Right, some apps may be compiled in such a fashion where they can utilize a 3gb application address space if a 32-bit os is booted with the /3gb switch, but of course they need to be specially compiled to do so, otherwise 2gb is all you can get in application space. 64-bit is really a nice change. Is PS available in a 64-bit version yet?


"John Hornbuckle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 05/12/2008 08:29:20 PM:

> My Pentium D is only 2.8 GHz, so you’ve got me beat there. I’ve also
> got just 2 GB of RAM. I use Photoshop, but not working with huge
> images and no video editing. I don’t think you can do 4 GB without
> going 64-bit, right?

You can install 4G, but XP won't see more than ... 3.2G? ... of it. Even on 64 bit XP/Vista, Photoshop CS3 won't use more than 4G for images, and 2G for cache.

> My system rates 4.7 on the Windows Experience Index, with the lowest
> subscore being on the processor.

Haven't bothered running the Experience yet ...

> John
> Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 4:00 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Why XP is doomed
> Really ... I have a Pentium D, 3GHz, 2M RAM. You think if I bumped
> the RAM to 4G that Vista would be OK with it? I mostly use this PC
> for photoediting (Photoshop CS3), and video editing (which in my
> case is converting PAL to NTSC, or making a DVD out of AVI files,
> using Nero 7).
> Feel free to reply offlist ....





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