On 8/25/07, Keith Gable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/24/07, James Paige <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am not sure whether madplay+oggenc
> > should be separate or included.
> Include madplay+oggenc always with every distribution. Most Windows
> users will have absolutely no idea what's going on when you say you
> need madplay and oggenc. They'll hate googling for it. Even if it is
> the minimal install, it's still a "support library". You'd include
> ohrrpgce.???, right? :P
> Based on your idea, I think there should be:
> ohrrpgce-full-installer.exe (the .exe implies Windows)
> ohrrpgce-full-win.zip
> ohrrpgce-minimal.zip
> For Linux, there's a dozen ways to do it. On Gentoo, OHRRPGCE is
> seperate packages for game/custom (ohrrpgce-player-wip,
> ohrrpgce-custom-wip). I don't know how you package it on
> Debian/Ubuntu.
> Speaking of which, I still have bunches more work to do on the packaging...
> --
> Keith Gable
> Lead Programmer / Project Leader
> The Ignition Project <http://www.ignition-project.com/>
> [Ask me how you can get a free Gmail account - Now with Google Chat!]

James! You forgot to include the sample RPGs in the release candidate
ful .zip and windows installer!
Also, I think the minimal .zip should include ohrrpgce.new. It
compresses to nothing, and is require both for upgrading and new

Incidentally, when Game upgrades an RPG, does it require ohrrpgce.new
for really old games?
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