Everybody is discussing the statement

A bad player puts people off the instrument and also teaches
you the "wrong" was to play.

Where does that leave us ? I've reached a certain level of proficiency in the instrument, I try to keep my fingering detached as far as I can but I'm conscious that at speed my right hand doesn't respond as well as it should, so I do tend to not be detached on lower notes on fast tunes. I'm aware that this is not where I'm trying to get, but already being in the "bus pass" generation I doubt it'll ever be right. Should I not be playing the pipes in public, in case people are put off or taught the "wrong" way to play ? Should I just give up ? I personally think people hear me playing, and hear other more proficient players playing, and are aware that I'm not as good as the best. That's true of most of the musicians in the gatherings I go to. However, the attitude of certain of those posting on this newsgroup seems to be - don't bring your pipes out in public until you're perfect.

I'm also probably "choyting", although most of the definitions I've seen on this newsgroup haven't been very clear. I have been trying to avoid certain gracings (which might come in this definition) recently. Listening to myself more critically, I can hear them not sounding very good. I came to nsp from whistle, perhaps the cause of my "incorrect" technique.

However, I didn't think we were really discussing the playing of "bad" players (possibly including myself) but those who have mastered the "correct" techniques and can use them when they want, and chose to also add other "wrong" techniques because (in their view) they add to the listening experience. I think that a certain Kathryn Tickell is the main target of the abuse in this context isn't she ? That's where the fundamental difference in opinions lies isn't it ?

Or perhaps I'm wrong. A long time ago, I think we started discussing some child prodigy whose piping I haven't heard and can't therefore comment on.


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