On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 9:05 AM, Claudio F Filho <filh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> On 10-12-2011 20:12, Louis R Suárez-Potts wrote:
>> Regular readers of this list might recall discussions by Khirano, Rob
>> and others about the fate of the Native Language projects in OOo. I'm
>> not sure what the outcome was, and a quick browse of archives didn't
>> really enlighten me, as it seems things were left hanging.
> +1.
>> I'd like to see if we can resolve this issue. A recap: OOo had many
>> "native-language projects" in which non-coding discussions were in
>> the native tongue, e.g., Russian, Viet, Brazilian Portuguese,
>> Gaelic(s), and so on. At any given moment there were about a hundred,
>> and one can see these listed still at http://projects.openoffice.org
>> /native-lang.html.
> It is true. The focus *only*(?) over code, IMHO, is a error. We have
> many good people that haven't idea about programming, but have good
> ideas about promotion, artwork, and other fronts.
>> Now to the present issue. I've written that I would rather focus
>> here, in Apache land, on coding. But that only opens the door, as it
>> were, to establishing the very successful Native Language modules
>> either in another wing of Apache (??) or outside the Apache frame but
>> corresponding to it, so that QA, a key element of the NL projects,
>> for instance, could be tied in. Licenses, etc., would have to be
>> harmonised. And I'd also suggest using a simpler work medium, such as
>> wikis.
> I agree with you, Louis. QA, doc and other elements where is not
> necessary coding skill, giving more freedom for non-tecnical people help
> the project.
>> PS The majority of the NL projects reformed to constitute
>> LibreOffice. Because of disparities of license, I suppose
>> harmonisation of effort will be more difficult, but by no means ought
>> it to be abandoned, if actual contributors deem it worthwhile.  I
>> dislike duplication of effort both as a project manager and as
>> someone who then has to persuade the bewildered user that A and B are
>> just alike but one is more equal than the other.
> I think that more that the license issue, we have a lot of people
> unhappy with the way that LibO is following, the same people that was
> part of NL and chose in go to LibO believing in a thing and finding
> other, so, i think that  really have people interested in help here, but
> with this posture of Apache are lost, without idea where help. Maybe is
> time to consider better this position and find a place for this work's
> force.

Hi Claudio, what do you mean by "this posture of Apache"?  I hope
there is a simple misunderstanding we can clear up.


> Bests,
> Claudio

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