John R. Dennison wrote:
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 02:02:52PM -0600, David R. Wilson wrote:
Hello Howard,

Check /etc/sysconfig/network and /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/.

Seconded. NetworkMangler does bad things to the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-ethX interface definition files at times.

I have been using CentOS on some stuff for a while, but not the desktop
version.  If I was guessing I would not be surprised if they are using

        CentOS is CentOS; desktop vs server is for the most part
        irrelevant as far as network configuration goes with the
        except of NetworkMangler.

something in the way of NetworkManager, which I have found to be a very
evil problem in the past.

        NetworkMangler should not be installed on any system that one
        expects or requires stability / reliability.

        yum erase NetworkManager; watch the deps it wants to remove, but
        it should be ok overall.

I forget what I installed on the laptop as an alternative, but I got
really tired of fixing the problems (which are most likely now fixed) in
the NetworkManager program.

        There are still issues with NetworkMangler and I suspect there
        always will be for the lifetime of C5; C6 should be based on
        Fedora 11 or 12 (likely 12) so while it may see some improvements
        in this arena I personally wouldn't hold my breath.

        If, for some reason, your NIC is not supported give the ElRepo
        third-party repository a look; it's where we point people that
        have hardware requirements that the stock C4/C5 kernels do
        not support.  You can find more information about this repo,
        and the others, at the following url.  *Please* pay attention
        to the section on yum-priorities (ignore the junk at the
        top of the wiki article, you *must* use priorities with most
        of the third-party repos unless you want the C4/C5 base stomped


Many thanks for the responses. Allow me to reiterate that the /etc/sysconfig/network and /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 files are correct. I did as John Dennison suggests and yum erase NetworkManager to no net change in behavior.

The fact that I can enter a default route:

route add default gw blah.blah.blah.blah

and the network comes up lays to rest any issues with the NIC working with the kernel --- mostly ;)

I sure wish I could find where to strangle whatever "NetworkManager" Linux Mint installs! All I want to be able to do is ifdown eth0 then ifup eth0. "Unknown interface..." They've papered over the dirty stuff.

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