Title: RE: Workstation Naming Standards

I still use non-descript names. In my case, car names, because they’re plentiful and easier to remember than XXY-003DC-7T. So, my computers are named things like Camry, Chevelle, Viper, Yukon, etc…. and then I just keep a spreadsheet of who’s using what computer, what its IP address is, etc… That way, if someone moves from one machine to another, I only have to note the change in one place.


Of course, we’re small (42 workstations) too, so YMMV.


One interesting side note is that some users get really confused by this. For example, in 1995 I bought a screaming fast 100MHz Pentium, and named it Mustang. Now, over the years, that Mustangs is looking slower and slower, and as I got less creative at finding car names, I had to settle for whatever I could find. One of our CAD guys almost fell off his chair laughing when he found out his new dual 1GHz Pentium III machine was named… Chevette <g>





-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 2:06 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Workstation Naming Standards


I use the user name, but I've got a small 50 person installation. I change the name if the person changes.  It simplifies figuring out who's having a problem, because I know everyone. Tougher in a large organization.

I sure as heck wouldn't agonize over it. You want to be able to browse a list to pinpoint who's having a problem. And if necessary tie that back to some inventory/allocation information.  Serial Number would probably work if you have a good inventory system.  

-----Original Message-----
From: David James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 10:11 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Workstation Naming Standards


I don't use user names.  What happens when that employee quits?
You have to rename their machine as part of setting up a new user?
I would use City_Dept_JobFunction then add a number for multiple job

-----Original Message-----
From: Osama S. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 12:05 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Workstation Naming Standards



we will be deploying Win2K from scratch on the user's machines (around
700) replacing NT 4. SO I was reviewing our machine naming convention.

Our Offices are located in two cities, one single domain.
So far we would use something like "CityName-Department-User Real Name"
(where city name and department are abbrevations) to name workstations.

Usually the NT Names are the users Company ID, which is unique.

I was wondering how you guys/girls are naming your workstations and users.



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