic live radio.

[25] Roy Carroll update
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
This from a RN reader, thanks.

'Roy Carroll played the second half for Northern Ireland against Spain, unfortunately 
letting in four of the five goals.  His first touch was picking the ball out of the 
net after 90 seconds.  Despite letting four in, though he only made one mistake, 
spilling a shot for the Spanish striker to tap in.  Indeed, he did look slightly 
disinterested.  He was however responsible for the one bright spot for Northern 
Ireland - dribbling round two Spaniards and trying to lift the ball over a third, 
hitting the attacker in the face and then pouncing on the ball - the Barthez influence?

On another United-related news, the Spanish looked absolutely fantastic, Raul scored 
twice - one a poacher's effort from a corner, the other a fantastic curler with his 
left foot from the right side - think like Whiteside against Everton in the cup final, 
but not just as good.  Morientes looked sharp up-front, scoring a training ground goal 
following a well-worked move ending up with the left wing backheeling the ball to the 
Real striker leaving one-on-one five yards out.  Hierro was a monster at the back, 
nothing got past him, and Puyol (of Barcelona) played a half at right back, playing 
like Gary Neville on steroids - Giggsy or Quinton might not get much out of him - and 
then a half in the centre of defence - looked like he had played there for years and 
even popped up with a goal from a corner - possible threat if United play Barca?

Couple of United old boys also playing for Northern Ireland.  Gillespie looked like an 
arrogant piece of sh*te, not interested at all - put it like this a guy from Rochdale 
making his debut did more in five minutes than Gillespie did in the previous 70.  
Healy (now at Preston) played the whole 90 minutes, worked hard but never got a 
chance, and was stopped by the impressive Spanish defence.

[24] Tell us something we don't know
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
Mirror reports Yorke is on way out - Blackburn lead the hunt, Villa close behind.

[23] Sunday Mirror contempt case
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'The Sunday Mirror is to face accusations of contempt of court relating to the 
collapse of the first trial of Jonathan Woodgate and Lee Bowyer.

They were on charges arising out of a serious assault on a student.

The Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith QC, was asking the High Court to impose fines on 
the newspaper for publishing in April last year what the trial judge at Hull Crown 
Court feared was a prejudicial interview with a member of the victim's family.

Bowyer, a former England under-21 player, was eventually cleared at a second trial in 
December of causing grievous bodily harm and affray.

Woodgate, was ordered to do 100 hours community service after being found guilty of 

He was found not guilty of GBH with intent in relation to the street attack on Sarfraz 

The cost of both trials has been estimated at £15 million.

Bowyer and Woodgate are reported to be facing legal bills in excess of £1 million 
each. Leeds United says they will be allowed to continue playing for the Premiership 
team but will not get help with their legal bills.

The contempt application against Sunday Mirror publishers MGN before Lord Justice 
Kennedy and Mrs Justice Rafferty could last two days.'

[22] Blatant plug alert
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
A 10 issue UK sub to Red News costs just £16.50. Our very own budget offer! Red News, 
P.O.Box 176, Manchester, M16 8LG

[21] Becks thanks Posh
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
"The last week has been an experience that I'd rather not have, but there are worse 
things going on in the world. It has been difficult. I am a person who is always up 
and about but Victoria is five months pregnant and she is the one running around and 
doing things for me like making me cups of tea. The wife has been feeding me grapes 
and I've got her running around - she has been great. It is hard because I love 
training and seeing the lads training every day is difficult because I am not used to 

Think we've got all the quotes now - and again we say well done to Steve Bower for a 
candid chat with Becks for MUTV. We keep saying it but for the Red devotee the channel 
really isn't that bad - Teresa McDonald swears by it after all, but then she just 
swears a lot - and we're saying this after Bower jokingly (and serious!) refused to 
take a team of RN drunks in the official Utd car to the Nantes ground when we bumped 
into them. Can't see the problem ourselves...

[20] Becks on fitness recovery
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I have got to keep my fitness up and have treatment every day. Everything possible is 
being done. Rest and keeping the foot off the ground are important. I have been having 
ultrasound treatment and oxygen tents fitted at home. There are lots of people phoning 
up with good ideas and weird ideas and I have got to thank them."

