     Personally speaking, I prefer the digest version of this list. I 
     work on oil
     rigs all over the world and rarely have access to a web browser, 
     but I usually
     have access to E-mail, so I always get the digest. The phone 
     links are often
     poor, causing very low data rates, so it would be impractical for 
     me to receive
     50+ postings a day. I would regret the passing of the digest very 
     much, as it is
     often a source of usefull knowledge. 
     I, like this other member, travel extensively (within the USA) 
     and subscribe via my employer's email.  I can download the digest 
     with other work-related material.  I very much perfer the option 
     of a digest version.
     In issue 324 or 325 someone mentioned how photo.net has all 
     versions in one package, web, digest, and real time.  This sounds 
     too good to be true.  I'm incapable of offering any real help to 
     administrate the list, but can someone pursue such an approach.  
     Does Mr. Greenspun allow groups like ours to "attach" our dear 
     digest to his site?

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