"...I take the time to teach and empower my users, most admins neither make
or take the time to do so. "

Then you are extremely privledged to have the opportunity and resources to
do so (serously, no sarcasm intended) !   In many environments, the Help
Desk has the day to day interaction with the users, and admins are only in
the escalation chain for what the Help Desk cannot resolve ( correctly or
otherwise ) ... Or else the admin is already working 55+ hours a week in a
40 hour job with too few resources, and not enough time or budget to
complete all the 'priority' tasks on his/her list .

( I'm using arbitrary salary $$$ here, but they're close in some
environments )  And how do you help your boss explain to the  executive
board ( CEO/CFO/CIO etc ) why he's got $30+ per hour staff doing the job of
$20 per hour staff ???  

Reality really hurts in many many locations especially these last couple of
years ... 

Erik Goldoff
IT  Consultant
Systems, Networks, & Security 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Cook [mailto:john.c...@pfsf.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 9:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Mail server software

I take the time to teach and empower my users, most admins neither make or
take the time to do so. I'm sure you've gone on a rant once or twice about
how stupid someone was for doing something they know better than to do.
I don't think being able to restore any (as in all messages ever sent or
received) random message is a requirement for 99.99% of the companies out
there. The White House can't even do it (go figure!)  If you've never had to
restore a mailbox because you've designed around Exchanges limitations then
you fully understand that there are shortcomings, as with every other piece
of software on the planet.
Well done!

John W. Cook
Systems Administrator
Partnership For Strong Families
315 SE 2nd Ave
Gainesville, Fl 32601
Office (352) 393-2741 x320
Cell     (352) 215-6944
Fax     (352) 393-2746

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