[19] Becks - get to the Final lads
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
"At club level there is no bigger competition than the Champions League. To miss out 
on two massive games is upsetting, but I can't let people see that because I want the 
team to play well and to win. I'm sure they will.  I'm relying on them to get to the 
final, but we're always relying on each other. The manager is always telling us to 
look round the team and realise how lucky we are to have these players. We've got full 
confidence in the lads because they've been brilliant this season and hopefully 
they'll get through to Glasgow."

Follow, Follow...

[18] Becks on the team without him
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
"They were costly games, but we've got a lot of great players and a great manager, and 
as he said afterwards, this is where the whole squad comes into its own. You don't 
have world class players sat on the bench for nothing" 

[17] Becks was happy
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I was scoring goals, I was playing well and I was feeling a lot fresher than I had 
done for a long time. Then that happens. I've never had a bad injury before. This is 
the first one, so it's difficult but I've got to get on with it. I can't sit back and 
sulk because there are people worse off than me"

[16] Becks on the tackle
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I think it was a bad tackle, I knew that at the time. People are making things of the 
fact he's Argentinian, and I had a joke with Seba a few days ago about that. It was 
just one of those things. I've got to accept it. To be fair to Duscher he rang me up 
and apologised and said that he didn't mean to keep me out of any games and didn't 
mean to hurt me. I accepted his apology as for him to ring up and do that is 
something. I've not got a problem with the player. The fact that he's Argentinian 
doesn't bother me. It was just a coincidence that I got injured in Coruna and in the 
second leg. It's not a problem"

[15] Sympathetic Scouser
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:

“We have all been asking the United lads how he (Beckham) is because we all want him 
back as soon as possible. He’s our captain and he’s probably our most important 

[14] More Becks United disappointment
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
"The World Cup is important to me and it’s important to the nation, but I’m missing a 
run-in to the title and the Champions League semi- finals, which are massive. No one 
seems to have mentioned that.” 

[13] FIFA give Old Firm hint
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
Of Celtic and Rangers moving down sarth

FIFA statement

"This is a local issue so this a matter for Scotland and England first. If everybody 
agrees there is no need for us to intervene. If there was a problem in this for many 
national organisations then we would have to step in, but that's all.  If everybody 
agrees in a change then we would be happy to let that go."

[12] See Ruud and Ole tonight
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
Ruud and Ole are guests of IMUSA at OT tonight (the 18th).

check www.imusa.org for details and DO NOT MISS IT!

[11] Memories of the season
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
The deadline for our end of season special - issue 86 - is Thursday 25th April

We're looking for your moments/memories/songs for the season for our end of season 

Funny/sad/on field/off it, send anything and everything to


Remember - it's YOUR fanzine so even if it's one memory - we'd love to include it. 

[10] Sven on Becks - Gerrard
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
"Steven is one of the best midfielders in the world. He can play inside and outside. 
We want Beckham back but we will have a good team even if we are unlucky enough not to 
have Beckham back."

[9] Becks quotes - different spin
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I knew it was a bad tackle at the time. I felt the pain, but because we got a free 
kick I jumped up to say I will take it. I put weight on my foot and the referee told 
me to go off.  I limped off and took my boot off and told the physio just to spray 
something on it. As soon as I put my foot down on the floor I felt something crack. I 
knew it was broken straight away. Everything runs through your mind and I was thinking 
'Oh God this could be the World Cup'. It is just a case of waiting to see if the bone 
heals and knits back together. Fingers crossed, in six weeks I should be up and 
running and kicking a ball.  I don't think I'll play for Manchester United again this 
season. I'd like to think I've got a chance because I want to play in the Champions 
League semi-final, but that's out of the question.  Maybe if we got through to the 
final in Glasgow there would be a chance, but that's my heart speaking not my head."

[8] Becks on the tackle
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I think it was a bad tackle, and people have been saying was it a coincidence he is 
Argentinian, but the player rang me up and apologised and said he didn't mean to hurt 
me, and I accepted his apology."

[7] Becks on recovery
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
"Unless anything drastically goes wrong they've given me the timescale of six to eight 
weeks - there's seven weeks to the first game so we'll have to wait and see. I've been 
in for treatment every day and everyone's doing everything possible. At United you 
know you've got the best of everything and in my opinion we've got the best doctors 
and physios, so I'm in good hands and I'm still setting my sights on being fit as 
quick as I can."

