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[20] Becks snub
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
Not chosen by his fellow pros in the PFA 'team of the year'

Shay Given (Newcastle United), Steve Finnan (Fulham), Rio Ferdinand (Leeds United), 
Sami Hyypia (Liverpool), Wayne Bridge (Southampton), Robert Pires (Arsenal), Roy Keane 
(Manchester United), Patrick Vieira (Arsenal), Ryan Giggs (Manchester United), Ruud 
van Nistelrooy (Manchester United), Thierry Henry (Arsenal).

[19] Ruud - let's go for it in the league
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"Of course we have a chance because we still have to play Arsenal and we will fight 
until the very last game and see what happens. We know we need to win every game and 
hope Liverpool and Arsenal slip up but we'll go for it."

[18] More from Fanny
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
Fanny Amun

"Beckham is one of the best players in the world, the most popular and talented player 
England have produced. The World Cup can't be the same without him."

[17] Nigerian coach on Becks
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
Fanny Amun

"Anyone who loves football will be unhappy about David Beckham missing the finals. 
While we wish him a speedy recovery, we hope it will be AFTER the World Cup! We all 
know Beckham is the soul of England. Sven Goran Eriksson depends so much on him and 
without his inspirational leadership England are vulnerable. We hope to capitalise on 
that. Without him we have the psychological advantage we need."

[16] Chelsea get in through the back door
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
Not for the first time we presume...but even if they lose the FA Cup Final they are in 
Europe because of Arsenal qualifying for the Champions League.

[15] Arsenal game now confirmed
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
They are in the FA Cup Final against Chelsea on May 4th, meaning our game at Old 
Trafford against them is 8pm, Wednesday 8th May, live on pay per view.

[14] Injuries everywhere
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
Sol Campbell probably out for three weeks for Arsenal after pulling his hamstring 
during the 1-0 Cup win over Boro (cue orange at half time joke from the RN lads at the 

Le Saux went off with a leg injury during Chelsea's 1-0 win over Fulham and is 
doubtful for Saturday.

Luzhny also went off for the Arsenal but as he's a c**p player we're quite hoping 
he'll be fit for our game.

[13] Sven gives Wes Brown hope
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"He is in consideration and he was in the squad before his injury. If he could be at 
the same level he was before of course I will consider him. He is in the under-21s 
because it is better to see him there and playing, because he needs to do that. I know 
he can also play at right-back - I have seen him play there for Manchester United."

[12] Houllier speaks in tongues
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"Arsenal are still in command but after Sunderland we assured finishing in the top 
four so are in the Champions League next season. I said our next European campaign 
starts here and they started in the best way."

[11] John Terry, a Red
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
According to Saturday's Guardian, Rent Boy Terry was a Red as a kid and nearly joined 
us. He had trials - even driving up with Becks to Manchester as David was signing YTS 

Becks a YTS lad - now a legend. Terry - once a Red, now a leg end.

[10] Red infiltration or the truth?
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
By Brun

'I was listening to talk sport after the bitters got promotion and this bluenose comes 
on and gets asked about rivalry. His answer was: "if any one, I don't like stockport". 
Massive answer or wot?'

[9] Any budding writers out there
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
from Glasgow. If so can you get in touch with us at



[8] Red News deadline
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
The deadline for our end of season special - issue 86 - is Thursday 25th April

We're looking for your moments/memories/songs for the season for our end of season 

Funny/sad/on field/off it, send anything and everything to


send them in now to beat the rush!

We're also looking for any good on or off pitch photos you may have from this season. 
If you do, get in touch. Thanks.

[7] RN readers get in touch
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
Paul Nash
Brian Kavanagh

can you get in touch with us, thanks


[6] See Ruud and Ole this Thursday
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
Ruud and Ole are guests of IMUSA at OT this Thursday (18th).

check www.imusa.org for details and DO NOT MISS IT!

[5] You could not make it up
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
A very excited - the reverse of 'I'd luv it' I suppose - Kevin Keegan is doing a live 
interview for various radio broadcasters after the siddy's stupendous win on Saturday. 
He is very nearly fainting as he tells the news of the Great Dane's lost plot and his 
decision to return to Manchester in the wrong colours.

