> Or I may get disgusted with the whole sorry state of
> copyright affairs related to a dead and gone game
> company and chuck the whole idea. I am not a lawyer
> and never really wanted to be.

I cant stand this comment.

It isnt for YOU to decide if the game is dead and what
can or cant be done with it. That game is owned by the
creator, not you.

There is no "sorry state of copyright affairs." 

What there are are some problems caused by new open
licenses and people trying to jam content that isnt
theirs into those licenses.

Perhaps what you meant is that copyright as to games
is still a pretty grey area. We have some statements
of general principles (cant copyright games, just the
specific expression) but not a ton of guidance as to
what that exactly means in any given situation.

So perhaps I am overreacting to your comment.


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