Somehow, it did not sink in that you were part of the folk that have 
administrative functions already.  Especially when Terry was inviting PPMC 
members to come over. 

I grant you that he meant people who were taking positions about the forums 
without having been there to observe all that "even" a Volunteer can see.  When 
we went off on needing PPMC oversight, it would have been good to know that 
knowledgeable PPMC members were already positioned to provide that, at least 
for the English forum.

It still seems strange.

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: drew [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 08:29
Subject: RE: What is needed for Support Forums to be fully integrated into the 
Apache project

On Tue, 2011-09-06 at 07:56 -0700, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
> Christian,
> What I find awkward around all of these discussions is that there are already 
> several Apache OOo PPMC members who were and are already administrators and 
> moderators on the forums, and not one of them stood up here, 
> on ooo-dev, and said so.

Hi Dennis,

If I follow correctly, then I don't agree with that.

Terry, Zoltan, Khirano, Alexandro, Andreas, David, Ricardo, myself and I
may have missed someone (apologies if I did) - are all members of the
PPMC already if I'm not mistaken, we have all mentioned our involvement
on the forums more then once I believe.

Hagar (leads the global moderator group) has introduced himself, Cyril
from the French forum did the same. 

Haven't noticed anyone form the Chinese or Vietnamese forums, something
that I've known needs attending to, or maybe I just missed it.

> It boggles my mind how much withholding is going on.

To be honest I keep hearing oversight and looking at the list and
wondering, how much more oversight do they need - just about all the big
hitters are already in the PPMC - perhaps I should of said it just that




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