On Thu, 2006-09-07 at 09:04 -0700, Clark Peterson wrote:
> Robert-
> I guess I have two answers to your question:


All good points too.

Thanks very much for taking them time to lay them
out. I actually don't disagree with them in any
respect. More to think about.

Specifically, your point about section 5 of the
OGL is a very good one to have attached to this
thread, for anyone else who comes along with the
same idea/questions in mind.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the better
course of action would be to try to get a
license agreement hammered out with original
author that includes permission to release a
"derivative work" as Open Game Content. 

That is actually the course of action that
my first big project followed. I spent years
tracking down the original authors, and obtained
the permissions to create a derivative of their
original game, which definitely and clearly
comes under the "Authority to Contribute" as
an open game.

I tried to follow the same idea with this
specific publisher too, but having no luck,
this idea came up of creating a play-alike game
though the USPTO related to copyrights and game

The difference between the two projects comes from
the difference in the authors of the games. One 
game I am writing is from authors who are readily
available and interested in seeing a tabletop
version of their computer game brought to life,
versus this other publisher who doesn't communicate.
at all.

One game is getting written and played while the
other languishes into obscurity. A lot of offlist
mail is suggesting I let it die, anyway, and maybe
that is what the author really wants and the best
course of action overall.

Thanks again, to everyone, for the posts on these.
I am so glad I asked for professional help and
opinions on this up-front.
Robert "Exile In Paradise" Murphey
"The student in question is performing minimally
for his peer group and is an emerging underachiever."

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