--- Ven 13/1/12, Jürgen Schmidt ha scritto:
> well that is a valid point that comes into my mind as well
> when I have read the mails and thought a little bit longer.
> If that is the only reason than we can move it besides
> trunk. But that is a technical solution only and it doesn't
> solve the underlying problem.
> And what is more important we can't exchange everything now
> and we can't remove all the features that depends on this
> category-b stuff. Otherwise the office is no longer useable
> and we can stop here or can kill the project directly.

I am only asking for the technical solution. I think we
have discussed sufficiently that replacing this stuff
is possible but will take time.

I am also not setting any time frame for moving those files.
beyond that we should do it somewhen before release. 

> The whole discussion is not really motivating for project
> members and of course does not really promote the Apache way
> or the ASF in general.

I agree it's not very motivating but in my defense it was
something that had to be discussed sooner better than later.

> So we always have to take Windows into account and on
> Windows you don't have system libraries for this stuff.

We can do packages of this stuff. It will even save time
from building over and over again the same stuff.
> So please come back to reality.
> Juergen
> PS who will go demotivated into the weekend

OK, this is something I really didn't intend. This was
meant to be discussed on a strictly technical level
without demotivating developers or calling "bloody
murder" on the project.

I hereby drop *any* claim that we may not be complying
with any relevant policy. Also to give full assurance
that I will not be problem to the project I will be
stepping down from the PPMC so my vote will not be
binding: I am really only interested in technical
discussions anyway.


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