On 6 Sep 2006 at 21:29, Exile In Paradise wrote:

> Dear Open Game Gurus,
> I would like to discuss a real-world issue I am
> wrestling with.
> I am a collector and fan of a game system published
> from 1980-1994 by a publisher that is long since
> gone.

First and foremost, you need to retain the services of a lawyer who 
specializes in copyright & trademark issues. You are quite likely going 
to need one.

While game rules themselves are not copyrightable, tables are NOT 
game rules. They may be a specific expression of a game rule, but 
they are not rules themselves, and are thus copyrightable. Any 
attempts to recreate those tables, or to create new tables that are 
similar in look, feel, and use could be considered the creation of a 
derivative work, and thus a copyright violation. It doesn't matter if you 
are attempting to fix a "flaw" in the tables or not, the end result is going 
to be what matters here.

Rasyr (Tim Dugger)
 System Editor
 Iron Crown Enterprises - http://www.ironcrown.com

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