The point I was trying to make was that Billy Pigg's style was not in the Northumbrian piping mainstream, and that those who have been heavily influenced by him, like Kathryn can also be said to be outside the mainstream as it was. Dave Bulmer's promotion of Kathryn's recordings and non-release of Chris's (and possibly others) have distorted what many view as the mainstream so that the fringe is now perceived as mainstream and the "pure tradition" has become the fringe.

As an aside this is not just a Northumbrian piping thing. Debbie Lawther who is also on this list used to live in a flat in London, below an Indian couple. Mr Dasgupta was a sitar pupil of the senior member of the Khan "dynasty" on Indian musicians, and had a number of pupils himself. When Mr. Khan's children or grandchildren came to London to play at the Festival Hall they would often follow that performance with a private one in thw Dasgupta's flat in Tooting for him and his pupils. And then they would sit around and discuss how Ravi Shankar had corrupted the tradition....


Mike and Enid Walton wrote:
"Ian Lawther" <> said

Enter those who saw the chance to make some money by promoting an attractive young woman >who was marketable beyond the dowdy folkies.

So is the argument that piping would be far better off without all those who came into piping at least partially as a result of said young woman's playing ? Then we could be left with the "dowdy folkies" who would at least not play wrongly ? We would thereby get rid of a good number of those who love the instrument but don't play very well, leaving this job to an elite few who have really mastered the instrument and the correct way of playing. It would reduce pipe-makers waiting lists, and really be a very positive contribution to the continuation of piping. Pity I don't be involved though.

I would add (removing my tongue from cheek) that I really do enjoy Chris Ormston's music. I also have never understood (or known half of) the affair of the bloke who is sitting on folk recordings and refusing to release them, but I do understand that this is affecting many other folk artistes beyond the piping fraternity* and therefore cannot be convinced that there is a conspiracy against certain pipers.

* Perhaps fraternity is an inappropriate term at the moment.

Mike Walton

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