A hack - tongue in cheek - asks: 'but what about the other big names you are 
chasing...Davids, Effenberg, etc'

to which nearly everyone in the room p1sses themselves

Keegan: 'I'm just telling you this news because I wanted to end the speculation' 
failing to get the gist of the humour based around city buying world greats and ending 
up (No offence Peter) with one of our very old cast offs.

[4] A Red Perspective
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
So rumours about from within and without Fotress Carrington that some first team 
juggling is in order for our remaning league fixtures surrounding the Bayer games to 
prevent any of our current 'fit' players going down before the big one.

But hold on a minute. As Much as I can unerstand some paranoia after being hit with so 
many big absences and an initial reaction of wanting to protect the likes of Ruud and 
co for the Champions League party let us not forget that we are just a possible four 
games away from league glory.

United fans keep saying it but forget the World Cup. That should apply to players who 
are seeing it on the horizon who are fit and might be worrying that they too might go 
the way of 'doubts', Keano and Becks. The only thing that should and does matter is 
United. With that thought it means we have a potential of seven games left for the 
rest of the season. Seven games from a potential double.

I'm not saying that with optimism - we don't know what this mental season so far has 
in store but as Red News has believed all season so we still continue with a belief - 
not yet blind hope - that both Arsenal and Liverpool will draw again this season. The 
big requirement means we would then win our four games to lift the title. It is a big 
if, no hiding the fact as Chelsea shapes our title quest.

It's such a big game - with revenge on the agenda this end for that season down at Old 
Trafford for the 0-3 - that every player fit who is a natural first teamer must play.

To some Reds the Champions League is their priority every season. To this Red it is 
the League. I want both. I will not give up on the title until maths suggests 
otherwise. Which is why anything less than our best available eleven at Stamford 
Bridge should not even be contemplated.

Win on Saturday and we can win the lot. Will it happen? Who knows, and although I 
understand the management feeling protective at such a vital stage of the season not 
only does history suggest that another big injury is unlikely but it's also shown us 
this season that best eleven gets results, squad rotation usually sees us fall flat on 
our faces.

[3] A Red Perspective
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
Hello, Hello, we are the Busby boys...Sorry, all lines engaged.

I have a few questions about the new telephone scheme for away tickets:

Is this for both domestic and Euro away games?  If so, will they keep the record of 
failed/successful requests separately?  The Bayer away tickets have priority to those 
who went to previous Euro aways, not domestic games.

Will the telephone line remain open until all 40,000 ST holders have registered their 
request?  Currently every season ticket holder COULD post an application.  Many of 
them don't bother, but in theory all 40,000 have access.

What kind of telephone line will it be?  Premium rate, national rate, local rate, 
FREE???  Will it be set at the rate of a couple of first class stamps or even just the 
one stamp for the return envelope if I can drop the application in the ticket office 

Can my 17 year old son - still at school, but deemed an adult by United - be 
guaranteed a credit card from the United financial system at a very low interest rate? 
 He'll love that - No one else in the world will give him one.  Even I don't trust him 
to borrow my number to phone for tickets, but I'd give him a cheque to stick in an 
envelope (so long as he hasn't changed his name to Marvin.Ulysses.Frederick.Carruthers)

Should we get rid of the token sheets?  These are a very good weapon against touts as 
they can never organise to get back the tokens from cup tickets, so mostly it's only 
genuine fans who have a full token sheet  - and a glue addiction!

Most importantly, what is being done about priority?  Lets not be naive, we know there 
is currently an unwritten priority system which means, by and large, the regular away 
match goers get the tickets first.  We should not accept the club's party line of 
"It's a fair and random ballot".

What will happen next season?  Are those on the (non-existent?) current list of 
favoured recipients going to retain their place based on previous loyalty?  Or will it 
be those lucky enough to come out of the first ballot who get priority for the rest of 
the season?  Or will those who DON'T get a ticket in the first ballot get priority for 
the next away game?  That would take some juggling - "please Mr Chubb, I'll sacrifice 
this game, so I can
get the next away game which is against the Scousers".

Perhaps the most vital question is:  Why don't I believe the club will get this right?
(Answer in less than 3000 words if you think you can).


Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by redend:
Alex Plypin gives it to you twice in as many minutes:

Like c.97.5% of the population, I did not have a clue where my metatarsal is on 
Wednesday afternoon. As it now is, you would have to be living in a cave not to be 
fully aware of the location of the lot of them. Ridiculous media hysteria about the 
fitness and wellbeing of the owner of one broken foot displaced the real carnage and 
savagery that is taking place at the birthplace of Christendom.
Uri Geller - the famous conman - is wheeled out once more, and muddle-headed red-top 
editors fall for the hype. Pictures of what do not even appear to be the same foot, to 
the non-medical profession, have to be touched/kissed at a given point in time; and 
`Our Boy' will get better for the World Cup. The same hacks who tried to destroy his 
career 4 years ago are now grief-stricken that he may not make it for ingerlund. What 
about the team that pays his not insignificant wages, image rights etc?
7 games, 7 victories, and who knows what might happen? We are now without the skippers 
of 2 international countries for the remainder of the season. If truth be told, I know 
which one is more indispensable than the other - should such a horrible choice have to 
be made. As it is, we are going to have to do without both for some time; and I 
sincerely hope that their recovery programmes are geared towards the interests of the 
people who pay their wages.

Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by redend:
First part of a double header treat for Plypin fans:

Davids for city. Effenberg for city. Schmeichel for city. Is it August already?
Did they mean David seaman? Effin' Henning Berg? Surely not our former red-nosed 
Davids has resigned for Juve, saying that he wants to win something - which proves 
that it can't have been the bespectacled one. However, moss side might have been an 
attraction for his off-field recreation. Stefan of Bayern has been hawking himself 
around the Premiership for a final big payday, but the cottagers  are more likely to 
attract his attention. I can't imagine red lederhosen going down that well in the city 
dressing room - unless the bishop is still there?
So, reliable reports come in that our former hero is to cross the Rubicon, and join an 
estimable band of folk who have traversed the great divide. It's 2 weeks too late for 
such a spoof, isn't it?

[14} And the winner is...
Posted Monday, April 15, 2002 by Howsey:

Van Nistlerooy has won the PFA player of the year award tonight.

He said: "This is the proudest moment so far in my career. I have been voted by the 
players of the Premier League and that is the best league in Europe at the moment. 
That makes me feel proud.

"Playing for Manchester United is a fantastic feeling but then again so is just 
playing because when I was injured there were doubts I would play again."

Posted Sunday, April 14, 2002 by redend:
This latest missive from Mr Plypin got lost in the post last week but so as not to 
deprive Alex's army of fans ......

This time last week we were condemning the vicious low-level assault by Tristan on our 
own goldenbollox, which might possibly have ended his career. This week, another 
compatriot finishes the job with a two-footed lunge that would not have looked out of 
place in a king-fu movie. Not only that, but the man in the middle did not even see 
fit to award a yellow card for the latest attempt. 
After this act of war, Deportivo looked to be trying to emulate Neil Warnock's tactic 
of getting the game abandoned for lack of players - and nearly succeeded. It's enough 
to support Maggie Thatcher's foray to the South Atlantic 20 years ago.
Cometh the hour.. and our own JSV saves the day with his best performance since that 
sublime 1st half against the toffees - 3 assists and a 5 Star Display which ahs gone 
some way towards silencing his many critics. 
However, our threadbare midfield department was further depleted by his exit towards 
the end  The tabloid hacks have had a field day since the world cup fixtures were 
announced, and conspiracy theories abound. Having endure what seems like an eternity 
grieving over another royal so cruelly taken from us at such a tender age, we are now 
to be subjected to another 6 weeks of mourning, with blanket coverage of metatarsals 
and anything to do with them. Half-hourly bulletins briefed of `intensive treatment' 
at Carrington - for someone with his foot in a pot? -purleeeeeze!!
In fact, our Steve ought to be watching up above as he goes about his daily toil in 
the square mile, particularly when walking under the windows of high-rise tv sports or 
marketing executives. I reckon that more than one advertiser will be `perking up' 
image rights a little less in the next few weeks.
I don't give a flying shiite about ingerlund's world cup chances - or the Emerald 
Isle's for that matter. I would rather see their respective skippers donning the RED 
jersey, and doing their bit for club - hopefully in Glasgae on May 15th - if not 
Per ardua ad astra    

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