Sent: Wednesday, 14 May 2008 4:00 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Why XP is doomed

"John Hornbuckle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 05/12/2008 08:29:20 PM:

> My Pentium D is only 2.8 GHz, so you've got me beat there. I've also
> got just 2 GB of RAM. I use Photoshop, but not working with huge
> images and no video editing. I don't think you can do 4 GB without
> going 64-bit, right?

You can install 4G, but XP won't see more than ... 3.2G? ... of it. Even on 64 
bit XP/Vista,

Huh? Simply not true. Covered many times on this list. Please read the links to 
the Microsoft Windows Hardware Developer Center (WHDC) posted previously

 Photoshop CS3 won't use more than 4G for images, and 2G for cache.

Photoshop is a user more application. All user mode applications, on 32bit 
Windows, see 4GB of virtual address space. That is regardless of whether there 
is 1GB of RAM in the machine, 256MB of RAMin the machine or 500000GB of RAM in 
the machine


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