[6] Becks - United matter
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
"A lot of people have mentioned England, but no-one's mentioned that I'm missing a 
semi-final in the Champions League and that for me at the moment is the upsetting 
thing. If we did get through to the final then maybe there'd be a chance (of playing), 
but that's my heart speaking and not my head. I might recover quicker than I think, 
but realistically, no"

[5] Becks on his left foot
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
And any ABU who comes up with the tired and predictable **** about Becks being stupid 
should watch the interview and learn

"The World Cup is the one thing that's motivating me - it's the light at the end of 
the tunnel." It's the biggest mental test of my career - I haven't had a bad injury 
before. It's difficult, but I've got to get on with it. I've had a few tests over my 
career, physically and mentally, and I've come through them quite well - and this is 
just another one. But there are a load of more important things going on around the 
world than my left foot."

[4] Becks raises a joke or two
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
On being told that he once told MUTV that he hoped ('touch wood') never to get a 
serious injury he replied: "I wasn't touching enough wood" and pointing to his new 
state of the art boot he is now wearing instead of plaster he said: "I'm trying to get 
a designer one"

[3] MUTV in Becks coup
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
As MUTV get an exclusive half hour chat with Becks screened last night. And good it 
was too - although you wonder how these things are arranged ('David, speak to the fans 
via our channel?'0

Whatever, all the press go with snippets today - and all the major news channels 
screened titbits which surely means a nice earner for the MUTV coffers as well.

This from the Telegraph

'DAVID BECKHAM admitted last night that he would not play in the Champions League 
final if Manchester United reached that stage, but said he was confident of leading 
England in the World Cup this summer.

The England captain, speaking for the first time about the broken metatarsal bone in 
his left foot, also said that he was surprised about the attention he had received but 
thanked everyone from United fans to the Prime Minister for their concern.

"Maybe there would be half a chance if we did get through to the final, but that's my 
heart speaking, not my head," he said, speaking on MUTV. "The World Cup's more 
realistic. They've given me the timetable of six to eight weeks and the first match is 
seven weeks away.

"Having my foot on the front of a national newspaper is a bit weird but it's nice to 
feel wanted and to have people wanting me to be fit. I spoke to someone in London who 
had been to Madame Tussaud's and there was a bundle of cards next to my waxwork. I 
need to thank everyone, even the Prime Minister."

Beckham, who was telephoned by Deportivo La Coruna's Aldo Duscher, said that he had 
accepted an apology from the Argentine but maintained it was still a "bad tackle".

Even though his wife, Victoria, is now pregnant with the couple's second child, 
Beckham said that it was she who was "the one running around doing things for me and 
making me cups of tea now".

He added: "I'm having different treatments and they're giving me different things to 
do. It's a case of waiting to see whether the bone heals and knits back together."

Beckham, who visited the England squad on Tuesday, congratulated last night's captain 
Michael Owen on his appointment. "He's a world-class player and deserves to have the 
captaincy - just this once," Beckham said.'

[2] United round up
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
Barthez looked assured as he played the whole 90 for France. Nicky Butt continued his 
fine form but in an agreement between Fergie and Sven saw him subbed at hlaf-time. 
Gary Neville came of after 68 minutes, Phil Neville came on then, Scholes subbed as 
agreed at half-time too. Veron rested, Michael Stewart came on as a sub to make his 
Scotland debut - made two cracking passes and could play some part at Chelsea.

[1] International results
Posted Thursday, April 18, 2002 by bar-knee:
England 4 Paraguay 0
Yugoslavia 4 Lithuania 1
Poland 1 Romania 2 
Ukraine 2 Georgia 1
Croatia 2 Bosnia Herzegovina 0 
Denmark 3 Israel 1 
Luxembourg 3 Liechtenstein 3
Norway 0 Sweden 0
Turkey 2 Chile 0
Slovenia 1 Tunisia 0
Belgium 1 Slovakia 1
Greece 0 Czech Republic 0
Rep of Ireland 2 USA 1 
Austria 0 Cameroon 0
Italy 1 Uruguay 1
France 0 Russia 0
Germany 0 Argentina 1
Hungary 2 Belarus 5
Northern Ireland 0 Spain 5
Scotland 1 Nigeria 2 
Portugal 1 Brazil 1 

[33] Fergie on Keano
Posted Wednesday, April 17, 2002 by bar-knee:
“Roy has been on the bike for a good few days now and he’s coming along fine. We’re 
very pleased with his progress.”

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