On Dec 11, 2011, at 9:28 AM, Rob Weir wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 9:21 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts <lui...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry for top posting... But yes, I was pretty much thinking along the lines 
>> Rob sketched out modulo TJ F. I can sound out these ideas. Political as well 
>> as resource issues come to mind, but I also see this as an opportunity to do 
>> some macro collaboration with, say, other projects engaged. In both 
>> localisation and ecosystem building. And as to the developer communities: 
>> always a challenge, but I do have many years doing just this sort of thing, 
>> only now there is no shroud of suspicion palling motive.
>> (Nonsense words? iPad's spellchecker.)
> Hi Louis,
> Something to consider, if you find interest in having such peer
> projects at Apache.  You probably don't want to do an independent,
> parallel effort at IP review of the Oracle-SGA'ed contributions.  That
> would be painful.  So it might make sense to wait until we've done
> that all here, and then when we are ready to graduate, then we can go
> forward with a proposal on how we deploy as one or more TLP's.  Or
> something like that.  In general it is much easier to share
> already-vetted code across Apache projects, once we've done the
> initial review and cleanup work.

Well done Rob. An IP review is painful even once.


> -Rob
>> -- Louis Suárez-Potts
>> On 2011-12-10, at 20:06, TJ Frazier <tjfraz...@cfl.rr.com> wrote:
>>> On 12/10/2011 19:44, Rob Weir wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 7:21 PM, Ross Gardler
>>>> <rgard...@opendirective.com>  wrote:
>>>>> On 11 December 2011 00:13, Rob Weir<robw...@apache.org>  wrote:
>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 7:11 PM, Ross Gardler
>>>>>> <rgard...@opendirective.com>  wrote:
>>>>>>> On 11 December 2011 00:02, Rob Weir<robw...@apache.org>  wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 5:12 PM, Louis R 
>>>>>>>> Suárez-Potts<lo...@apache.org>  wrote:
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>> Now to the present issue. I've written that I would rather focus 
>>>>>>>>> here, in Apache land, on coding. But that only opens the door, as it 
>>>>>>>>> were, to establishing the very successful Native Language modules 
>>>>>>>>> either in another wing of Apache (??) or outside the Apache frame but 
>>>>>>>>> corresponding to it, so that QA, a key element of the NL projects, 
>>>>>>>>> for instance, could be tied in. Licenses, etc., would have to be 
>>>>>>>>> harmonised. And I'd also suggest using a simpler work medium, such as 
>>>>>>>>> wikis.
>>>>>>>>> I think some of this is already going on but it is not clear to me 
>>>>>>>>> *what* is going on or where. I'm not alone. I have received several 
>>>>>>>>> pings on this very question, and I'd like to move on it.
>>>>>>>> I can see several models that could work:
>>>>>>> All good options...
>>>>>>>> You hint at another option.  I'm not sure it would work, but let's
>>>>>>>> list it for sake of argument:
>>>>>>>> 4. NL projects are individually proposed as their own podlings.  Their
>>>>>>>> charter would be for them to produce localizations of AOO.  But they
>>>>>>>> would be autonomous PMC's within Apache, with their own website,
>>>>>>>> mailing lists, etc.
>>>>>>> Why do you feel this would this not work?
>>>>>> You have many Gaelic or Vietnamese-speaking mentors?
>>>>> Fair point, although it is reasonable to expect that many of the
>>>>> people involved will be bi-lingual at least (otherwise how can they
>>>>> translate). Option 4 should not be ruled out (and you didn't do so), I
>>>>> was just wondering what the source of your reservations was.
>>>> So a few other ways this doesn't quite fit a podling, as currently 
>>>> practiced:
>>>> 1) Ability to find mentors, as mentioned above.
>>>> 2) Ability of our infrastructure to handle non-ASCII collaboration.
>>>> We've already seen, in our small attempt to have some Japanese NL work
>>>> in this project, that Roller was not allowing Japanese text and that
>>>> the SpamAssassin flags every attempted post to the Japanese language
>>>> list as spam.  I'd expect some work would be needed in several areas.
>>>> But once done, this work would benefit others who attempt something
>>>> similar.  So not a bad thing to try.  But I'd anticipate initial
>>>> challenges of this kind.
>>>> 3) Technical skills needed to produce a release.  To get through the
>>>> ceremony of cutting a release at Apache requires someone understand
>>>> things ranging from SVN tagging to GPG signing.  Translators are not
>>>> coders.  Their expertise is on the linguistic side.  They are not
>>>> command-line people.  You might be lucky and have someone who can also
>>>> be comfortable with these things, but it would not be guaranteed.
>>>> 4) The efforts can be very small in some cases.  How do you get three
>>>> +1's for a release if there are only 2 people in your project?
>>>> 5) Growing the community of developers is hard.  Once you've
>>>> translated 100% of the GUI strings, then what?  Translate them again,
>>>> better?  And then better again?  Put differently, the work of
>>>> translation is finite and does not give much room for growth.
>>>> However, on the other, non-release side of NL projects, the outreach
>>>> to users, the website, etc., there is much room for growth.
>>>> 5) This creates a quasi-umbrella project.  Since translations are not
>>>> usable separate from the core AOO code, these other new projects would
>>>> be necessarily tied to the features and the schedule of AOO, assuming
>>>> they are not forking the code itself.  I've heard general unease with
>>>> umbrella projects at Apache.
>>>> But if we are willing to dream, you could imagine a kind of umbrella
>>>> project, not of code modules, but of user-facing interactions, where
>>>> autonomous groups within Apache maintained localized user-facing
>>>> pages, wikis, user lists, support forums, etc.   TLP might be too
>>>> heavy weight for this, since we have potentially many dozens of these,
>>>> and their releases would consist of translated strings that are only
>>>> useful when installed with AOO.  The non-release activities of the
>>>> project would clearly be their focus.  So this is something I don't
>>>> think we've seen at Apache in a TLP.   (We see them in foundation
>>>> projects, but this is not that).  Rather than squeeze it into an
>>>> existing mold, maybe it needs a new something?
>>>> -Rov
>>>>> Ross
>>> Idea? Some of the problems would be minimized if the Native Language 
>>> Confederation (NLC) as a whole became a project. Perhaps Louis could sound 
>>> out some folks on this?
>>> --
>>> /tj/

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