On 08/02/2011 09:05 AM, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Aug 2, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Marcus (OOo) wrote:

Am 08/02/2011 04:53 PM, schrieb Dave Fisher:

On Aug 2, 2011, at 7:27 AM, Marcus (OOo) wrote:

Am 08/02/2011 02:15 PM, schrieb Rob Weir:
On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 4:03 AM, Marcus
(OOo)<marcus.m...@wtnet.de>    wrote:
Am 08/02/2011 03:00 AM, schrieb Dave Fisher:

On Aug 1, 2011, at 4:34 PM, Marcus (OOo) wrote:

Am 08/02/2011 01:00 AM, schrieb Ross Gardler:

On 1 August 2011 23:42, Marcus
(OOo)<marcus.m...@wtnet.de>       wrote:

Am 08/02/2011 12:15 AM, schrieb Ross Gardler:


The ASF does not care what your download page
looks like as long as you use the CGI scripts to
ensure that an appropriate mirror site is used.

Hm, let's see how independent the download thing
really will be. ;-)

Why don't you mock-up 9in the CMS) what you want the
download page to look like, without linking it in
from elsewhere. Once that is done then we can look at
making the download.cgi work the way you want it.

Good idea. Will do so.

I have a script for downloading the download web source
from the kenai svn.

If I download the complete AOOo svn tree particularly

You can run that script like so:

$ ../trunk/tools/dev/fetch-all-web.sh
../trunk/tools/dev/web-list.txt .

You then get this (along with all the sub-projects in the

download dave$ ls -1 2.4.3 all_beta.html all_rc.html
cachedimages common contribute.html download.js
download2.js download_bouncer.js download_mirrorbrain.js
exceptions.css globalvars.js index.html languages.js
md5sums next notes.html other.html print_tables.js
robots.txt sdk sdk.html source stable.html test

So it's there and it is a matter of wrapping it

I don't know what you mean with "wrapping". It's working
and with adjustment of CSS (header, footer, graphics, etc.)
and underlaying mirror structure it should run also for

Should we start by committing the download site as a
subsite of our incubator project?

The websites inside the incubator project should be
developer-oriented. But the download is nearly 100%
user-related, so I would like to see this content to be
continued on "www.openoffice.org" and not directly in a
Apache domain.

I think the point is this:  Even as we preserve the content
of the OpenOffice.org website, we're not going to be
re-hosting the Mercurial repositories on OO.o.  Everything
that was formerly in Mercurial will need to migrate somewhere
else, either SVN at Apache or to Hg at Apache-Extras.   The
future OO.o website, hosted by Apache will have its source
files checked into SVN at Apache.  We'd have a mechanism to
publish these files, on modification, to the right directory
for the web server.

We'll need a directory structure in SVN that reflects the
fact that we'll be storing source files for two websites
there.  This is not hard.

Right. In the SVN repo we have to make the separation of the 2
domains visible.'

Yes that is very true, but there is a problem. We only have the
one incubator site in the Apache CMS and we need to do some
experimental conversions. Let's mix in with our Incubator site
two initial projects - www and download - as subdirectories so we
can get started with headers and footers and modifying the CMS
build to handle the OOo site pages from Kenai.

OK, no problem to migratethe webpages into the incubator project.
Tehn we can "play" a bit with the content to see how it behaves.

We can then get started with branding as well.

Later we can change the svn structure to the one that allows
publishing of multiple sites in Apache. We'll need to discuss the
publishing of the openoffice domains using the Apache CMS with


I have committed the download project to the AOOo svn. No headers and
footers yet, but it is now available for "play"


good start!

To get headers and footers a template is needed and the view.pm will
need adjustment.


 Regards, Dave


At least this separation will be established from my point
of view.


We still need someone to work with infra@ to ensure
the mirror network can cope with the load, but I'm
sure that will be handled in good time.



"If you can keep your head when all others around you
 are losing theirs - maybe you don't fully understand
 the situation!"
                            -- Unknown

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