On 06/09/2011 15:56, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

What I find awkward around all of these discussions is that there are already 
several Apache OOo PPMC members who were and are already administrators and 
moderators on the OpenOffice.org forums, and not one of them stood up here, on 
ooo-dev, and said so.

It boggles my mind how much withholding is going on.

  - Dennis
Not strictly true. I've said several times that I was a moderator on the forums. This is getting to too much like the emperor's new clothes.

Does it have to be more complicated than this: agree the high-level points and them work out the detail. As far as i can see the main points are as follows.

1) The forums bring great value to the Ooo community and project alike. The more help the end users get the better. The more bugs that are brought to our attention and find their way into bugzilla the better. It is already one well-founded and respected face of OOo to the outside world.

2) The forums need a new home.

3) For that home to be under the Apache umbrella, as a minimum, it requires some tweaking of the forum management/administration, or at least, a permanent visible record of the management/administration actions.

4) Collaboratively, we ought to be able to get this done.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Grobmeier [mailto:grobme...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 02:58
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: What is needed for Support Forums to be fully integrated into the 
Apache OpenOffice.org project

We are a group of users who believes in OOo.
We like to help other users through forums (some like ML, we prefer forum,
that's life).
This all and then tons of work you already have done (up to 18.000
posts!!) should make you eligible as an ASF committer.


[ ... ]

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